California Held Hostage


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
In the early 1980s, the California State Employee Association became a local of the SEIU.

And here we are today:

"We helped to get you into office, and we've got a good memory. And come November, if you don't back our program, we'll help to get you out of office."

[ame=]SEIU Threat[/ame]
It sounds so simple, but that's not what they are doing.

SEIU has extracted excessive numbers of jobs and compensation packages from the state of CA. They use some of that largesse to donate to political candidates. The taxpayers are footing the bill for their means to reward and punish incumbents legislators.

It's a protection racket.
It sounds so simple, but that's not what they are doing.

SEIU has extracted excessive numbers of jobs and compensation packages from the state of CA. They use some of that largesse to donate to political candidates. The taxpayers are footing the bill for their means to reward and punish incumbents legislators.
It's a protection racket.

I'm torn between wishing Boxer or Carly on them. Probably Carly, she might be able to eavesdrop and get ICE some inside info. Then she could eavesdrop in SIEU and find out where the bodies are buried. Then again, CA voters need to grow a brain, if they don't it onl gets worse. Poor Ahnold just can't handle the Sacramento bullshit.
well, between the demorats and the unions california is done for,, a shit hole that sucks up money and people are leaving in droves. what the seiu gonna do when they price themselves outta work,, detttttroit city sound familiar at all?
well, between the demorats and the unions california is done for,, a shit hole that sucks up money and people are leaving in droves. what the seiu gonna do when they price themselves outta work,, detttttroit city sound familiar at all?

That's the incredible shrinking Motor City to you. Thank you very much. Personally, I'd like Michigan to sell the city to Hamas.
The unions have a rude awakening headed their way. The promises made to them can not be honored. That giant tearing sound you hear is all of the union contracts being torn up.
That's what happens when you put your trust in government. The founding fathers were smart and put in place an ever changing self correcting and people guided government.

The pendulum is swinging and people are waking up to this radical change and who is behind it. The unions are small and we should treat them as such. I have nothing against union workers but I know over compensation when I see it and I see it in union contracts all over California and the rest of the United States and it will self correct.
In the early 1980s, the California State Employee Association became a local of the SEIU.

And here we are today:

"We helped to get you into office, and we've got a good memory. And come November, if you don't back our program, we'll help to get you out of office."

SEIU Threat

You realize that the biggest union with the biggest retirement paycheck in this state is the Prison Guard Union?
There is a hostage situation and the Governator hasnt terminated someone? He really needs to live up to his movie hype.
It sounds so simple, but that's not what they are doing.

SEIU has extracted excessive numbers of jobs and compensation packages from the state of CA. They use some of that largesse to donate to political candidates. The taxpayers are footing the bill for their means to reward and punish incumbents legislators.

It's a protection racket.
Sounds like every corporation that pays into reelection campaigns in exchange for certain legislation
It sounds so simple, but that's not what they are doing.

SEIU has extracted excessive numbers of jobs and compensation packages from the state of CA. They use some of that largesse to donate to political candidates. The taxpayers are footing the bill for their means to reward and punish incumbents legislators.

It's a protection racket.
Sounds like every corporation that pays into reelection campaigns in exchange for certain legislation

Damn ... Captain Obvious strikes again.:rolleyes:
It sounds so simple, but that's not what they are doing.

SEIU has extracted excessive numbers of jobs and compensation packages from the state of CA. They use some of that largesse to donate to political candidates. The taxpayers are footing the bill for their means to reward and punish incumbents legislators.

It's a protection racket.
Sounds like every corporation that pays into reelection campaigns in exchange for certain legislation

Damn ... Captain Obvious strikes again.:rolleyes:

Except the corporations don't work for the state and don't have contracts with them for employment.

Someone needs to get that woman a few dozen donuts so she can chill out.
In the early 1980s, the California State Employee Association became a local of the SEIU.

And here we are today:

"We helped to get you into office, and we've got a good memory. And come November, if you don't back our program, we'll help to get you out of office."

SEIU Threat

Real politics in action

You scrub my back or I'll stop scrubbing yours.

Welcome to the real world, Boedicca.
The SEIU is an army of blacks and Hispanics.

California is minority-white.

Forget to add this to your picture, and you don't see the picture.
There is a hostage situation and the Governator hasnt terminated someone? He really needs to live up to his movie hype.

Arnold was the best Governor this State had ever seen.....when he was campaigning to be the Governor....six months in...he became just like the rest....useless...

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