Cain supporters switch to Gingrich?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Kudos to Jon Stewart..

Cain voters are leaving in droves and switching their support to Newt Gingrich. They are so shocked that Cain would cheat on his wife that they are changing their allegiance to someone who cheated on two wives
Kudos to Jon Stewart..

Cain voters are leaving in droves and switching their support to Newt Gingrich. They are so shocked that Cain would cheat on his wife that they are changing their allegiance to someone who cheated on two wives

Does that make Gingrich TWICE as good and TWICE as worthy of their support? So much for family values. :eusa_eh:
Kudos to Jon Stewart..

Cain voters are leaving in droves and switching their support to Newt Gingrich. They are so shocked that Cain would cheat on his wife that they are changing their allegiance to someone who cheated on two wives

When I first heard of supporters 'flocking' to Gingrich after becoming disillusioned with Cain's indiscretions and his apparent lack of self-control in his personal life and the subsequent lying (some would say bald-faced lying) in an effort to keep his candidacy afloat, I wasn't at all surprised that they wanted to support a different candidate.

But Gingrich? Gingrich served for years as a politician who tried to win at any and all costs and then cashed in on his name and influence in the many years after he left office. And in both of those roles, Gingrich is a considerabbly more accomplished liar and a far more amoral person in an average day than Cain has ever been on his worst day.
...papers while his wife was laying in bed dying from cancer!

Kudos to Jon Stewart..

Cain voters are leaving in droves and switching their support to Newt Gingrich. They are so shocked that Cain would cheat on his wife that they are changing their allegiance to someone who cheated on two wives
By Tim Murphy

State-level adultery provisions are rarely if ever enforced, but they're on the books for a reason; in many cases, they've stayed in existence due to the efforts of social-conservative activist groups and legislators. That includes folks like former Pennsylvania senator and current presidential candidate Rick Santorum. Santorum has said Americans don't have a constitutional right to sexual freedom and, taking it step further, singled out adultery, polygamy, bestiality, and homosexuality as immoral acts that should be regulated by the federal government. In 2009, when Minnesota lawmakers sought to repeal the state's prohibition on adultery (which, among other things, punished women more severely than men), the conservative Minnesota Family Council fought back, calling for the laws to be strengthened. (The MFC once counted Rep. Michele Bachmann as one of its education experts, and both Bachmann and Gingrich have raised money for the organization.)

MAP & More: Map: Is Adultery Illegal? | Mother Jones
Kudos to Jon Stewart..

Cain voters are leaving in droves and switching their support to Newt Gingrich. They are so shocked that Cain would cheat on his wife that they are changing their allegiance to someone who cheated on two wives

Uh, no. That's not why Cain is being abandoned at all.

Cain is being abandoned because he's showing he's not up to the task. It's not just the fact that he completely fumbled his handling of this issue. It's that he doesn't seem to be up on key facts.

And Newt is more knowledgable, more expereinced and a more solid campaigner.

I've said it before. Cain was a "none of the above" ballot until someone proved themselves worthy. Someone has.
Gingrich is a considerabbly more accomplished liar and a far more amoral person in an average day than Cain has ever been on his worst day.

Gingrich has been caught at doing much worse that Cain has been caught doing.

Who knows which is worse?

What blows my mind is that anyone would ever even consider hiring either of these two morally bankrupt jerks as President of the United States.

Come to think of it, I keep thinking the same thing about the rest of the Clown Car Candidates as well.

WHY can't the GObP/pubs/baggers come up with even one decent human being who has some sort of qualification for the office?
Kudos to Jon Stewart..

Cain voters are leaving in droves and switching their support to Newt Gingrich. They are so shocked that Cain would cheat on his wife that they are changing their allegiance to someone who cheated on two wives

I just saw this and it it is funny.

Newt Gingrich GOP Frontrunner: Why It's Actually Happening (CHART)


That's a hoot but some of those things are probably true.

Of course he looks good standing next to some of the dumbest pubs in the country.
Kudos to Jon Stewart..

Cain voters are leaving in droves and switching their support to Newt Gingrich. They are so shocked that Cain would cheat on his wife that they are changing their allegiance to someone who cheated on two wives

Uh, no. That's not why Cain is being abandoned at all.

Cain is being abandoned because he's showing he's not up to the task. It's not just the fact that he completely fumbled his handling of this issue. It's that he doesn't seem to be up on key facts.

And Newt is more knowledgable, more expereinced and a more solid campaigner.

I've said it before. Cain was a "none of the above" ballot until someone proved themselves worthy. Someone has.

Kudos to Jon Stewart..

