Bush's legacy: let's check in on how Iraq is doing these days

Indeed, they don't now, but then they did under your the man whose death you so mourn.

But seriously, I certainly do not need a history lesson by a snowflake. Find a safe space where you can dazzle other ding bats with your deep knowledge of things you know so little about.
Man whose death I mourned?? You mean John Prine?

Did he gas Kurds?
No. I suspect he got gased a few times, and may have had an Illegal Smile, he never hurt nobody, never hurt no one. He was just one of the greatest philosophers that ever lived.

No. I suspect he got gased a few times, and may have had an Illegal Smile, he never hurt nobody, never hurt no one. He was just one of the greatest philosophers that ever lived.

Then I have no idea how you got him mixed up Saddam Hussien.

Sorry, I find discourse with both dingbats and snowflakes distasteful and so are best abbreviated.

Good luck.
Then I have no idea how you got him mixed up Saddam Hussien.

Sorry, I find discourse with both dingbats and snowflakes distasteful and so are best abbreviated.

Good luck.
Ah the neo-cons and Iraq.

Our covert and overt support for Saddam against Iran began their long downfall.
They're doing much better with advanced techologikalz. They can move those WMD'z around with impunity and no sand is seen moving via super secret awesome US satellites (made in China)

On a side note ... The thing I like the most about that clip ...
Is that sorry fucker is dead by the end of the movie ... :thup:

Yep, and deserved it, but got to admit, Booth as the gunfighter had style, and he was bad, bad news!
Every military adventure in the 20th century happened during a democrat administration but FDR was the last president to seek congressional approval to use combat troops. Truman sent Troops to Korea on an (illegal) executive order. LBJ sent Troops to Vietnam on a faked crisis. Bill Clinton bombed a defenseless country in Europe to deflect attention from his peculiar sexual addiction while 9-11 terrorists were in flight school in his backyard in Florida. Bush gave Saddam about a year to comply with about a hundred U.N. sanctions and then requested permission from congress to enforce the sanctions after Saddam thumbed his nose time and time again. About 38% of democrats went along with the congressional approval for boots on the ground but Saddam had a year to move his WMD labs. Americans went further and faster and took less casualties than any other military adventure of it's type in the 20th century and when it was over Iraqis hanged Saddam. A look at the congressional authorization for the conflict lists WMD's at the bottom of the page but democrats never have a nice day when a republican is in the W.H. The left wing media worked with radical agents in the CIA to create a different scenario that didn't include victory during a republican administration. It's all water under the bridge anyway and hardly a political issue except when loyal Brandon lefties are desperate to deflect attention from the president's mental condition and his scenario that might result in a looming war with Russia while energy prices soar.
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LBJ sent Troops to Vietnam on a faked crisis. Bill Clinton bombed a defenseless country in Europe to deflect attention from his peculiar sexual addiction while 9-11 terrorists were in flight school in his backyard in Florida. That having been said, the lie about American incursion in Iraq persists because lefties can't let go of their anger. Bush gave Saddam about a year to comply with about a hundred U.N. sanctions and 38% of democrats went along with the congressional approval for boots on the ground. Americans went further and faster and tool less casualties than any other military adventure in the 20th century and when the thing was over Iraqis hanged Saddam. A look at the congressional authorization for the conflict lists WMD's at the bottom of the page but democrats never have a nice day when a republican is in the W.H. and the media worked with radical agents in the CIA to create a different scenario that didn't include victory during a republican administration. It's all water under the bridge except when loyal Brandon lefties are desperate to deflect attention from a looming war with Russia and energy prices that are likely to bankrupt middle class Americans today.
Eisenhower sent advisors in 1955.

When did Eisenhower send advisors to Vietnam?​

Following through on that commitment, direct United States aid to South Vietnam began in January 1955, and American advisors began arriving in February to train the South Vietnamese army.

Kennedy continued it. Johnson Fkd up and supported a South Vitenam that didn't even exist, thinking Diem would bring democracy and we could help export it there. Took Johnson and American hawks years and 58,000 plus dead troops to learn better and in the end it broke him.

Bill Clinton just supported NATO's move in that Kosovo. Two US helicopter pilots were the only NATO reported casualties of the war, which forced Yugoslavia and Serbs to withdraw back across the border, after suffering possibly 10s of thousands of losses. NATO forces were greeted by the Abainians with roses, as saviors. Great mission, with limited goals, no mission creep, kind of like Bushes Gulf War I, but with less casualties all around. Good move, well done, and outta there.:D

I think Son-Of-A-Bush possibly had this in mind for Iraq at the beginning, but look what he got.:(
wars have unintended consequences. They rarely turn out the way the experts tell us they will. Just ask the officials who provided rosy scenarios for the wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, only to be proven horribly wrong. Just ask the mothers of the soldiers who were killed or wounded in action during those wars. Just ask the millions of civilians who became “collateral damage”.
Bush's legacy: let's check in on how Iraq is doing these days

As usual you have it all wrong. Bush did the right thing. It was an array of forces on the Left who bogged it all down and fucked it all up. Any "Legacy" there is the legacy of the Left, not Bush

Oh, and did I mention that the Democrats voted for it and voted to fund it every year?
As usual you have it all wrong. Bush did the right thing. It was an array of forces on the Left who bogged it all down and fucked it all up. Any "Legacy" there is the legacy of the Left, not Bush

Oh, and did I mention that the Democrats voted for it and voted to fund it every year?
you must be one of the 20 percent of Americans who approved of Bush by the end of his presidency lol

a rare find!
Bush is a million times better man than any Leftist Marxist Democrat pig is.
Abraham Lincoln is 10 trillion times better than Bush...and today is his birthday

And they are both Republicans.

happy birthday my bae Abe...not you warmonger pig Bush

Warmonger Bush. Well, thanks for showing us all how truly stupid you are.

Democrats have gotten us into every major war of the 20th century.

Bush responded to the biggest attack on American soil ever, 9/11.

Go grow up and come back later you retarded Cretin

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