Bush II Suppressed the 09/11 Report in order to blame Saddam

Bush never blamed Saddam. Democrats made it up have been making it up ever since.

Oh, I watched Bush LIVE when he first made his laughable connection between 9/11 and Saddam Hussein. He most certainly did blame Saddam - directly and through various insinuations/innuendos.

And when was that?

In early March 2003 as I recall. Here's the closest link I can find to it.

The impact of Bush linking 9/11 and Iraq
You know that this explicitly states that Bush never linked Saddam and 911.
First, we never accused Glaspie of diplomatic incompetence, and we certainly didn’t "pile on." Here’s what we actually said in our 2003 piece:

In a now famous interview with the Iraqi leader, U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie told Saddam, ‘[W]e have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait.’ The U.S. State Department had earlier told Saddam that Washington had ‘no special defense or security commitments to Kuwait.’ The United States may not have intended to give Iraq a green light, but that is effectively what it did."


We were clearly sending mixed signals as the State Department warned that we were against violence. I'm sure Saddam took that as a good sign. Just like the mixed signal we sent when it was discovered and reported that he had gassed that Kurdish village. Did we sanction him? Take away his favored Nation trading status? Nope, just more mixed signals.
Bush never blamed Saddam. Democrats made it up have been making it up ever since.

Oh, I watched Bush LIVE when he first made his laughable connection between 9/11 and Saddam Hussein. He most certainly did blame Saddam - directly and through various insinuations/innuendos.

And when was that?

In early March 2003 as I recall. Here's the closest link I can find to it.

The impact of Bush linking 9/11 and Iraq

He never said it....my understanding was Sadam broke so many international resolutions and it was time to enforce them...as well as after 911 we thought he had wmds and we didn't want a crazy to have them.
Bush never blamed Saddam. Democrats made it up have been making it up ever since.

Yeah, Democrats made up shock and awe and in fact Saddam is still in Iraq today stupid democrats and their lies!:mad:

Show us where he blamed Hussein for 911?
Omg.......you need to listen and read....

We bombed them....What do you think we bombed them for?

OMG that's all you got? You really need to get edumacated.
Bush never blamed Saddam. Democrats made it up have been making it up ever since.

Oh, I watched Bush LIVE when he first made his laughable connection between 9/11 and Saddam Hussein. He most certainly did blame Saddam - directly and through various insinuations/innuendos.

And when was that?

In early March 2003 as I recall. Here's the closest link I can find to it.

The impact of Bush linking 9/11 and Iraq

He never said it....my understanding was Sadam broke so many international resolutions and it was time to enforce them...as well as after 911 we thought he had wmds and we didn't want a crazy to have them.

You forgot the agree part lakhota
Bush never blamed Saddam. Democrats made it up have been making it up ever since.

Oh, I watched Bush LIVE when he first made his laughable connection between 9/11 and Saddam Hussein. He most certainly did blame Saddam - directly and through various insinuations/innuendos.
He never did. If you remember it, your memory is faulty.

Yo dingle berry

How Did Saddam Hussein Become a Grave Threat?

President Bush officially took the U.S. into the Iraq War on 3/19/03, citing Saddam Hussein as a grave threat, a man with weapons of mass destruction that endangered Americans
. Within a few months, Americans began learning that this charge was false. Saddam possessed no significant weapons of mass destruction (WMD), or at least a corps of seekers found none anywhere they searched. Therefore the charge that he was a grave threat also was false

So in 2003 the motherfucker implied that Saddam was responsible for 09/11 and convinced congress to let him shock and awe Iraq.


Does anyone remember how many different reasons Boy George gave for invading Iraq. I've lost count.

BTW, Tony Blair should also be in prison pounding rocks along side Boy George. Daddy Bush should be working in the prison laundry.
Does anyone remember how many different reasons Boy George gave for invading Iraq. I've lost count.

BTW, Tony Blair should also be in prison pounding rocks along side Boy George. Daddy Bush should be working in the prison laundry.

Before or after it became apparent that the massive WMD stockpiles, production facilities, mobile labs, drones....... didn't exist?
Does anyone remember how many different reasons Boy George gave for invading Iraq. I've lost count.

BTW, Tony Blair should also be in prison pounding rocks along side Boy George. Daddy Bush should be working in the prison laundry.

Chilcot Report on Iraq War Offers Devastating Critique of Tony Blair

The main conclusions in the report, by the independent Iraq Inquiry Committee, were familiar: that Britain, like the United States, used flawed intelligence to justify the invasion, that Iraq posed no immediate national security threat, that the allies acted militarily before all diplomatic options had been exhausted and that there was a lack of planning for what would happen once Mr. Hussein was removed.

We have a dark relationship with the Saudis. And when i say 'we', i mean those who lead both political parties. Bush isn't the only U.S. leader to kowtow to the Saudis.
Obama still protects Bush from prosecution for war crimes. Obviously, Hillary would protect Obama and Bush. However, no one knows what Trump would do about protecting anyone.
Obama still protects Bush from prosecution for war crimes. Obviously, Hillary would protect Obama and Bush. However, no one knows what Trump would do about protecting anyone.
True, which may be one of the reasons the political establishments of both parties are doing all they can to prevent him from winning.

North Tower - exploded from inside
South Tower - hit by 767 cargo version (not a passenger plane) likely a drone
Pentagon - hit by cruise missile
PA - nothing, a ditch filled with metal junk and set on fire for a photo op

Obama is covering up 911. Hillary will too. THAT is why the NeoCons support Hillary.
Obama still protects Bush from prosecution for war crimes. Obviously, Hillary would protect Obama and Bush. However, no one knows what Trump would do about protecting anyone.

One clue would be TRUMP HATES W.....
The Saudis Did 9/11

That's what the 28 pages tell us

Why did our government cover up this shocking evidence for so long?

The reason is because they had no desire to retaliate against the real perpetrators of 9/11. Instead, as we now know, they were determined to pin the blame on Saddam Hussein: indeed, the Bush administration pressed this talking point relentlessly, until it was forced to backtrack. We attacked Iraq, in the words of neocon grise eminenceand top Bush administration official Paul Wolfowitz, because it was “doable.” A years long neoconservative campaign to target Iraq gained new impetus in the wake of 9/11, and the administration and its journalistic camarilla pushed the lie that Iraq was behind the attack. The evidence that the Saudis were involved had to be suppressed – because the Bush administration’s war plans depended on it."

Moron thinks 9-11 was done by Iraq.
The Saudis Did 9/11

That's what the 28 pages tell us

Why did our government cover up this shocking evidence for so long?

The reason is because they had no desire to retaliate against the real perpetrators of 9/11. Instead, as we now know, they were determined to pin the blame on Saddam Hussein: indeed, the Bush administration pressed this talking point relentlessly, until it was forced to backtrack. We attacked Iraq, in the words of neocon grise eminenceand top Bush administration official Paul Wolfowitz, because it was “doable.” A years long neoconservative campaign to target Iraq gained new impetus in the wake of 9/11, and the administration and its journalistic camarilla pushed the lie that Iraq was behind the attack. The evidence that the Saudis were involved had to be suppressed – because the Bush administration’s war plans depended on it."

Gee, that's interesting. You sound EXACTLY like Michael Moore in Farenheit 9/11!
Bush never blamed Saddam. Democrats made it up have been making it up ever since.

Oh, I watched Bush LIVE when he first made his laughable connection between 9/11 and Saddam Hussein. He most certainly did blame Saddam - directly and through various insinuations/innuendos.
Hillary insisted al Queda was in Bagdhad and Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was POTUS.
Have a nice day!

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