Bush Declines Obama's Invitation to Ground Zero

Remember a flight suit and a big sign that said Mission accomplished? Well, this time the mission really was accomplished.

My Best bush voice "hee hee, dead or alive"...well, we chose dead.

Go Seal team 6.
YOU......didn't choose Jack Shit!

By "we" I mean real Americans like Obama and HIS seal team. You see, he is the boss of all the military. :) I am not speaking to bush who disbanded a group dedicated to getting him in 2005. You do know he said he didnt care about bin laden dont you?

Again, WE GOT HIM. WE shot him in the fucking face and the mission is finally accomplished.
Bush, Obama, SEALS, and the CIA got him.

And all deserve credit equally.

I don't give a fuck what Bush said. You liberal idiots took it and spun it completely out of context like you always do.......And the CIA never gave up hunting. And that's a fact, ya' partisan hack.
Look...we made Bin Laden an offer he can't refuse...

Now he sleeps with the fishes
President Obama is getting rave reviews from FDNY, NYPD, and the 9/11 families.

Reality bitch-slaps the Rightwingers once again!
Let's forget all the spin, shall we? And let's deal with some cold hard truth.

In March of 2002, Bush said (on camera, I might add) that he didn't know where OBL was, and he wasn't that concerned about him, and he didn't spend much time thinking about him. And what happened? Bush didn't get him. In fact, in 2005, the CIA group that was supposed to be looking for OBL was shut down. So, it is ANY surprise that Bush didn't get him?

OBL was NOT a priority for Bush, PERIOD!

Contrast that with Obama. As a candidate, Obama CLEARLY stated that he would look for OBL, and if OBL was found in Pakistan, President Obama would send American troops to get him, even WITHOUT Pakistan help or permission.

And what happened?

Well, last August Obama was told we may have found him. The military gave Obama several possible missions. One was to bomb him from orbit and blow him to microns, another was to ask the Pakistanis to grab him and risk them letting him slip away again like they did in Tora Bora, or finally they offered the services of Special Ops going in and doing a snatch mission.

Never mind that the Obama Administration won on policies that were in conflict with the methods used to discover his location, that is currently investigating CIA members for prisoner abuse, wants to read Myranda rights to the enemy, and supported the court martial of a Navy Seal for roughing up a suspect.

Who knows if Obama decided to do the snatch last August, but 8 months is a long time to wait on a decision. (Planning of the mission could be done in a week or two, building a mockup another week, and mission practice another week. Who knows how long the Seals have been waiting to get the go ahead) The only reasonable excuse would be if they didn't know with 100% certainty that UBL was there. Every other excuse amounts to dithering on Obama's part, which he is prone to do. The popularity of Donald Trump might have forced Obama into making a choice. Currently Trump is nowhere in the news. He has effectively removed him as a threat.
Look...we made Bin Laden an offer he can't refuse...

Now he sleeps with the fishes
His famous last words:

I need US Special Forces like I need a hole in the head.

Obama On security of this nation versus the MILITARY...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt2yGzHfy7s"]YouTube - Obama Civilian Security[/ame]

This man is an IDIOT.
YOU......didn't choose Jack Shit!

By "we" I mean real Americans like Obama and HIS seal team. You see, he is the boss of all the military. :) I am not speaking to bush who disbanded a group dedicated to getting him in 2005. You do know he said he didnt care about bin laden dont you?

Again, WE GOT HIM. WE shot him in the fucking face and the mission is finally accomplished.
Bush, Obama, SEALS, and the CIA got him.

And all deserve credit equally.

I don't give a fuck what Bush said. You liberal idiots took it and spun it completely out of context like you always do.......And the CIA never gave up hunting. And that's a fact, ya' partisan hack.

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

"I am truly not that concerned about him."
- G.W. Bush, repsonding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts,
3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)

How in the hell can you say he deserves any credit. Please please respond to this specifically.
By "we" I mean real Americans like Obama and HIS seal team. You see, he is the boss of all the military. :) I am not speaking to bush who disbanded a group dedicated to getting him in 2005. You do know he said he didnt care about bin laden dont you?

Again, WE GOT HIM. WE shot him in the fucking face and the mission is finally accomplished.
Bush, Obama, SEALS, and the CIA got him.

And all deserve credit equally.

I don't give a fuck what Bush said. You liberal idiots took it and spun it completely out of context like you always do.......And the CIA never gave up hunting. And that's a fact, ya' partisan hack.

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

"I am truly not that concerned about him."
- G.W. Bush, repsonding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts,
3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)

How in the hell can you say he deserves any credit. Please please respond to this specifically.

You think Bush lied about WMDs......maybe he was lying about this.

To be specific, it seems Bush wanted Obama to relax so we could catch him eventually.

It doesn't matter what Bush said, he wanted UBL like nobody's business. Too bad a punk like Obama was around to take advantage of what Bush set in motion.
Too bad a slack-jaw, loose-lip, blabbermouth like Bush wasn't able to do more than bluster and beat his caved chest.

Took a REAL leader to actually CARRY OUT the job of getting Bin Laden.

Bush never misses and opportunity to remind us just how classless he is.

It's a good thing his buffoon A$$ wasn't there. He deserves NO CREDIT...only credit HE gets is for sleeping on the job and ALLOWING America to suffer its WORSE attack on our homeland.

GD loafer!
POLITICO Forums:Whiteboard: 05/03/2011 @ 08:17 PM - POLITICO.com

BUSH DECLINES NYC INVITE: President Obama invited former President George W. Bush on a visit to Ground Zero on Thursday but Bush has declined, according to two people familiar with the situation.

Obama will travel to the site of the World Trade Center attacks of Sept. 11 in the days following the killing of Osama bin Laden in a U.S. special forces operation in Pakistan. He will meet with families of Sept. 11 victims, according to the Associated Press.

