Buttigieg releases plan for LGBT issues if he becomes president


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

Like most Democratic discussion of these issues, Buttigieg’s plan is full of hyperbolic rhetoric and alarmingly stupid ideas. for example, Buttigieg endorses the “decriminalization of HIV transmission.” His plan goes into almost zero specifics, but if this is anything like what his fellow presidential candidate Cory Booker said at the last gay rights forum — where he called for the repeal of laws that make non-disclosure of HIV status to sexual partners a crime — then it’s insane.

It should absolutely be illegal to put another person unknowingly at risk of HIV through a sexual encounter. Essentially, by withholding that information, you are robbing the other person of their ability to consent, because they don’t actually know the risks they’re getting themselves into. If Buttigieg can’t recognize that, then he’s displaying some seriously misguided judgment.

And some of Buttigieg’s 18-page proposal is just downright silly, like when he calls for “expanding LGBTQ representation in the National Parks System.” Uh, okay.

But Buttigieg's platform includes plenty of good and sensible policy recommendations as well.

He would rescind the Trump administration’s ban on transgender people serving in the military — undoubtedly the right move, as the ban is misguided, unjustified, and discriminatory. Buttigieg would also restore military benefits to gay and transgender veterans who were unfairly discharged on the basis of their identity under the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy that banned openly gay people from serving and the transgender ban. This is completely warranted and commendable: Anyone brave enough to risk their life for our country and then unfairly targeted for discrimination still ought to receive the same benefits as other veterans.

Additionally, Buttigieg would repeal the archaic ban on sexually active gay and bisexual men donating blood. The decades-old policy is rooted more in fear and stigma over the HIV crisis than any actual medical justification, and Buttigieg is right to call for a more science-based approach. And the mayor’s call to ban so-called “conversion therapy” is well-warranted, as it’s a form of medical malpractice and fraud. His plan to have the Federal Trade Commission label and ban it as such is spot-on.
I agree with the bottom paragraph.
I dont agree with trannies in the military. They are mentally ill.
You can get kicked out for recurring nightmares but not dysphoria? What a load of shit.
The rest is just ridiculous. Non disclosure of HIV is a serious thing.
So you want gays to tell sex partners they have HIV but figure what the hell, let blood transfusion patients roll the dice? Not well thought out.

Trans people don’t “deserve” to be treated normal. They aren’t, they are nut cases. No military, no job security, no putting up with that bullshit.

The rest is stupid crap you’d expect if you voted in a faggot.
I blame Reagan
If he had let HIV run its true and natural course, we wouldn't have all these problems
for example, Buttigieg endorses the “decriminalization of HIV transmission.”

Engaging in unprotected sex when you know you are carrying the HIV virus is almost attempted murder in my book. I don't care how much the virus is suppressed by treatment drugs. You need to tell your partner if you are HIV positive.

Like most Democratic discussion of these issues, Buttigieg’s plan is full of hyperbolic rhetoric and alarmingly stupid ideas. for example, Buttigieg endorses the “decriminalization of HIV transmission.” His plan goes into almost zero specifics, but if this is anything like what his fellow presidential candidate Cory Booker said at the last gay rights forum — where he called for the repeal of laws that make non-disclosure of HIV status to sexual partners a crime — then it’s insane.

It should absolutely be illegal to put another person unknowingly at risk of HIV through a sexual encounter. Essentially, by withholding that information, you are robbing the other person of their ability to consent, because they don’t actually know the risks they’re getting themselves into. If Buttigieg can’t recognize that, then he’s displaying some seriously misguided judgment.

And some of Buttigieg’s 18-page proposal is just downright silly, like when he calls for “expanding LGBTQ representation in the National Parks System.” Uh, okay.

But Buttigieg's platform includes plenty of good and sensible policy recommendations as well.

He would rescind the Trump administration’s ban on transgender people serving in the military — undoubtedly the right move, as the ban is misguided, unjustified, and discriminatory. Buttigieg would also restore military benefits to gay and transgender veterans who were unfairly discharged on the basis of their identity under the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy that banned openly gay people from serving and the transgender ban. This is completely warranted and commendable: Anyone brave enough to risk their life for our country and then unfairly targeted for discrimination still ought to receive the same benefits as other veterans.

Additionally, Buttigieg would repeal the archaic ban on sexually active gay and bisexual men donating blood. The decades-old policy is rooted more in fear and stigma over the HIV crisis than any actual medical justification, and Buttigieg is right to call for a more science-based approach. And the mayor’s call to ban so-called “conversion therapy” is well-warranted, as it’s a form of medical malpractice and fraud. His plan to have the Federal Trade Commission label and ban it as such is spot-on.

Thank God neither the faghadist or Booker will ever be president.


Like most Democratic discussion of these issues, Buttigieg’s plan is full of hyperbolic rhetoric and alarmingly stupid ideas. for example, Buttigieg endorses the “decriminalization of HIV transmission.” His plan goes into almost zero specifics, but if this is anything like what his fellow presidential candidate Cory Booker said at the last gay rights forum — where he called for the repeal of laws that make non-disclosure of HIV status to sexual partners a crime — then it’s insane.

It should absolutely be illegal to put another person unknowingly at risk of HIV through a sexual encounter. Essentially, by withholding that information, you are robbing the other person of their ability to consent, because they don’t actually know the risks they’re getting themselves into. If Buttigieg can’t recognize that, then he’s displaying some seriously misguided judgment.

And some of Buttigieg’s 18-page proposal is just downright silly, like when he calls for “expanding LGBTQ representation in the National Parks System.” Uh, okay.

But Buttigieg's platform includes plenty of good and sensible policy recommendations as well.

