Businessmen Must Be Permitted to Bring Skilled Foreign Workers To The U.S.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
GoDaddy CEO Blake Irving is deeply concerned technology based businesses will soon be unable to hire the highly skilled immigrants to do the difficult jobs for which there are too few qualified Americans to fill. He fears the foreign workers barred from the U.S. will choose to stay home and set up Silicon Valleys in their own countries.

Irving cannot be alone in his concerns, and they are justified. Trump’s cluelessness and eagerness to be dictator are now joining to do what Trump claims will protect American jobs. But his commandment to change the H-1B visa program will do nothing other than f*ck with companies’ profits (which is totally contrary to the GOP’s agenda). He doesn’t understand that most Americans are too stupid to fill these jobs highly technical jobs. However, Trump’s lack of understanding comes as no surprise to people of reason.

The fact is, the U. S. education system simply cannot produce the number of skilled graduates necessary for today’s technologically advancing world, and the conservatives’ well know hatred of education and educated people has been the major cause of this problem.

Conservatives’ influence on government at the federal and state levels have made it possible for school boards to withhold from students, any information that they worry, contradicts Christian dogma. This seriously diminishes the quality and accuracy of subject matter taught to students in those districts. In these schools, empirical data that has been gathered for decades by the scientific community is replaced with fantasy and fairy tales. Sadly, math and science, the two subjects most important to U.S. businesses’ and workers’ ability to remain competitive in the global world of technology, take a distant back seat to these Christian fantasies and fairy tales.

Unfortunately, it is the goal of these schools to destroy their students’ ability for analytical thinking. This is an excellent method to create conservatives, but is totally worthless to produce adult workers with the knowledge needed for the United States to remain competitive in 21st century technology.

In addition to their hatred of education and educated people, conservative voters are famous for their failure to think beyond the tips of their noses. This includes business owners and managing executives of many companies. They were so eager to elect a Republican president, they didn’t consider the impact of Trump’s outlandish policy changes posed to their own lives and business situations.

For companies that must seek skilled workers outside the U.S. this typical right wing short-sightedness is coming back to bite many of them in the butt.

Before you Trump voters respond, babbling your mindless BS that proves your complete ignorance, read the article at the link below. You will see the CEO of GoDaddy, Blake Irving stated, " ‘We do not produce enough technically qualified candidates in this country. You can't take an 18-month training program and produce a machine-learning scientist.’ "

Of course, right-wingers will pay no attention to the warning paragraph above. As we have read in nearly all threads, conservatives believe, though quite mistakenly, that they know more than experts in any and all subjects. So they will naturally believe they know more than Mr. Irving about the availability of technologically skilled U.S. workers.

GoDaddy CEO: If we can't hire skilled immigrants, they'll set up their own Silicon Valleys in their home countries

If we didn't have so many democrats we could educate our own workers.

If we didn't have so many democrats we could educate our own workers.
If we didn't demonize public education and preferencially fund the military/industrial/mass surveillance complex, endless wars of aggression, the subsidizing of Wall Street, big pharma, big agribusiness and the "job creator" class, we could invest in society. Bet we'd rather blame those "other guys" instead of taking any responsibility.
Right now America is the best in the world for science and tech. Trump wants to change that. It's too elitist for his worshippers.

The goal in america has always been to keep the masses just smart enough to run the machines that generate the wealth that the aristocracy floats upon.
Right now America is the best in the world for science and tech. Trump wants to change that. It's too elitist for his worshippers.

The goal in america has always been to keep the masses just smart enough to run the machines that generate the wealth that the aristocracy floats upon.
Don't delve into nonsense man. You can buy a boat and float off out of civilization anytime you want. There's a reason you choose not to.
GoDaddy CEO Blake Irving is deeply concerned technology based businesses will soon be unable to hire the highly skilled immigrants to do the difficult jobs for which there are too few qualified Americans to fill. He fears the foreign workers barred from the U.S. will choose to stay home and set up Silicon Valleys in their own countries.

Irving cannot be alone in his concerns, and they are justified. Trump’s cluelessness and eagerness to be dictator are now joining to do what Trump claims will protect American jobs. But his commandment to change the H-1B visa program will do nothing other than f*ck with companies’ profits (which is totally contrary to the GOP’s agenda). He doesn’t understand that most Americans are too stupid to fill these jobs highly technical jobs. However, Trump’s lack of understanding comes as no surprise to people of reason.

