BUSTED: Ivanka Also Bribed Florida Attorney General To Cover Up Trump U Scandal


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
BUSTED: Ivanka Also Bribed Florida Attorney General To Cover Up Trump U Scandal
New information has surfaced tying Ivanka Trump to the mushrooming political bribery scandal surrounding Trump and the Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi’s unusual decision to cease investigating Trump University.

Donald Trump operated the unlicensed University out of 40 Wall Street in New York City, and now faces a major federal trial this November, for both racketeering and consumer fraud.


The newly revealed July donation shows that contact may have started between the prosecutor and the investigated Trump well before then. As Bondi noted, it took a long time to arrange the larger donation. Just fifteen days after the New York AG sued, but before the Florida AG said anything, Ivanka Trump sent Bondi a $500 donation. Public records show that Ivanka Trump’s donation to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi came just a few days before the Orlando Sentinel’s September 13th, 2013 report that the Florida Attorney General opened an investigation into the Trump University con.

From the look of things, Bondi was not satisfied with the $1,000 combined donations from Trump and daughter. Under Florida, election law they’d be capped at $1,000 donation for the whole election cycle – which ended over 15 months later with her landslide re-election – and that’s when the larger political contribution was arranged.

Just four days after news of the investigation was reported by the Orlando Sentinel, the Donald J. Trump Foundation (a 501c3 charity) infamously donated $25,000 to And Justice For All, a 527 electioneering organization controlled by Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi. -
BUSTED: Ivanka Also Bribed Florida Attorney General To Cover Up Trump U Scandal

The entire family is full of crooks.
And Justice For All, a 527 electioneering organization controlled by Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.


But since the RNC, there have been signs that even Ivanka’s fiercely guarded personal brand is beginning to suffer. A poll published in Cosmopolitan last month found that only 28 percent of women aged 18 to 34 hold a favorable view of her. An article on Ivanka’s website about “how to make it as an unpaid intern,” which probably would’ve gone unnoticed a year ago, was savaged for being offensively out of touch. More and more, people are growing suspicious of her motives—whether it’s about her $500 donation to Pam Bondi, the attorney general of Florida, around the time complaints against Trump University were being reviewed by the state, or her claim that Donald is “absolutely not a sexist,” in part, because he employs her. In late July, The New Yorker said that Ivanka has learned to deploy “her charm as a kind of weaponized graciousness.” A couple of weeks later, a Vanity Fair headline proclaimed that “Ivanka Has Her Own ‘Woman Problem’ now.”

Much More: A Shady Court Case, An Exaggerated Academic Record, And The Burden Of Growing Up With Donald

Yep, Ivanka has her own baggage.
527s are not "controlled" by any candidate for public office. The whole entire purpose of a 527 is to separate politicians from political contributions. It is against federal campaign finance laws for any person seeking public office to have any contact whatsoever with a 527 group. So, not only could Bondi not have "controlled" it, she couldn't have even had contact with it... as a matter of federal law.

Secondly, the group in question reports as a "closed" 527, meaning, it is not affiliated with any particular political campaign. These are typically issues-based groups who advocate for a specific cause and not a candidate in particular.

Now... We've been going through this same nonsense from the very first day 527s came into existence. It's as if a certain segment of the population just doesn't comprehend the intent and purpose of a 527. What will it take to educate the public on this? If 527s are "contolled", influenced, directed, instructed, guided or led by politicians, what is the purpose of their creation in campaign finance reform?
“When they call, I give. And do you know what? When I need something from them two years later, three years later, I call them, they are there for me.”
Who are the Clinton's bribing to keep everything hush hush with their university scandal. After all the State Department even gave Bill's University money.

I think we need an investigation by the DOJ here,

The Clinton university scandal

The Clinton university scandal
By Post Editorial Board

June 12, 2016 | 8:06pm

Modal Trigger
Bill and Hillary Clinton Photo: AP
Kudos to George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley for asking why the media aren’t asking about the $16.5 million paid to Bill Clinton by Laureate International Universities.

For all the hundreds of stories on Trump University, nothing’s been written about the huge payments over 2010-2014 to the potential future first gentleman to serve as “honorary chancellor” of the vast for-profit education firm.

