Brown food coloring used in soda causes cancer


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Been seeing this on news crawls but as yet no segment discussing it. Probably because all the news channels have soda advertising. :) But here's the source of the claim:

Caramel Coloring in Soda | Artificial Food Coloring | 4-MeI - Consumer Reports

"Caramel color, added to many soft drinks and some foods to turn them brown, may sound harmless, even appetizing. But in no way does it resemble real caramel. Some types of this artificial coloring contain a potentially carcinogenic chemical called 4-methylimidazole (4-MeI). Under California’s Proposition 65 law, any food or beverage sold in the state that exposes consumers to more than 29 micrograms of 4-MeI per day is supposed to carry a health-warning label. In recent Consumer Reports’ tests, each of the 12-ounce samples of Pepsi One and Malta Goya had more than 29 micrograms per can or bottle."

"The risks

In 2007, a federal government study concluded that 4-MeI caused cancer in mice and the International Agency for Research on Cancer determined the chemical to be “possibly carcinogenic to humans” in 2011. There’s no federal limit for levels of 4-MeI in foods and beverages, but as of January 7, 2012 California requires manufacturers to label a product sold in the state with a cancer warning if it exposes consumers to more than 29 micrograms of 4-MeI per day. In this case, the exposure comes from consumption.

The California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment used 29 micrograms as the cut off point because that’s the level they determined poses a one in 100,000 risk of cancer—that is, no more than one excess cancer case per 100,000 people who are exposed to that amount daily for a lifetime."
I never have liked colas.

hell even as a kid I could not finish a can of this liquid candy .

even the 7up types
Used to drink quite a bit until a kidney stone. Joked with the doc at the urgent care center, "But I thought the carbonated water counted towards my 8 glasses a day?" He didn't laugh. :) Now I drink Tang and Pink Lemonade and 1% milk. Occasional soda from the nearby vending machine, but almost never buy it grocery shopping anymore. It's too convenient if I can get a drink popping open a soda I tend to do that instead of mixing up some Tang or lemonade.
Water baby

once you really develop this habit you will NEVER want anything else when you are truly thirsty
You can clean the toilet with a can of Coke. Imagine what it does to a body. Soda is nasty shit.

Toilet...not just that, Cola is an excellent chrome cleaner when using aluminum foil as a "rag". If you take aluminum foil and just use water...doesn't clean worth a damn. Use Coke - works fantastic. As good as any chrome cleaner out there.

Besides that, the caramel coloring would be the last thing I would worry about if I was a heavy cola drinker. The sugar alone is devastating.
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You can clean the toilet with a can of Coke. Imagine what it does to a body. Soda is nasty shit.

I used to soak rusted tools in coke. I reclaimed all kinds of quality tools that people were going to toss that way.

That shit ate the rust right off.

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