Bus Driver To Kids:"Are You Ready To Die?"

There are some pretty nasty comments being made here. In most instances school bus drivers are contracted by outside businesses - not the school districts, not the government, and certainly not the governors of any state. My understanding is that use of seat belts in school buses has come up a number of times in TN and been tabled for further discussion - one concerning possible internal or other injuries, for instance, if there's a flip over that leaves the kids hanging in the belts. I understand seat belts in private vehicles, airplanes, etc. but generally there are adults in control or adult passengers with enough wits about them to release the seat belts. Very young children may well be so shocked and/or traumatized or even unconscious and unable to release their seat belts - and generally you have one adult, maybe two, if there's a bus monitor, to undo all these children and get them out of the bus. And suppose in the interest of getting these children out safely the bus driver or monitor is not qualified to assess injuries they could move a child and make the situation worse. So it is something to consider carefully where seat belts on buses are concerned.

Then, the worse thing posted is the outright hatred of blacks - all blacks - and I wish there was a way to make people understand that not ALL whites hate black people and not ALL black people hate whites. Blacks bleed the same way whites bleed, they suffer loss the same way whites do - and I don't think anything could be more painful for anybody, regardless of race, than loss of their child. It's not supposed to work that way ... children should be dying before their parents, especially children who are still babies.
The write up says that the driver has a three year old son. May that child get the protection that he needs now that the world is aware of his existence. I wouldn't be surprised if he was made a retaliation target.

God bless you and him always!!!

You've got a pretty twisted mind if you think that retaliation against a child who had nothing to do with it is something to consider.
I was only considering the possibility. What that man did was horrific and if one person can be so horrible, so can another should the wrong button on them be mashed hard enough.

The write up says that the driver has a three year old son. May that child get the protection that he needs now that the world is aware of his existence. I wouldn't be surprised if he was made a retaliation target.

God bless you and him always!!!

That was awful to say!
I only pointed it out because sadly it isn't impossible. You know how people are in this world.

God bless you two and that boy always!!!

You know, watching the news coverage and seeing the curve in the road, as well as how the bus ended up in the tree, he was going way too fast.

Apparently, now school buses also have black boxes and can tell what happened. From the looks of it, this dude is gonna end up in a bad place for a long time.
It gets worse ... a sixth child has died. The driver was traveling way in excess of the posted 30 mph speed limit on a curvy two-lane road that was NOT the designated route for that bus. The driver tested negative for both drugs and alcohol ... but he had been in other accidents, had a bad driving record including one ticket for not having insurance on his vehicle. He's being held in jail on a pretty substantial bail and I would presume the charges will be upped to include the death of the 6th child and God only know what other charges.

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