Nor about the $55 million that Hillary Clinton’s State Department sent the way of groups run by Laureate founder Douglas Becker — who happens to be a major donor to Clinton campaigns and the Clinton Foundation.
BUSTED: Ivanka Also Bribed Florida Attorney General To Cover Up Trump U Scandal
New information has surfaced tying Ivanka Trump to the mushrooming political bribery scandal surrounding Trump and the Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi’s unusual decision to cease investigating Trump University.

Donald Trump operated the unlicensed University out of 40 Wall Street in New York City, and now faces a major federal trial this November, for both racketeering and consumer fraud.


The newly revealed July donation shows that contact may have started between the prosecutor and the investigated Trump well before then. As Bondi noted, it took a long time to arrange the larger donation. Just fifteen days after the New York AG sued, but before the Florida AG said anything, Ivanka Trump sent Bondi a $500 donation. Public records show that Ivanka Trump’s donation to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi came just a few days before the Orlando Sentinel’s September 13th, 2013 report that the Florida Attorney General opened an investigation into the Trump University con.

From the look of things, Bondi was not satisfied with the $1,000 combined donations from Trump and daughter. Under Florida, election law they’d be capped at $1,000 donation for the whole election cycle – which ended over 15 months later with her landslide re-election – and that’s when the larger political contribution was arranged.

Just four days after news of the investigation was reported by the Orlando Sentinel, the Donald J. Trump Foundation (a 501c3 charity) infamously donated $25,000 to And Justice For All, a 527 electioneering organization controlled by Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi. -
BUSTED: Ivanka Also Bribed Florida Attorney General To Cover Up Trump U Scandal

The entire family is full of crooks.

Ouch. A crime family all along. Republicans 'accuse' HRC of doing things, Trump actually DID things. It is slowly seeping out how corrupt this family is.
BUSTED: Ivanka Also Bribed Florida Attorney General To Cover Up Trump U Scandal
New information has surfaced tying Ivanka Trump to the mushrooming political bribery scandal surrounding Trump and the Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi’s unusual decision to cease investigating Trump University.

Donald Trump operated the unlicensed University out of 40 Wall Street in New York City, and now faces a major federal trial this November, for both racketeering and consumer fraud.


The newly revealed July donation shows that contact may have started between the prosecutor and the investigated Trump well before then. As Bondi noted, it took a long time to arrange the larger donation. Just fifteen days after the New York AG sued, but before the Florida AG said anything, Ivanka Trump sent Bondi a $500 donation. Public records show that Ivanka Trump’s donation to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi came just a few days before the Orlando Sentinel’s September 13th, 2013 report that the Florida Attorney General opened an investigation into the Trump University con.

From the look of things, Bondi was not satisfied with the $1,000 combined donations from Trump and daughter. Under Florida, election law they’d be capped at $1,000 donation for the whole election cycle – which ended over 15 months later with her landslide re-election – and that’s when the larger political contribution was arranged.

Just four days after news of the investigation was reported by the Orlando Sentinel, the Donald J. Trump Foundation (a 501c3 charity) infamously donated $25,000 to And Justice For All, a 527 electioneering organization controlled by Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi. -
BUSTED: Ivanka Also Bribed Florida Attorney General To Cover Up Trump U Scandal

The entire family is full of crooks.

She's going to be very popular with girls in Federal Prison.

Yeah, I know how you feel...

NaziCons have cried "wolf" so many times against the Clintons that when a real "wolf" shows up - most sane people don't give a shit. I don't give a shit. NaziCons owe the Clintons many "get out of jail free" cards.
So by liberal logic Ivanka making a donation is bribery, then Warren Buffet should go to jail for donating to Democrats because he seriously has made a fortune with his railroad transporting the oil that should have been in the Keystone Pipeline.

Obama and the Democrats have blocked the building of the pipeline so Warren Buffet could and would donate more money.

That's bribery I guess.

So Warren and every Democrat who voted against the Keystone should be wearing orange shortly.

ETA: Including Obama. Oh he'd look lovely in orange.
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By the way anyone who combines Hitler and Trump in their avatar, isn't to be taken seriously.

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