Cain voters are leaving in droves and switching their support to Newt Gingrich. They are so shocked that Cain would cheat on his wife that they are changing their allegiance to someone who cheated on two wives

Uh, no. That's not why Cain is being abandoned at all.

Cain is being abandoned because he's showing he's not up to the task. It's not just the fact that he completely fumbled his handling of this issue. It's that he doesn't seem to be up on key facts.

And Newt is more knowledgable, more expereinced and a more solid campaigner.

I've said it before. Cain was a "none of the above" ballot until someone proved themselves worthy. Someone has.


If you liberals think Mitt is so great, you nominate him.

He'd be better than the failed Community Organizer you have now.
Uh, no. That's not why Cain is being abandoned at all.

Cain is being abandoned because he's showing he's not up to the task. It's not just the fact that he completely fumbled his handling of this issue. It's that he doesn't seem to be up on key facts.

And Newt is more knowledgable, more expereinced and a more solid campaigner.

I've said it before. Cain was a "none of the above" ballot until someone proved themselves worthy. Someone has.


If you liberals think Mitt is so great, you nominate him.

He'd be better than the failed Community Organizer you have now.

Merely stressing the inevitable
If Cain decides to drop out, he could become the "kingmaker" by throwing his support behind Romney and giving his poll numbers a much needed bump upwards. Cain supported Romney during the last election and both have made "complimentary" comments about each other. The longer Cain waits to make such a decision, however, the less support he will be able to deliver to the Romney camp.

As long as Bachmann and Santorum remain in the race, they will weaken Perry, the only Tea Party candidate that has any chance at representing that wing of the party.

Neither Gingrich or Paul have the support of the Republican "establishment," who see Romney, based on the polls, as the one and only GOP candidate capable of defeating Obama in the general election. The Party "insiders" want to back a "winner," even if his politics tend tobe to the "political left" of 75% of the Party.

Gingrich is considered "yesterday's man," and is loaded down with too much personal/political baggage. While a good debater, his behaviour tends to be erratic, "marches to his own drummer" and is not considered a good "team player" - ask the 2 wives that he cheated on!

Be prepared for see the Gingrich and Paul Campaigns "swiftwatered" before the 1st primary in Iowa. Perry could also attract some "anonymous" attention, if he were to show any signs of resurrecting his campaign and becoming a serious challenger.

Despite Ann Coulter's protests to the contrary, if there are any further "dirty tricks" to be played during the upcoming GOP presidential primaries, they will be coming from the Republican "insiders" - "the fix" is in.
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Kudos to Jon Stewart..

Cain voters are leaving in droves and switching their support to Newt Gingrich. They are so shocked that Cain would cheat on his wife that they are changing their allegiance to someone who cheated on two wives

That's the difference. EVERYONE in this country knew long before Newt Gingrich entered this race that he had--an extramarital affair 17 years ago. In fact all the dirt that can be thrown at Newt Gingrich over the last 17 years has already been thrown--IOW--no NEW surprises.

Newt Gingrich has been VETTED for the last 17 years.

When you have a candidate that is basically unknown--where skeletons are continually jumping out of the closet--& all these SURPRISES--is when the candidates campaign goes from the thrill of 999 to 911.
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Kudos to Jon Stewart..

Cain voters are leaving in droves and switching their support to Newt Gingrich. They are so shocked that Cain would cheat on his wife that they are changing their allegiance to someone who cheated on two wives

Cain supporters switch to Gingrich?

Yes, then all of them will eventually go to Romney. Its so predictable.
Kudos to Jon Stewart..

Cain voters are leaving in droves and switching their support to Newt Gingrich. They are so shocked that Cain would cheat on his wife that they are changing their allegiance to someone who cheated on two wives

Cain supporters switch to Gingrich?

Yes, then all of them will eventually go to Romney. Its so predictable.

Wishful thinking?

Crystal Ball?

Kudos to Jon Stewart..

Cain voters are leaving in droves and switching their support to Newt Gingrich. They are so shocked that Cain would cheat on his wife that they are changing their allegiance to someone who cheated on two wives

When I first heard of supporters 'flocking' to Gingrich after becoming disillusioned with Cain's indiscretions and his apparent lack of self-control in his personal life and the subsequent lying (some would say bald-faced lying) in an effort to keep his candidacy afloat, I wasn't at all surprised that they wanted to support a different candidate.

But Gingrich? Gingrich served for years as a politician who tried to win at any and all costs and then cashed in on his name and influence in the many years after he left office. And in both of those roles, Gingrich is a considerabbly more accomplished liar and a far more amoral person in an average day than Cain has ever been on his worst day.

This man, when asked if hey knew of any other women he had affairs with, he said, not off the top of my head. Not that I know of.

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