The fact is, the U. S. education system simply cannot produce the number of skilled graduates necessary for today’s technologically advancing world, and the conservatives’ well know hatred of education and educated people has been the major cause of this problem.

Conservatives’ influence on government at the federal and state levels have made it possible for school boards to withhold from students, any information that they worry, contradicts Christian dogma. This seriously diminishes the quality and accuracy of subject matter taught to students in those districts. In these schools, empirical data that has been gathered for decades by the scientific community is replaced with fantasy and fairy tales. Sadly, math and science, the two subjects most important to U.S. businesses’ and workers’ ability to remain competitive in the global world of technology, take a distant back seat to these Christian fantasies and fairy tales.

Unfortunately, it is the goal of these schools to destroy their students’ ability for analytical thinking. This is an excellent method to create conservatives, but is totally worthless to produce adult workers with the knowledge needed for the United States to remain competitive in 21st century technology.

In addition to their hatred of education and educated people, conservative voters are famous for their failure to think beyond the tips of their noses. This includes business owners and managing executives of many companies. They were so eager to elect a Republican president, they didn’t consider the impact of Trump’s outlandish policy changes posed to their own lives and business situations.

For companies that must seek skilled workers outside the U.S. this typical right wing short-sightedness is coming back to bite many of them in the butt.

Before you Trump voters respond, babbling your mindless BS that proves your complete ignorance, read the article at the link below. You will see the CEO of GoDaddy, Blake Irving stated, " ‘We do not produce enough technically qualified candidates in this country. You can't take an 18-month training program and produce a machine-learning scientist.’ "

Of course, right-wingers will pay no attention to the warning paragraph above. As we have read in nearly all threads, conservatives believe, though quite mistakenly, that they know more than experts in any and all subjects. So they will naturally believe they know more than Mr. Irving about the availability of technologically skilled U.S. workers.

GoDaddy CEO: If we can't hire skilled immigrants, they'll set up their own Silicon Valleys in their home countries

Lol. The too few. Not willing to work. They, (liberals) have no idea what is happening. I am curious. I know about the fat trailer trash. I lived in Topeka. Lots of fat people out there. Let's chat about black on black crime and other colors Dems feel the need to categorize.
GoDaddy CEO Blake Irving is deeply concerned technology based businesses will soon be unable to hire the highly skilled immigrants to do the difficult jobs for which there are too few qualified Americans to fill. He fears the foreign workers barred from the U.S. will choose to stay home and set up Silicon Valleys in their own countries.

Irving cannot be alone in his concerns, and they are justified. Trump’s cluelessness and eagerness to be dictator are now joining to do what Trump claims will protect American jobs. But his commandment to change the H-1B visa program will do nothing other than f*ck with companies’ profits (which is totally contrary to the GOP’s agenda). He doesn’t understand that most Americans are too stupid to fill these jobs highly technical jobs. However, Trump’s lack of understanding comes as no surprise to people of reason.

The fact is, the U. S. education system simply cannot produce the number of skilled graduates necessary for today’s technologically advancing world, and the conservatives’ well know hatred of education and educated people has been the major cause of this problem.

Conservatives’ influence on government at the federal and state levels have made it possible for school boards to withhold from students, any information that they worry, contradicts Christian dogma. This seriously diminishes the quality and accuracy of subject matter taught to students in those districts. In these schools, empirical data that has been gathered for decades by the scientific community is replaced with fantasy and fairy tales. Sadly, math and science, the two subjects most important to U.S. businesses’ and workers’ ability to remain competitive in the global world of technology, take a distant back seat to these Christian fantasies and fairy tales.

Unfortunately, it is the goal of these schools to destroy their students’ ability for analytical thinking. This is an excellent method to create conservatives, but is totally worthless to produce adult workers with the knowledge needed for the United States to remain competitive in 21st century technology.

In addition to their hatred of education and educated people, conservative voters are famous for their failure to think beyond the tips of their noses. This includes business owners and managing executives of many companies. They were so eager to elect a Republican president, they didn’t consider the impact of Trump’s outlandish policy changes posed to their own lives and business situations.

For companies that must seek skilled workers outside the U.S. this typical right wing short-sightedness is coming back to bite many of them in the butt.

