Caleb Wallace, Anti-Mask ‘Freedom Rally’ Organizer, Dies at 30 With COVID


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
I wish he had not made the horrible choice to not vaccinate, wear a mask and social distance.

It cost him his life and he endured a very ugly death.

Interesting, his wife wore a mask. She didn't get the virus. She is now a pregnant widow with 3 other children. One of her children will never see or know their dad. The others will spend their lives with the hurt of their dad being taken from them.

Calib didn't wear a mask, didn't get vaccinated, got the virus and died.

Please, if you're unvaccinated and won't get it, at least wear a mask. They do work. If you use the right one. The image below will show which mask will protect you and the people around you.

The best choice is to get vaccinated. Please make the best choice.

You don't want to end up like this man and so many others.

Jesus, these conservatives are willing to die to "own the libs", and this guy was ultimately successful. He owned the libs. It should be carved on his headstone.
Jesus, these conservatives are willing to die to "own the libs", and this guy was ultimately successful. He owned the libs. It should be carved on his headstone.
We spend on the federal level near 50 billion dollars a year on HIV/Aids. Not including State and City and Local taxing districts. And not including what is hidden in any of our insurance bills and what is taken from taxes in every kind. The disease is continuing and expanding. Then we have all the other sexual diseases that costs ten of billions of dollars an more a year. I keep bringing this up because it is like this does not matter. So we can have an ending of this. And we know that the sexual disease is true and real. Imagine bad times and all of the payments stop.
It's a shame that this guy did not think of his family first. He knew that he had three children, although he held his "rally" before he again impregnated his partner. He chose not to take personal responsibility, so I don't care much about him. Will DiSantas support his family now?
I wish he had not made the horrible choice to not vaccinate, wear a mask and social distance.

It cost him his life and he endured a very ugly death.

Interesting, his wife wore a mask. She didn't get the virus. She is now a pregnant widow with 3 other children. One of her children will never see or know their dad. The others will spend their lives with the hurt of their dad being taken from them.

Calib didn't wear a mask, didn't get vaccinated, got the virus and died.

Please, if you're unvaccinated and won't get it, at least wear a mask. They do work. If you use the right one. The image below will show which mask will protect you and the people around you.

The best choice is to get vaccinated. Please make the best choice.

You don't want to end up like this man and so many others.

View attachment 532218
His poor wife… gotta feel for her. Looks like she got some good support though. Hope his insurance covers the medical bills.

Jesus, these conservatives are willing to die to "own the libs", and this guy was ultimately successful. He owned the libs. It should be carved on his headstone.

Their hate for anyone who doesn't agree with them is causing them to literally die.

It's mostly republicans who aren't vaccinated.

Most democrats have been vaccinated.

When elections roll around the republicans won't have many people to vote for them, their voters have died.

Some of the rest left behind will see what a bad choice it was to listen to republican propaganda and stop voting for republicans.

The republicans are shooting themselves in the foot.
His poor wife… gotta feel for her. Looks like she got some good support though. Hope his insurance covers the medical bills.

It doesn't look like he has insurance.

His wife set up an Go Fund Me page the day he went into the hospital.

She will be left responsible to pay those bills.

It takes a very selfish person to be so irresponsible.

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