Bush's legacy: let's check in on how Iraq is doing these days

why did obama say it was when it wasn’t then?
Beats me, if he did, but of course I was not a speechwriter for him. I voted for him twice and think he did an ok job, overall. He did better than Son-Of-A-Bush, but that didn't take much, though he did not get us out of Afghanistan or Iraq and should have if it was ever stable and secure. I never lost anything over there except friends in either place.
Beats me, if he did, but of course I was not a speechwriter for him. I voted for him twice and think he did an ok job, overall. He did better than Son-Of-A-Bush, but that didn't take much, though he did not get us out of Afghanistan or Iraq and should have if it was ever stable and secure. I never lost anything over there except friends in either place.
So Obama is a liar? why would he pull our troops out if it wasn’t stable??
So Obama is a liar? why would he pull our troops out if it wasn’t stable??
Like I have said before, Son-of-a Bush should never have taken us in there, in the first place and should have gotten us out before 4,477 military coalition deaths, 32,000-42,000 coalition injuries and of course 42,000 plus civilian casualties. Of course, he talked and planned to get us out of the next president's watch, but not on his, same as Donny talked about getting us out on the next president's, but didn't on his watch. You guys hate Joe for getting us out of Afghanistan. We're most there now for placeholders and Iranian terrorist potshots. I would not care if Joe pulled the plug tonight. I am not sure you guys could hate him twice as much.
Like I have said before, Son-of-a Bush should never have taken us in there, in the first place and should have gotten us out before 4,477 military coalition deaths, 32,000-42,000 coalition injuries and of course 42,000 plus civilian casualties. Of course, he talked and planned to get us out of the next president's watch, but not on his, same as Donny talked about getting us out on the next president's, but didn't on his watch. You guys hate Joe for getting us out of Afghanistan. We're most there now for placeholders and Iranian terrorist potshots. I would not care if Joe pulled the plug tonight. I am not sure you guys could hate him twice as much.
why get us out when we were winning?

he was had to go in…it was our policies voted by xiden and signed by clinton to liberate iraq
why get us out when we were winning?

he was had to go in…it was our policies voted by xiden and signed by clinton to liberate iraq
If you say so. What are we winning and how do you know when we have won enough?
when we could leave without iraq falling into the hands of isis and iran
I here you. I guess it is like Rumsfeld said, If you break it, you bought it. We didn't need it or want it, but I guess we did break it. I look forward to the day, we can leave, and they won't throw their weapons down and split, like that Afghanis did.
I here you. I guess it is like Rumsfeld said, If you break it, you bought it. We didn't need it or want it, but I guess we did break it. I look forward to the day, we can leave, and they won't throw their weapons down and split, like that Afghanis did.
obama and xiden broke it…they had been given a free and stable iraq
obama and xiden broke it…they had been given a free and stable iraq
There were terrorist bombings in Bagdad (the capital of Iraq) the month before Obama was inaugurated. Death an injuries continued to decrease during his first 4 years. He should have gotten us out, just like he should have gotten us out of Afghanistan, but didn't. I suspect that even a democrat thinks war is good business, just like Republicans, sometimes. The Iraqis, this last December: In attempt to ease pressure, Iraq announces end to U.S. ‘combat’ mission

Now they just want our money. With American deaths for those people being 11 or 12, the last couple of years, I have seen that many in a state wide annual training cycle of the National Guard, so some would say the high dollar costs we are paying are worth it and I suspect you are correct that Iran would probably take them over in less than three months if we did leave, and it leaves us a footprint in the region, which I think was the actual goal of Son-of-a-Bush in the first place, but it was an awful expensive place in blood and treasure, just to have a footprint in the sand, and wasn't worth it.
There were terrorist bombings in Bagdad (the capital of Iraq) the month before Obama was inaugurated. Death an injuries continued to decrease during his first 4 years. He should have gotten us out, just like he should have gotten us out of Afghanistan, but didn't. I suspect that even a democrat thinks war is good business, just like Republicans, sometimes. The Iraqis, this last December: In attempt to ease pressure, Iraq announces end to U.S. ‘combat’ mission

Now they just want our money. With American deaths for those people being 11 or 12, the last couple of years, I have seen that many in a state wide annual training cycle of the National Guard, so some would say the high dollar costs we are paying are worth it and I suspect you are correct that Iran would probably take them over in less than three months if we did leave, and it leaves us a footprint in the region, which I think was the actual goal of Son-of-a-Bush in the first place, but it was an awful expensive place in blood and treasure, just to have a footprint in the sand, and wasn't worth it.
do obama lied? just imagine had he not lied, and keep the small amount of troops we had there instead of pulling them…how many more lives would be saved and maybe and real free and stable iraq would exist
good thing I have medicare, Tricare for life and non-government coverage. When does the pain start? He's been out a long time.
Over the years people in the political class both elected and unelected and associated have made statements on this. They are red flags to the ideas of the future. Obama made two statements while President. Limits on medical care that stops at a certain cost and take the pain pill. It flew over the media's head of course.
If it was free and stable, why do you think the dumb the Son-of-a-Bush didn't bring our troops home? They were not kept there because it was stable. There were still Americans and Iraqi civilians being killed in action, suicide bombings, not like the surge of 2007, but hardly stable.
Let us know when they start attacking their neighbors and gassing Kurds.
I was talking about now and Iraq. If you think what Churchill may have done 100 years ago makes it OK, you're more of a dingbat than I thought.
He gassing at halabja was probably accidental and the US provided the gas.

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