Before you Trump voters respond, babbling your mindless BS that proves your complete ignorance, read the article at the link below. You will see the CEO of GoDaddy, Blake Irving stated, " ‘We do not produce enough technically qualified candidates in this country. You can't take an 18-month training program and produce a machine-learning scientist.’ "

Of course, right-wingers will pay no attention to the warning paragraph above. As we have read in nearly all threads, conservatives believe, though quite mistakenly, that they know more than experts in any and all subjects. So they will naturally believe they know more than Mr. Irving about the availability of technologically skilled U.S. workers.

GoDaddy CEO: If we can't hire skilled immigrants, they'll set up their own Silicon Valleys in their home countries

I can't feel sorry for these morons. Kids goto college here to learn high-tech jobs then after a few years & massive education debt they get replaced by foreigners. Often times they have to train their replacements.
You want high skilled workers in America? Stop teaching them social justice bullshit in school & actually train them for a future career.
Our problem isn't lack of workers, our problem is an outdated educational system.
GoDaddy CEO Blake Irving is deeply concerned technology based businesses will soon be unable to hire the highly skilled immigrants to do the difficult jobs for which there are too few qualified Americans to fill. He fears the foreign workers barred from the U.S. will choose to stay home and set up Silicon Valleys in their own countries.

Irving cannot be alone in his concerns, and they are justified. Trump’s cluelessness and eagerness to be dictator are now joining to do what Trump claims will protect American jobs. But his commandment to change the H-1B visa program will do nothing other than f*ck with companies’ profits (which is totally contrary to the GOP’s agenda). He doesn’t understand that most Americans are too stupid to fill these jobs highly technical jobs. However, Trump’s lack of understanding comes as no surprise to people of reason.

The fact is, the U. S. education system simply cannot produce the number of skilled graduates necessary for today’s technologically advancing world, and the conservatives’ well know hatred of education and educated people has been the major cause of this problem.

Conservatives’ influence on government at the federal and state levels have made it possible for school boards to withhold from students, any information that they worry, contradicts Christian dogma. This seriously diminishes the quality and accuracy of subject matter taught to students in those districts. In these schools, empirical data that has been gathered for decades by the scientific community is replaced with fantasy and fairy tales. Sadly, math and science, the two subjects most important to U.S. businesses’ and workers’ ability to remain competitive in the global world of technology, take a distant back seat to these Christian fantasies and fairy tales.

Unfortunately, it is the goal of these schools to destroy their students’ ability for analytical thinking. This is an excellent method to create conservatives, but is totally worthless to produce adult workers with the knowledge needed for the United States to remain competitive in 21st century technology.

In addition to their hatred of education and educated people, conservative voters are famous for their failure to think beyond the tips of their noses. This includes business owners and managing executives of many companies. They were so eager to elect a Republican president, they didn’t consider the impact of Trump’s outlandish policy changes posed to their own lives and business situations.

For companies that must seek skilled workers outside the U.S. this typical right wing short-sightedness is coming back to bite many of them in the butt.

Before you Trump voters respond, babbling your mindless BS that proves your complete ignorance, read the article at the link below. You will see the CEO of GoDaddy, Blake Irving stated, " ‘We do not produce enough technically qualified candidates in this country. You can't take an 18-month training program and produce a machine-learning scientist.’ "

Of course, right-wingers will pay no attention to the warning paragraph above. As we have read in nearly all threads, conservatives believe, though quite mistakenly, that they know more than experts in any and all subjects. So they will naturally believe they know more than Mr. Irving about the availability of technologically skilled U.S. workers.

GoDaddy CEO: If we can't hire skilled immigrants, they'll set up their own Silicon Valleys in their home countries

I can't feel sorry for these morons. Kids goto college here to learn high-tech jobs then after a few years & massive education debt they get replaced by foreigners. Often times they have to train their replacements.
You want high skilled workers in America? Stop teaching them social justice bullshit in school & actually train them for a future career.
Our problem isn't lack of workers, our problem is an outdated educational system.
Take out a massive loan. The majority of students will never repay all of it, Hire others to teach them, they are the problem.
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Right now America is the best in the world for science and tech. Trump wants to change that. It's too elitist for his worshippers.
I keep hearing about so many college graduates that can't find jobs, maybe it's because of all the foreign workers? Give the Berkeley graduates a job. Your last sentence was childish babble .
It's not because of foreign workers. Stop making excuses and go do something about it if you really care you pathetic woman.
GoDaddy CEO Blake Irving is deeply concerned technology based businesses will soon be unable to hire the highly skilled immigrants to do the difficult jobs for which there are too few qualified Americans to fill. He fears the foreign workers barred from the U.S. will choose to stay home and set up Silicon Valleys in their own countries.

