Bush didn't just lie........

Blaming Bush - Still?

He is the one who lied to our friends in the UNSC saying that if they passed R.1441 he would not take military action without coming back to the UNSC for another resolution specifically authorizing the use of force. R. 1441 was in the process of declaring that Iraq did not have WMD to threaten the USA with. When he reneged on 1441 he failed to follow the resolution passed by Congress. I blame Congress for not standing up to him. All those who voted to give him the deciding power share the blame for all the lives lost during the invasion, the fucked up occupation, and the ongoing civil war between the Shiite and Sunnis.


(a) AUTHORIZATION- The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to--

(1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq;


(1) reliance by the United States on further diplomatic or other peaceful means alone either (A) will not adequately protect the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq or (B) is not likely to lead to enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq;

Check out what Bill Clinton said about this in 1998

Hiring Al Qaeida to protect a US Ambassador is beyond 'stupid'

To believe that is even stupider. Easy will lie about Hilary for the remainder of the Campaign and on into her presidency if she wins in November.

But the February 17 Martyr’s Brigade was the weakest link in the security chain on the evening of the attacks. The ARB—which only makes vague mentions of the CIA’s role at the U.S. mission at Benghazi—said it was a mistake to rely on the militia despite the fact that it had performed well in June 2012 after a bomb was placed at the special mission.

“At the time of Ambassador Stevens’ visit, February 17 militia members had stopped accompanying Special Mission vehicle movements in protest over salary and working hours,” the report said.

A spokesman for the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee did not respond to a request for comment on why the CIA’s role in the security failures has not been a target for the committee.

One explanation for the attention paid to the State Department could be the fact that Gen. David Petraeus—who headed the CIA at the time—is not expected to be a candidate for the presidency in 2016. Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of State, is widely expected to be running for the office as she did in 2008.

In Benghazi, CIA Trusted Local Militia That Melted Away
Blaming Bush - Still?

He is the one who lied to our friends in the UNSC saying that if they passed R.1441 he would not take military action without coming back to the UNSC for another resolution specifically authorizing the use of force. R. 1441 was in the process of declaring that Iraq did not have WMD to threaten the USA with. When he reneged on 1441 he failed to follow the resolution passed by Congress. I blame Congress for not standing up to him. All those who voted to give him the deciding power share the blame for all the lives lost during the invasion, the fucked up occupation, and the ongoing civil war between the Shiite and Sunnis.


(a) AUTHORIZATION- The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to--

(1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq;


(1) reliance by the United States on further diplomatic or other peaceful means alone either (A) will not adequately protect the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq or (B) is not likely to lead to enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq;

Check out what Bill Clinton said about this in 1998

The weapons inspectors had not found any new facilities then either. Don't forget under President Clinton the sanctions killed a half a million Iraq children too, so stop thinking everyone who opposed President Bushes invasion and occupation plan praises President Clinton. Furthermore the only inspection teams Saddam hindered prior to these bombing attacks were ones with Americans, who Saddam accused of spying.
To believe that is even stupider.'

Yet you mention the February 17 Martyr’s Brigade...

" Obama and Hillary actually HIRED an Al Qaeda-associated militia to 'protect' Ambassador Stevens and other Americans ..."
- http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjkmae836fLAhWIdh4KHaW4A9UQFggkMAE&url=http://hotair.com/archives/2014/11/21/nyt-despite-our-assurances-it-turns-out-benghazi-was-an-al-qaeda-linked-attack/&usg=AFQjCNGOxWWAnhy7VaepTySGpwkLqjxdAQ

Actually, considering Hillary chose to leave Stevens in Benghazi when every other nation had pulled their people out, it is not so unrealistic to believe Hillary actually hired a local militia to protect our US Ambassador, especially considering this administration's horrendous vetting record (gave a visa to a terrorist that killed 12 Americans in Ca).

Actually, considering the fact that Hillary 'believed' hundreds of pleas for additional security were a 'Joke', it is not hard to believe Hillary was stupid enough to hire Al Qaeida.

Actually, considering how Hillary cut 14 members of Stevens' security detail AFTER 2 terrorist attacks, knowing about the promised terrorist attacks to come, AND knowing there was no 'cavalry' to come to his rescue, it isn't hard at all to believe this ditz was stupid enough to hire a local militia that turned out to be Al Qaeida-connected.

