Buttigieg seeks to unite church and state

What a flaming hypocrite! A pro-abortion sodomite knows NOTHING of Christianity.

Pete Buttigieg: I’ll Bring Christianity Back To The White House. But He’s Pro-Abortion

Where is abortion mentioned in the Bible?
Where did Jesus say- oh something like- 'don't get abortions'?

Oh right- abortion is not mentioned in the Bible.

But its always fun to see Christians claim other Christians are not Christian because those Christians don't believe in something that Jesus never said.
Jesus loved the children. He would hate the fact that a person could be so evil, to kill the defenseless. To take away a life before it could be born, for covience. Then actually bragging about it.

He most certainly cared as much after they are born.
Maybe you personally don't favor capital punishment (it's the internet you cam claim anything you want) but the vast majority of anti-abortion "religious" types do.

t seems to me that it is someone who defends and supports the cold-blooded slaughter of the most innocent and defenseless of children, but opposes the execution of the very worst of convicted criminals, who has some explaining to do.
The people who bring war upon themselves are entirely responsible for the deaths caused by that war. You probably like blaming the Israelis when one of your Hamas heroes hides behind them while launching rockets or sniping at Jewish civilians. They like surrounding their mortar and rocket pits with children expressedly [sic] to get them killed. They know sociopath freaks like yourself love seeing the pictures and using them to demand genocide against Israelis, just as one example.

I'm not going to go that far in trying to justify war. I recognize war as nothing better than an unavoidable, and sometimes necessary evil.

Our current wars were completely avoidable.
Jesus loved the children. He would hate the fact that a person could be so evil, to kill the defenseless. To take away a life before it could be born, for covience. Then actually bragging about it.

How nice that he has you to speak for him huh?
Nothing like the unbelievers do on here and politician's when you try to make a point. In the bible it tells how God and Jesus love the children and sucking them out of the womb and chopping them up. Isn't part of God's plan. Abortion supporters may not pay on earth, but in the after life they will realize the evil they supported for eternity.
You can't be a pee wee puffer and support murdering babies and claim Christianity

Fcking clown

You can't be a Putin pee wee puffer, support the Russians and claim patriotism, either. But Trump does.
Judging by your avatar, anyone that would post such a disgusting meme has to be one perverted sick bastard.

You got no room to talk about pee wee puffers.
What a flaming hypocrite! A pro-abortion sodomite knows NOTHING of Christianity.

Pete Buttigieg: I’ll Bring Christianity Back To The White House. But He’s Pro-Abortion

Where is abortion mentioned in the Bible?
Where did Jesus say- oh something like- 'don't get abortions'?

Oh right- abortion is not mentioned in the Bible.

But its always fun to see Christians claim other Christians are not Christian because those Christians don't believe in something that Jesus never said.
Jesus loved the children. He would hate the fact that a person could be so evil, to kill the defenseless. To take away a life before it could be born, for covience. Then actually bragging about it.

He most certainly cared as much after they are born.
Even in the womb, God has a purpose and plan for that life. Now evil humans take it away from a defenseless baby, and now some of the mother' brag about it.
What a flaming hypocrite! A pro-abortion sodomite knows NOTHING of Christianity.

Pete Buttigieg: I’ll Bring Christianity Back To The White House. But He’s Pro-Abortion

Where is abortion mentioned in the Bible?
Where did Jesus say- oh something like- 'don't get abortions'?

Oh right- abortion is not mentioned in the Bible.

But its always fun to see Christians claim other Christians are not Christian because those Christians don't believe in something that Jesus never said.
Jesus loved the children. He would hate the fact that a person could be so evil, to kill the defenseless. To take away a life before it could be born, for covience. Then actually bragging about it.

He most certainly cared as much after they are born.
Even in the womb, God has a purpose and plan for that life. Now evil humans take it away from a defenseless baby, and now some of the mother' brag about it.

People brag about putting kids in cages also.
I'm not going to go that far in trying to justify war. I recognize war as nothing better than an unavoidable, and sometimes necessary evil.

Our current wars were completely avoidable.

I cannot honestly be claim to be qualified to make that judgement. The decision to go to ward has been made by people who have a much better understanding of the international circumstances and how they affect the interests of this country and its people, than I possibly ever could. I can only hope that those charged with making these decisions are doing so wisely, but alas, my confidence in this hope is rather low.

It does seem to me that we are involved in wars that we probably ought not to be, and that there are some circumstances that we ought to be seriously treating as war, and acting accordingly, that we are not.
CONCLUSION: There are Christians who believe the Bible condemns abortion, but there are others, including other Christians, who believe it does not. Both sides quote the Scriptures to support their position. If you think that your interpretation of the scriptures is correct, fine. Just remember that others think just as strongly that their interpretation is right. Fight nice.

As for me, I have studied the Bible for over 60 years and have yet to find a single Biblical verse that specifically and unambiguously either supports or condemns abortion. The only such reference appears in the extra-Biblical Book of Barnabas:

“Thou shalt not destroy thy conceptions before they are brought forth; nor kill them after they are born” (XIV: 11).

The Lost Books of the Bible: The General Epistle of Barnabas

There's no debate on what that verse means; however, there is nothing within the pages of the Bible that addresses the issue so directly and so clearly.

And maybe there was little need to constantly repeat the obvious as well? Peculiarities of Hebrew linguistics also play a big role in the matter, and re the Exodus 21: 22 -23 stuff this article makes it clear how that works re language used and context. I think you might find it interesting.

