CA secession effort ends

Calexit backers drop 1 California secession bid, try again

Ironically because the man leading the effort had ties to Russia. Go figure

So do I have this straight? The President of CalExit WANTS to emigrate to Russia? Thinks it's far preferable to living in California under Trump? Doesn't EVERYONE left in Cali feel that way? :biggrin:
Next Sunday, all Californians that don't want to live under Trump should walk into the ocean and swim away from shore as far as they can in protest.
Calexit backers drop 1 California secession bid, try again

Ironically because the man leading the effort had ties to Russia. Go figure

So do I have this straight? The President of CalExit WANTS to emigrate to Russia? Thinks it's far preferable to living in California under Trump? Doesn't EVERYONE left in Cali feel that way? :biggrin:
Next Sunday, all Californians that don't want to live under Trump should walk into the ocean and swim away from shore as far as they can in protest.

Or maybe they should do this more slowly. Like just have the Channel Islands go first. The New Republic of Santa Catalina. I think Charlie Sheen would be a fine first Prez.. Maybe Rosie O'donell as Sec of State. They could invade the Baja and take over Cabo !!!!
Calexit backers drop 1 California secession bid, try again

Ironically because the man leading the effort had ties to Russia. Go figure
Damn! I was really hoping we could kick Marxistfornia out of the US!

Nope. That's US territory. They can check out any time they like, but they can never leave.

US forces would melt at the sight of so many snowflakes throwing temper tantrums at once. Probably use kittens and puppies as shields.
i lived there for 48 years and seen this shit in one form or another every few years,and yet the state is still there in one piece.....what you people dont realize is not everyone in California is a far lefty and MANY democrats also, dont buy that leave the country bullshit .....
And how many times over could California buy Tennessee?

Probably none. Aint no way we'd let them fuck up God's country.. :lmao: Besides, my little Tenn community has stolen FOUR (count them) National Corporate HQs from Cali in the 11 years I've been here. Including the Nissan of North American HQ... It's OBVIOUS where the VALUE is in quality of living and natural preservation and cost of housing and things.
CA secession effort ends

There never was one.

Except possibly in the minds of a few of the nuttier state snowflakes. They always show up after every election. No one pays them any mind, and soon they go away. Again.
It won't end, the seed is planted and many people want the rednecks to go back to Mississippi and do their church burning there. The dear leader of the cons, drumpf, will remind normal people why it would be so much better to break away from the fake Kristians and form Canada South. Honestly aren't you cons pining for your own new country where you can outlaw religions you don't like and do away with the minimum wage and workplace protections? Think of the misery you could lord over the population.
There will be no secession. The effort in California is almost as stupid those idiots in Texas that wanted to do the same thing a while back.

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