The JOKE in this whole thing was the criminally incompetent and partisan Hillary Clinton who got 4 Americans needlessly killed.
Blaming Bush - Still?

He is the one who lied to our friends in the UNSC saying that if they passed R.1441 he would not take military action without coming back to the UNSC for another resolution specifically authorizing the use of force. R. 1441 was in the process of declaring that Iraq did not have WMD to threaten the USA with. When he reneged on 1441 he failed to follow the resolution passed by Congress. I blame Congress for not standing up to him. All those who voted to give him the deciding power share the blame for all the lives lost during the invasion, the fucked up occupation, and the ongoing civil war between the Shiite and Sunnis.


(a) AUTHORIZATION- The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to--

(1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq;


(1) reliance by the United States on further diplomatic or other peaceful means alone either (A) will not adequately protect the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq or (B) is not likely to lead to enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq;

Check out what Bill Clinton said about this in 1998

The weapons inspectors had not found any new facilities then either. Don't forget under President Clinton the sanctions killed a half a million Iraq children too, so stop thinking everyone who opposed President Bushes invasion and occupation plan praises President Clinton. Furthermore the only inspection teams Saddam hindered prior to these bombing attacks were ones with Americans, who Saddam accused of spying.

Then why did so many Liberals, like Hillary, argue that the US HAD to go to war and that we HAD to overthrow Hussein...before voting to give Bush the authorization to go to war?
February 17th Martyrs Brigade, the group Hillary hired to protect Ambassador Stevens:

- "An Islamist militia active in Libya. It is considered to be the largest and best armed militia in eastern Libya. The brigade is financed by the Libyan defense ministry.[1] The brigade consists of at least 12 battalions and possesses a large collection of light and heavy weapons in addition to training facilities. Its membership is estimated at between 1,500 and 3,500. The group has carried out various security and law and order tasks in eastern Libya and Kufra in the south.["

The LARGEST and best armed militia in Eastern Libya...yet they warned they would no longer protect Ambassador Stevens. Prior to the forewarned attacks on 9/11/12, the LARGEST, best armed militia bowed / shrank from the threat of Al Qaeida.

THAT means, Hillary - who knew of the pending attacks on 9/11/12 - not ONLY ignored the fact that every other nation had or were in the process of pulling their people out but that the threat was so great that the largest, best armed militia in all of Eastern Libya would no longer agree to guard Ambassador Stevens....and she still refused to pull him out / do what was necessary to keep him safe. After both of those things...and after 2 terrorist attacks on his compound....she STILL denied hundreds of pleas for additional security and took away 14 members of his security team.


And since when does the United States leave the protection of a U.S. Ambassador to a bunch of Islamic militia members instead of having U/S. Marines or others fully supporting and doing the job? The US military had just finished helping 'rebels' (terrorists) - who had previously for years been hiring jihadists to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill US troops - fight a civil war, kill Qaddafi, and take over their own country. And Islamic Extremist-sympathetic/lovin' Obama and Hillary hire this UN-Reliable / UN-Trustworthy (in the end) militia to protect a US Ambassador? REALLY?



"financed by the Libyan defense ministry", meaning 'Libyan Government...but Stevens had repeatedly warned the State Department that Al Qaeida Flags had been flying over Libyan Government buildings in Benghazi prior to 9/11/12...around the time the Brigade bailed on Stevens. And Hillary was too stupid to connect the dots...and STILL denied hundreds of requests for additional security and stripped 14 members of his security team? Again,


this bitch couldn't control her staff, couldn't run an AGENCY, and could not not protect 1 (ONE) MAN, let alone an entire F*ing COUNTRY!
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"The guards bristle at accusations that they shrank from the fight and say they had repeatedly warned American officials about flawed security arrangements. The militia members as well as two civilian guards employed by Blue Mountain, a British firm that in May was awarded a $783,000 State Department contract to help secure the compound, say in interviews that the facility was vulnerable."

A British firm also hired to help defend the compound warned repeatedly that it was vulnerable...they were ignored.

"The Feb. 17 guards say that when they discussed their concerns with U.S. security officers, they were sometimes told that this was a political mission, not a full-fledged embassy, implying that security requirements were less stringent."

