Bush's legacy: let's check in on how Iraq is doing these days

What good wouldn't it have done to attack dubya or Maliki?
Obama attacked Bush on the reg...so....

Moreover, then why leave then? Why leave, allow Iran and ISIS to take hold, and then go back?
because they had no business being there in the first place
Not according to Joe Xiden and Clinton

The resolution cited many factors as justifying the use of military force against Iraq:[3][4]

The Act found that between 1980 and 1998 Iraq had:

  1. committed various and significant violations of international law,
  2. failed to comply with the obligations to which it had agreed following the Gulf War and
  3. further had ignored resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.
The Act declared that it was the Policy of the United States to support "regime change." The Act was passed 360–38 in the U.S. House of Representatives[5] and by unanimous consent in the Senate.[6] US President Bill Clinton signed the bill into law on October 31, 1998
ISIS is a direct consequence of the invasion of Iraq.

Yep. ISIS would never have taken hold had Saddam still been in power. We created a huge power vacuum and ISIS is what it sucked in
Not according to Joe Xiden and Clinton

The resolution cited many factors as justifying the use of military force against Iraq:[3][4]

The Act found that between 1980 and 1998 Iraq had:

  1. committed various and significant violations of international law,
  2. failed to comply with the obligations to which it had agreed following the Gulf War and
  3. further had ignored resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.
The Act declared that it was the Policy of the United States to support "regime change." The Act was passed 360–38 in the U.S. House of Representatives[5] and by unanimous consent in the Senate.[6] US President Bill Clinton signed the bill into law on October 31, 1998
Illy lies. Saddam provided money to all victims of the Zionists.
It's sad..........Bush did great harm with his lies concerning Iraq.......Obama continued that harm with his lies concerning Syria and never actually getting us out of any of Bush's failures.

Both deserve a special place in Hell.
do obama lied? just imagine had he not lied, and keep the small amount of troops we had there instead of pulling them…how many more lives would be saved and maybe and real free and stable iraq would exist
Have you ever met or even seen or heard of a completely truthful politician of any political stripe? I have not. I do not know how many lives would have been saved, obviously the 4 to 31 Americans that died between 2010 and 2021, mostly on Donny's watch. How many does it take for you to think it important? I have not personally known or served with any that died or where injured there post the 2007/2008 surge. If Obama or Donny had shut it down, I doubt it would have been or be stable now. We obviously do not export democracy well. Are you saying our talent is in exporting stability? I doubt that.
Let us know when they start attacking their neighbors and gassing Kurds.
OK. I will. Since the gassing was in March of 1988 and Iraq invaded Kuwait in August of 1990, Daddy Bush settled that crap in 1991 with finality, no more invading other countries or chemical attacks, cased closed 12 years before Son-Of-A-Bush went back for incidental punishment after the ball was called dead, by his dad who commanded the team during official play. I just think a 5 yard penalty in the public mind would be a bit light for S.O.B.'s military/economic adventurism that cost of 3,400 plus US troops and a cost of $3 Trillion - $6 Trillion US dollars.
The EU has pumped tons of money into Iraqi civil society. at least they're trying something, unlike America

The Kuwaiti dinar is trading for $3.31 USD today ... Talk about getting a decent return on your investments.
Doesn't look like Iraq was taking notes.

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America's mission in Iraq is to destroy ISIS-K permanently

Iran's influence in Iraq has been declining, that helps the US in their mission

OK. I will. Since the gassing was in March of 1988 and Iraq invaded Kuwait in August of 1990, Daddy Bush settled that crap in 1991 with finality, no more invading other countries or chemical attacks, cased closed 12 years before Son-Of-A-Bush went back for incidental punishment after the ball was called dead, by his dad who commanded the team during official play. I just think a 5 yard penalty in the public mind would be a bit light for S.O.B.'s military/economic adventurism that cost of 3,400 plus US troops and a cost of $3 Trillion - $6 Trillion US dollars.
I don't need a snowflake-history lesson. Again, let me know when Iraq starts invading their neighbors and gassing Kurds (future tense).
The US invaded Iraq because of a lie, destroyed Iraqi civil society, and overlooked huge amounts of torture, rape, and murder by rogue U.S. troops. Is it any wonder why they hate us? It's our own fault.


your 'current link' is from 7-21. But I thought W was a fool. Still, the shiaa maj in Iraq still don't want to be Iran
your 'current link' is from 7-21. But I thought W was a fool. Still, the shiaa maj in Iraq still don't want to be Iran
the video i posted in the OP is the new...the article was meant to be bonus material, you know, like in a Guns N Roses Japanese edition CD
I don't need a snowflake-history lesson. Again, let me know when Iraq starts invading their neighbors and gassing Kurds (future tense).
Why would they? And don't you get the news? If you knew history, you would not ask, Cup-Cake.
Why would they? And don't you get the news? If you knew history, you would not ask, Cup-Cake.
Indeed, they don't now, but then they did under your the man whose death you so mourn.

But seriously, I certainly do not need a history lesson by a snowflake. Find a safe space where you can dazzle other ding bats with your deep knowledge of things you know so little about.

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