Bush, Obama jobs chart


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Wow!! All those red and blue lines convinced me that we don't have a completely unqualified President in the white house,...... Amazing!!
Gubmint hiring a bunch of new bureaucrats aren't "jobs gained" in any meaningful sense.

When there's some verifiable evidence that any "jobs gained" are in the sector of the workforce that produces things of value for the free economy, come back and tell us about it.
Gubmint hiring a bunch of new bureaucrats aren't "jobs gained" in any meaningful sense.

When there's some verifiable evidence that any "jobs gained" are in the sector of the workforce that produces things of value for the free economy, come back and tell us about it.

Of course you can give us the breakdown of where and when those jobs have been created, right?
Still a bogus chart. This is jobs lost, the delta month to month. At 9% unemployment, the number of jobs available to lose shrinks. We still had lot of job loses. And this is only the second gain.

And they are tossing in temp jobs in there, like the census.

We are due for some more hemorrhage soon, when the porkulus runs out.
I didn't make the claim or post the pretty colored chart, so the onus isn't on me.

Yes you did. I'll even quote you..

"Gubmint hiring a bunch of new bureaucrats aren't "jobs gained" in any meaningful sense."

Please show that the increase of jobs are Govt bureaucrats....
You have heard that a zillion temp workers have been hired to sit around and pretend they're taking the census, haven't you?

In fact, one of them posts here and has testified that the whole thing is a monumental Chinese fire drill and purposeful waste of money.
I don't think Bones would call it a Chinese fire drill. That requires some level of organization and coherence.
I didn't make the claim or post the pretty colored chart, so the onus isn't on me.

Yes you did. I'll even quote you..

"Gubmint hiring a bunch of new bureaucrats aren't "jobs gained" in any meaningful sense."

Please show that the increase of jobs are Govt bureaucrats....
You have heard that a zillion temp workers have been hired to sit around and pretend they're taking the census, haven't you?

In fact, one of them posts here and has testified that the whole thing is a monumental Chinese fire drill and purposeful waste of money.

Are they part of the figures?
The last batch of Republicans so totally devastated the economy, it will take 5 years to get unemployment down to 5%. They were like locusts.
Gubmint hiring a bunch of new bureaucrats aren't "jobs gained" in any meaningful sense.

When there's some verifiable evidence that any "jobs gained" are in the sector of the workforce that produces things of value for the free economy, come back and tell us about it.

I told you, the right wing narrative would change.

Bush became president in 2007?

For most of his presidency, the Dubya unemployment rate was under 6%.

Unemployment was 7.2% when Dubya left office.

It didn't reach 6% until August 2008.

Haven't seen that promised 8% since January 2009.

Unemployment rate has been stuck at 9.7% for the past three months.

So why did we spend a trillion dollars?

The United States Unemployment Rate

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