Despite Ambassador Stevens being there, the State department ignored warnings and took security there lightly!

Libya guards speak out on attack that killed U.S. ambassador

I bet if her ass or that of Chelsea would have been there they would have had a friggin' battalion of US Marines guarding them. Then again, she would have done what she never did for Stevens - get the hell out of there.
, considering Hillary chose to leave Stevens in Benghazi

The American Embassy was in Tripoli. So another lie is exposed. Furthermore, Secretary Clinton did not send the Ambassador to Benghazi. Your link does nothing to prove your crack pot theory that the State Department hired Al Qaeda to protect the Ambassador.
, considering Hillary chose to leave Stevens in Benghazi

The American Embassy was in Tripoli. So another lie is exposed. Furthermore, Secretary Clinton did not send the Ambassador to Benghazi. Your link does nothing to prove your crack pot theory that the State Department hired Al Qaeda to protect the Ambassador.
WHERE does it say in the words 'considering Hillary chose to leave Stevens in Benghazi' that Benghazi was the Embassy?

You're so desperate you're making shit up!

Stevens worked for Hillary.

Hillary was responsible for Stevens' safety.

Everyone else pulled their people out.

Instead of hiring some local militia, denying hundreds of leas for extra security, and taking away 14 members of his security team AFTER 2 terrorist attacks, all she had to do as SoS, a leader, and his boss was order Stevens to 'get the F* our of Benghazi'....she didn't because doing so would reflect negatively on Obama's LIE about how the War on Terror was over and how Al Qaieda - who was busy opening up new terrorist training camps in Benghazi, hanging their flags from govt building roof tops, and holding rallies of as many as 1,000 people in Benghazi, as reported by Stevens repeatedly - was somehow on the run.

Obama and Hillary trusted them too with the protection of Ambassador Stevens...Yeah, how'd that work out? 4 Americans needlessly murdered...


The CIA’s role in the Benghazi facility’s security was part of an arrangement with the State Department, according to a November 1 Wall Street Journal story that first disclosed several details about the true nature of the U.S. mission in Benghazi. That piece also said 23 of the 30 people evacuated from the Benghazi compound on the evening of the attack were CIA officers using State Department cover. Other U.S. officials confirmed this to The Daily Beast. “The Benghazi compound was a U.S. intelligence station with State Department cover,” one U.S. official said.

Trusted the CIA you mean.....

What is really sick is the way Republicans have lied about the deadly attacks on the USA to try and gain some kind of political advantage first against President Obama and now Candidate Clinton.
February 17th Martyrs Brigade, the group Hillary hired to protect Ambassador Stevens:

- "An Islamist militia active in Libya. It is considered to be the largest and best armed militia in eastern Libya. The brigade is financed by the Libyan defense ministry.[1] The brigade consists of at least 12 battalions and possesses a large collection of light and heavy weapons in addition to training facilities. Its membership is estimated at between 1,500 and 3,500. The group has carried out various security and law and order tasks in eastern Libya and Kufra in the south.["

The LARGEST and best armed militia in Eastern Libya...yet they warned they would no longer protect Ambassador Stevens. Prior to the forewarned attacks on 9/11/12, the LARGEST, best armed militia bowed / shrank from the threat of Al Qaeida.

THAT means, Hillary - who knew of the pending attacks on 9/11/12 - not ONLY ignored the fact that every other nation had or were in the process of pulling their people out but that the threat was so great that the largest, best armed militia in all of Eastern Libya would no longer agree to guard Ambassador Stevens....and she still refused to pull him out / do what was necessary to keep him safe. After both of those things...and after 2 terrorist attacks on his compound....she STILL denied hundreds of pleas for additional security and took away 14 members of his security team.


And since when does the United States leave the protection of a U.S. Ambassador to a bunch of Islamic militia members instead of having U/S. Marines or others fully supporting and doing the job? The US military had just finished helping 'rebels' (terrorists) - who had previously for years been hiring jihadists to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill US troops - fight a civil war, kill Qaddafi, and take over their own country. And Islamic Extremist-sympathetic/lovin' Obama and Hillary hire this UN-Reliable / UN-Trustworthy (in the end) militia to protect a US Ambassador? REALLY?