He would rescind the Trump administration’s ban on transgender people serving in the military — undoubtedly the right move, as the ban is misguided, unjustified, and discriminatory. Buttigieg would also restore military benefits to gay and transgender veterans who were unfairly discharged on the basis of their identity under the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy that banned openly gay people from serving and the transgender ban. This is completely warranted and commendable: Anyone brave enough to risk their life for our country and then unfairly targeted for discrimination still ought to receive the same benefits as other veterans.

Additionally, Buttigieg would repeal the archaic ban on sexually active gay and bisexual men donating blood. The decades-old policy is rooted more in fear and stigma over the HIV crisis than any actual medical justification, and Buttigieg is right to call for a more science-based approach. And the mayor’s call to ban so-called “conversion therapy” is well-warranted, as it’s a form of medical malpractice and fraud. His plan to have the Federal Trade Commission label and ban it as such is spot-on.
Free Butt Plugs and Anal Lube for everyone?

there is no such thing as a trans 9 year old.

there is such a thing as child abuse

Like most Democratic discussion of these issues, Buttigieg’s plan is full of hyperbolic rhetoric and alarmingly stupid ideas. for example, Buttigieg endorses the “decriminalization of HIV transmission.” His plan goes into almost zero specifics, but if this is anything like what his fellow presidential candidate Cory Booker said at the last gay rights forum — where he called for the repeal of laws that make non-disclosure of HIV status to sexual partners a crime — then it’s insane.

It should absolutely be illegal to put another person unknowingly at risk of HIV through a sexual encounter. Essentially, by withholding that information, you are robbing the other person of their ability to consent, because they don’t actually know the risks they’re getting themselves into. If Buttigieg can’t recognize that, then he’s displaying some seriously misguided judgment.

And some of Buttigieg’s 18-page proposal is just downright silly, like when he calls for “expanding LGBTQ representation in the National Parks System.” Uh, okay.

But Buttigieg's platform includes plenty of good and sensible policy recommendations as well.

He would rescind the Trump administration’s ban on transgender people serving in the military — undoubtedly the right move, as the ban is misguided, unjustified, and discriminatory. Buttigieg would also restore military benefits to gay and transgender veterans who were unfairly discharged on the basis of their identity under the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy that banned openly gay people from serving and the transgender ban. This is completely warranted and commendable: Anyone brave enough to risk their life for our country and then unfairly targeted for discrimination still ought to receive the same benefits as other veterans.

Additionally, Buttigieg would repeal the archaic ban on sexually active gay and bisexual men donating blood. The decades-old policy is rooted more in fear and stigma over the HIV crisis than any actual medical justification, and Buttigieg is right to call for a more science-based approach. And the mayor’s call to ban so-called “conversion therapy” is well-warranted, as it’s a form of medical malpractice and fraud. His plan to have the Federal Trade Commission label and ban it as such is spot-on.

Boy, the libs just can't get back to the gays fast enough! When Obama was in, it was GAY GAY GAY. Now Warren is sucking their ass and next is Buttplug. So you're gay! Get on with it! You can vote, you can work, you can marry, you can eat, no one openly discriminates you, move on to some real issue with America that actually addresses the country and quit your genuflecting to some small minority base.
in 30 states, my friends, LGBT folks are at risk of being fired simply for being who they are.

as an example, there's Amy Stevens of Michigan!

we are still at a point in this country where people are treated differently just because of their sexual orientation.

in the supreme court it is etched in marble: "equal under the law"

JUSTICE...for all or for some?

Like most Democratic discussion of these issues, Buttigieg’s plan is full of hyperbolic rhetoric and alarmingly stupid ideas. for example, Buttigieg endorses the “decriminalization of HIV transmission.” His plan goes into almost zero specifics, but if this is anything like what his fellow presidential candidate Cory Booker said at the last gay rights forum — where he called for the repeal of laws that make non-disclosure of HIV status to sexual partners a crime — then it’s insane.

It should absolutely be illegal to put another person unknowingly at risk of HIV through a sexual encounter. Essentially, by withholding that information, you are robbing the other person of their ability to consent, because they don’t actually know the risks they’re getting themselves into. If Buttigieg can’t recognize that, then he’s displaying some seriously misguided judgment.

And some of Buttigieg’s 18-page proposal is just downright silly, like when he calls for “expanding LGBTQ representation in the National Parks System.” Uh, okay.

But Buttigieg's platform includes plenty of good and sensible policy recommendations as well.

He would rescind the Trump administration’s ban on transgender people serving in the military — undoubtedly the right move, as the ban is misguided, unjustified, and discriminatory. Buttigieg would also restore military benefits to gay and transgender veterans who were unfairly discharged on the basis of their identity under the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy that banned openly gay people from serving and the transgender ban. This is completely warranted and commendable: Anyone brave enough to risk their life for our country and then unfairly targeted for discrimination still ought to receive the same benefits as other veterans.

Additionally, Buttigieg would repeal the archaic ban on sexually active gay and bisexual men donating blood. The decades-old policy is rooted more in fear and stigma over the HIV crisis than any actual medical justification, and Buttigieg is right to call for a more science-based approach. And the mayor’s call to ban so-called “conversion therapy” is well-warranted, as it’s a form of medical malpractice and fraud. His plan to have the Federal Trade Commission label and ban it as such is spot-on.
Give everyone AIDS... That way everyone’s the same
for example, Buttigieg endorses the “decriminalization of HIV transmission.”

Engaging in unprotected sex when you know you are carrying the HIV virus is almost attempted murder in my book. I don't care how much the virus is suppressed by treatment drugs. You need to tell your partner if you are HIV positive.
You’re politically correct... so you should rethink your position there. Lol

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