Irving cannot be alone in his concerns, and they are justified. Trump’s cluelessness and eagerness to be dictator are now joining to do what Trump claims will protect American jobs. But his commandment to change the H-1B visa program will do nothing other than f*ck with companies’ profits (which is totally contrary to the GOP’s agenda). He doesn’t understand that most Americans are too stupid to fill these jobs highly technical jobs. However, Trump’s lack of understanding comes as no surprise to people of reason.

The fact is, the U. S. education system simply cannot produce the number of skilled graduates necessary for today’s technologically advancing world, and the conservatives’ well know hatred of education and educated people has been the major cause of this problem.

Conservatives’ influence on government at the federal and state levels have made it possible for school boards to withhold from students, any information that they worry, contradicts Christian dogma. This seriously diminishes the quality and accuracy of subject matter taught to students in those districts. In these schools, empirical data that has been gathered for decades by the scientific community is replaced with fantasy and fairy tales. Sadly, math and science, the two subjects most important to U.S. businesses’ and workers’ ability to remain competitive in the global world of technology, take a distant back seat to these Christian fantasies and fairy tales.

Unfortunately, it is the goal of these schools to destroy their students’ ability for analytical thinking. This is an excellent method to create conservatives, but is totally worthless to produce adult workers with the knowledge needed for the United States to remain competitive in 21st century technology.

In addition to their hatred of education and educated people, conservative voters are famous for their failure to think beyond the tips of their noses. This includes business owners and managing executives of many companies. They were so eager to elect a Republican president, they didn’t consider the impact of Trump’s outlandish policy changes posed to their own lives and business situations.

For companies that must seek skilled workers outside the U.S. this typical right wing short-sightedness is coming back to bite many of them in the butt.

Before you Trump voters respond, babbling your mindless BS that proves your complete ignorance, read the article at the link below. You will see the CEO of GoDaddy, Blake Irving stated, " ‘We do not produce enough technically qualified candidates in this country. You can't take an 18-month training program and produce a machine-learning scientist.’ "

Of course, right-wingers will pay no attention to the warning paragraph above. As we have read in nearly all threads, conservatives believe, though quite mistakenly, that they know more than experts in any and all subjects. So they will naturally believe they know more than Mr. Irving about the availability of technologically skilled U.S. workers.

GoDaddy CEO: If we can't hire skilled immigrants, they'll set up their own Silicon Valleys in their home countries


Why? there are loads of qualified employees here in the USA. They just COST MORE. Kind of retarded to have these CEO's telling our college age youth to go get STEM degree's and then not hiring them after they have run up their student loan debt don't you think?
I don't live far from Go Daddy headquarters. There are a lot of technical jobs in this area and a good number of my neighbors are from India. They're good people but I have to wonder about our educational system and if we're producing far too many money shufflers.
We're all money shufflers, better to accept it and learn how to use it to your advantage than just rebel against it uselessly.
If we didn't have so many democrats we could educate our own workers.

Exactly! We need schools and colleges to get back to teaching skills instead of liberal ideology. Graduating with degrees in socialism and entitlements are pretty much what most offer these days.
If we didn't have so many democrats we could educate our own workers.
If we didn't demonize public education and preferencially fund the military/industrial/mass surveillance complex, endless wars of aggression, the subsidizing of Wall Street, big pharma, big agribusiness and the "job creator" class, we could invest in society. Bet we'd rather blame those "other guys" instead of taking any responsibility.

How do you demonize something which has failed?

What is wrong with government schools? Teacher unions.

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all, does it not?
If we didn't have so many democrats we could educate our own workers.
If we didn't demonize public education and preferencially fund the military/industrial/mass surveillance complex, endless wars of aggression, the subsidizing of Wall Street, big pharma, big agribusiness and the "job creator" class, we could invest in society. Bet we'd rather blame those "other guys" instead of taking any responsibility.

How do you demonize something which has failed?

What is wrong with government schools? Teacher unions.

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all, does it not?

The standing ovation by all the dimwit teachers puts the exclamation mark on it.

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