"financed by the Libyan defense ministry", meaning 'Libyan Government...but Stevens had repeatedly warned the State Department that Al Qaeida Flags had been flying over Libyan Government buildings in Benghazi prior to 9/11/12...around the time the Brigade bailed on Stevens. And Hillary was too stupid to connect the dots...and STILL denied hundreds of requests for additional security and stripped 14 members of his security team? Again,


this bitch couldn't control her staff, couldn't run an AGENCY, and could not not protect 1 (ONE) MAN, let alone an entire F*ing COUNTRY!
Hey, didn't you say the February 17th Martyrs Brigade was affiliated with Al-Qaeda??

Now you post they weren't. I gotta give you credit though... not many people here bitch - slap themselves like you just did.
I showed you the State Department's publication of that letter with no indication Graham signed it.

You provided a link that claims to be the US State Dept. from what 12-14 years ago and this is the Holy Grail?

For the sake of this argument, take your idle Former Sen. Graham out of the mix, now provide links in regards to the other 17 quotes...
Even Bush knows he's responsible even though you don't...

"As president, I am responsible for the decision to go into Iraq." - George Bush, 12.14.2005

Yes he did and the Liberals who approved this action sit in judgement, but they live in a bubble...

You must have ethics somewhere at the bottom of the ocean...

Clueless classless Liberals have a lot of practice with this, not the first or last time...
I showed you the State Department's publication of that letter with no indication Graham signed it.

You provided a link that claims to be the US State Dept. from what 12-14 years ago and this is the Holy Grail?

For the sake of this argument, take your idle Former Sen. Graham out of the mix, now provide links in regards to the other 17 quotes...
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Look at that folks ^^^ That is what it looks like when someone doesn't know how an Internet archive works.

Imbecile... with the exception of the wayback machine header at the top, that is an exact duplication of the original web page on the day specified. Web pages change or disappear entirely all the time. The Internet archival wayback machine captures them before that occurs.

Even worse for your vapid denials was the Wash ton Post article I linked to, published just a couple of days later, also indicating Graham did not sign that letter.

Yet you persisted in insisting otherwise; disparaging Washington Post journalism and demonstrated abject ignorance about Internet archives and made claims that factcheck.org corroborated your bullshit.

Meanwhile, I called you on that bullshit and you still haven't posted a link to factcheck.org to prove they confirmed Graham authored and signed that letter.
Even Bush knows he's responsible even though you don't...

"As president, I am responsible for the decision to go into Iraq." - George Bush, 12.14.2005

Yes he did and the Liberals who approved this action sit in judgement, but they live in a bubble...

You must have ethics somewhere at the bottom of the ocean...

Clueless classless Liberals have a lot of practice with this, not the first or last time...
Not a single Liberal deployed a single troop into Iraq. Only one person did and that person is no Liberal.

"As president, I am responsible for the decision to go into Iraq." - George Bush, 12.14.2005
Myrtle you're far from the dumbest liberal on this board, but you're definitely one of the most gullible...

Bwahahahaha, says the dumbass who is still covering up for Doofus Bush when even the majority of Republicans admit that he lied. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, dunce.

You can lead the morons to water, but you can't force them to drink. They will continue to defend Bush and claim that he didn't lie....but facts don't lie, they just make those who keep insisting look like buffoons. It's no wonder Jeb Bush didn't get the support of Republicans.....especially when so many secretly adore G W Bush....because they know the truth and they know America knows the truth, and Jeb wouldn't have had a chance.

Bush’s war of choice there — despite the fact that numerous widely publicized bipartisan and international reports had definitively shown that no such weapons existed. This stubborn refusal to face the facts about Iraq continues today for millions of Americans.
The Lies We Believed (And Still Believe) About Iraq | BillMoyers.com
Bwahahahaha, says the dumbass who is still covering up for Doofus Bush when even the majority of Republicans admit that he lied. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, dunce.

Myrtle, it's amazing how much you're in denial when your comrades claimed the same thing...

Live video, actual quotes and actual votes, WOW!!

Put the bong down, take a cold shower and slap your bull dyke bitch of a GF...

The majority? How stupid are you?

Pretty f'ing stupid I see...

dumb-omg (1).jpg

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