I'm sure it has been mentioned clinton declined also.
Too bad a slack-jaw, loose-lip, blabbermouth like Bush wasn't able to do more than bluster and beat his caved chest.

Took a REAL leader to actually CARRY OUT the job of getting Bin Laden.

Bush never misses and opportunity to remind us just how classless he is.

It's a good thing his buffoon A$$ wasn't there. He deserves NO CREDIT...only credit HE gets is for sleeping on the job and ALLOWING America to suffer its WORSE attack on our homeland.

GD loafer!

Oh good , yet another stupid partisan hack weighs in with his useless partisan opinion. As if Obama single handily hunted Bin Laden down and punched his ticket while the rest of America just stopped worrying about the guy.
Oh good , yet another stupid partisan hack weighs in with his useless partisan opinion. As if Obama single handily hunted Bin Laden down and punched his ticket while the rest of America just stopped worrying about the guy.

That buffoon, your leader, Bush didn't have ONE thing to do with Bin Laden's discovery and death. Not one.

Sorry the truth offends you so much.

LoLing @ a hack calling someone else a hack.

Bush, Obama, SEALS, and the CIA got him.

And all deserve credit equally.

I don't give a fuck what Bush said. You liberal idiots took it and spun it completely out of context like you always do.......And the CIA never gave up hunting. And that's a fact, ya' partisan hack.

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

"I am truly not that concerned about him."
- G.W. Bush, repsonding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts,
3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)

How in the hell can you say he deserves any credit. Please please respond to this specifically.

You think Bush lied about WMDs......maybe he was lying about this.

To be specific, it seems Bush wanted Obama to relax so we could catch him eventually.

It doesn't matter what Bush said, he wanted UBL like nobody's business. Too bad a punk like Obama was around to take advantage of what Bush set in motion.

How can you say this? Remember the disbanded nit designed to catch bin laden in 2005? Why would he do this? Why did he fly out bin ladens when 9/11 happened?

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02
President Obama is getting rave reviews from FDNY, NYPD, and the 9/11 families.
Reality bitch-slaps the Rightwingers once again!

yeah, all fifty of them 9/11 families out of 3000

that's some rave reviews. Of course the Obama didn't have TIME to INVITE ALL 3000 OF THEM, now did he. Cause he didn't want to, SPIKE THAT FOOTBALL IN THE ENDZONE.:lol::lol::lol:
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Oh good , yet another stupid partisan hack weighs in with his useless partisan opinion. As if Obama single handily hunted Bin Laden down and punched his ticket while the rest of America just stopped worrying about the guy.

That buffoon, your leader, Bush didn't have ONE thing to do with Bin Laden's discovery and death. Not one.

Sorry the truth offends you so much.

LoLing @ a hack calling someone else a hack.



Former CIA Director Porter Goss said on Monday from his Sanibel home that Osama bin Laden’s capture and killing was the culmination of work that began even before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks rocked the nation.

“The truth is, this started in the last century before many people knew much of anything about al-Qaida or Osama bin Laden,” Goss said, referring to the work that began with the Clinton administration to identify bin Laden’s whereabouts after lower-profile terror attacks in the 1990s
Former CIA director Goss: Bin Laden capture years in the making » Naples Daily News Mobile

Now the mission is accomplished.
No, hack..........The mission will only be accomplished when Al Qaeda is completely destroyed.

This was a symbolic victory, that will in no way change a damn thing.

Al qaeda will not lay down because that POS took a bullet through the head.

But it was great to see Bush's policies aided in turning that POS into crab bait......And to think, it all started on a board!.

Great job, Bush, Obama, Seals, and CIA!:clap2:
President Obama is getting rave reviews from FDNY, NYPD, and the 9/11 families.
Reality bitch-slaps the Rightwingers once again!

yeah, all fifty of them 9/11 families out of 3000

that's some rave reviews. Of course the Obama didn't have TIME to INVITE ALL 3000 OF THEM, now did he. Cause he didn't want to, SPIKE THAT FOOTBALL IN THE ENDZONE.:lol::lol::lol:

Out of the 50..he did get one to ask him to talk to Holder about dropping the law suits against the CIA. Obama told her flatly... "no". So, not all of the 50 were "fans". Really stand up guy that Oblah blah (not). Bet he will eventually though...when he starts to feel the pressure... And he will feel the pressure. If one of the CIA investigators gets sent to prison now knowing what the public knows...his current "good will" will mean nothing.:eusa_shhh:
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President Obama is getting rave reviews from FDNY, NYPD, and the 9/11 families.
Reality bitch-slaps the Rightwingers once again!

yeah, all fifty of them 9/11 families out of 3000

that's some rave reviews. Of course the Obama didn't have TIME to INVITE ALL 3000 OF THEM, now did he. Cause he didn't want to, SPIKE THAT FOOTBALL IN THE ENDZONE.:lol::lol::lol:

You know who you are, Steph?
Look...we made Bin Laden an offer he can't refuse...

Now he sleeps with the fishes
His famous last words:

I need US Special Forces like I need a hole in the head.

Obama On security of this nation versus the MILITARY...

This man is an IDIOT.

So Obama, who re-activated the military Units and CIA grouips looking for Bin Laden; and actually had success in 3 years doing so..is an idiot.

So Bush, who promised to bring this guy in, dead or alive, let him slip away in Tora Bora, after which he said he didn't much care about him, deactivated the military and CIA units hunting for him..and completely went another direction by attacking a country unrelated to 9/11 or terrorism in general..is what? Oh wait..you and your ilk disowned him after all the policies you guys supported for the 8 years while he was in power wound up utterly failing.

Got it.:doubt:

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