What Exodus 21:22 Says about Abortion | Stand to Reason

This cite is near the end of the article, but does bear on the more general discussions re biblical language and context:

Moses had words in his vocabulary that literally meant abortion or miscarriage, but he didn't use them in Exodus 21:22. Instead, he chose the same word he used in many other places to signify a living child being brought forth.

I think the author makes an excellent case and is largely correct. Thomas of Aquina also has some related exegeses on when 'fetuses' become people as well, quite extensive commentaries on it; even though he doesn't believe souls enter babies until they're 6 months old he has some solid reasoning against abortions as well. I don't think he would have bothered if the bible didn't mention abortions.
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I'm not going to go that far in trying to justify war. I recognize war as nothing better than an unavoidable, and sometimes necessary evil.

Our current wars were completely avoidable.

I cannot honestly be claim to be qualified to make that judgement. The decision to go to ward has been made by people who have a much better understanding of the international circumstances and how they affect the interests of this country and its people, than I possibly ever could. I can only hope that those charged with making these decisions are doing so wisely, but alas, my confidence in this hope is rather low.

It does seem to me that we are involved in wars that we probably ought not to be, and that there are some circumstances that we ought to be seriously treating as war, and acting accordingly, that we are not.

18 years killing tens of thousand innocent women and children and we have accomplished nothing other than destroy other countries.
What a flaming hypocrite! A pro-abortion sodomite knows NOTHING of Christianity.

Pete Buttigieg: I’ll Bring Christianity Back To The White House. But He’s Pro-Abortion

Where is abortion mentioned in the Bible?
Where did Jesus say- oh something like- 'don't get abortions'?

Oh right- abortion is not mentioned in the Bible.

But its always fun to see Christians claim other Christians are not Christian because those Christians don't believe in something that Jesus never said.
Jesus loved the children. He would hate the fact that a person could be so evil, to kill the defenseless. To take away a life before it could be born, for covience. Then actually bragging about it.

He most certainly cared as much after they are born.
Even in the womb, God has a purpose and plan for that life. Now evil humans take it away from a defenseless baby, and now some of the mother' brag about it.

People brag about putting kids in cages also.
Yeah brag about Obama getting away with it? Then all a sudden get outraged when it benefits them?
Abortion is no where condemned in the Bible...in the Old Testament or the New Testament

And newsflash...if you are Christian...the New Testament is the more relevant

Says an idiot. Very convincing, if you're a 20 year old meth head who got socially promoted from the second grade on till they dropped out in 9th grade.
Where is abortion mentioned in the Bible?
Where did Jesus say- oh something like- 'don't get abortions'?

Oh right- abortion is not mentioned in the Bible.

But its always fun to see Christians claim other Christians are not Christian because those Christians don't believe in something that Jesus never said.
Jesus loved the children. He would hate the fact that a person could be so evil, to kill the defenseless. To take away a life before it could be born, for covience. Then actually bragging about it.

He most certainly cared as much after they are born.
Even in the womb, God has a purpose and plan for that life. Now evil humans take it away from a defenseless baby, and now some of the mother' brag about it.

People brag about putting kids in cages also.
Yeah brag about Obama getting away with it? Then all a sudden get outraged when it benefits them?

Both were wrong. You have never seen me defend much of anything Obama did.

I supported like 90% of what Candidate Obama said. I supported maybe 10% of what President Obama actually did.
I'm not going to go that far in trying to justify war. I recognize war as nothing better than an unavoidable, and sometimes necessary evil.

Our current wars were completely avoidable.

I cannot honestly be claim to be qualified to make that judgement. The decision to go to ward has been made by people who have a much better understanding of the international circumstances and how they affect the interests of this country and its people, than I possibly ever could. I can only hope that those charged with making these decisions are doing so wisely, but alas, my confidence in this hope is rather low.

It does seem to me that we are involved in wars that we probably ought not to be, and that there are some circumstances that we ought to be seriously treating as war, and acting accordingly, that we are not.

18 years killing tens of thousand innocent women and children and we have accomplished nothing other than destroy other countries.

yeah, cuz there would be no wars if it weren't fir us Evul Amurkins. lol you frauds are a joke. Far more people would be dead now if we did stay out of world politics, and as history has showed from our beginnings hiding under our beds and wimpering never kept the scum away from attacking us anyway. Only the Stupid think they can remain neutral. Even Jefferson had to abandon that fantasy.
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I'm not going to go that far in trying to justify war. I recognize war as nothing better than an unavoidable, and sometimes necessary evil.

Our current wars were completely avoidable.

I cannot honestly be claim to be qualified to make that judgement. The decision to go to ward has been made by people who have a much better understanding of the international circumstances and how they affect the interests of this country and its people, than I possibly ever could. I can only hope that those charged with making these decisions are doing so wisely, but alas, my confidence in this hope is rather low.

It does seem to me that we are involved in wars that we probably ought not to be, and that there are some circumstances that we ought to be seriously treating as war, and acting accordingly, that we are not.

18 years killing tens of thousand innocent women and children and we have accomplished nothing other than destroy other countries.

yeah, cuz there would be no wars if it weren't fir us Evul Amurkins. lol you frauds are a joke. Far more people would be dead now if we did stay out of world politics, and as history has showed for our beginnings hiding under our beds and wimpering never kept the scum away from attacking us anyway. Only the Stupid think they can remain neutral.

There would be wars......that does not in any way defend what we have done.

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