Broward Submits Machine Recount Results 2 Minutes Late, Won’t Count Towards Election Total

Broward loses track of 2040 ballots during recount!
Jim Hoft ^
| 11/15/18 | Jim Hoft

Democrats were hoping to steal the US Senate and Governor Races in Florida despite losing both races by over 80,000 votes on Election Day.

On Tuesday Broward County Elections supervisor Brenda Snipes reported 634,000 votes were cast in the midterm election in her county.

On Friday morning Broward County Elections officials said 717,000 votes were cast in the midterm election.

Broward County Democrats mysteriously found 83,000 votes in two days!

They still have not explained how this happened.

After the recount on Thursday Broward County announced their results.

Here are Thursday’s numbers from Broward County, via Ian Margol:

Scott – 210,513 Nelson – 469,949 Total 680,462

DeSantis – 221,252 Gillum – 480,304 Total: 701,556

Caldwell – 213,322 Fried – 477,448 Total 690,770

So the number was significantly lower than the 717,000 total reported on Friday.

According to Ian Margol every candidate lost votes since the vote totals deadline on Saturday.

Broward officials also said they had 2,040 votes fewer this time. How can they be SO FAR OFF with their vote totals?

These officials should be fired and prosecuted immediately.
Learned their math in public schools.
I have a question: How in THE HELL does a person determine voter intent in an under vote? The voter has chosen neither person, so there is no mark on the ballot. IMO all of those votes should be thrown out.
That is a ridiculous decision...

they finished the recount within the time limit, it was transmitting it to the headquarters where they got messed up.... by 2 minutes....

Two minutes is silly but the entire process was bogus so how it died is immaterial
That is a ridiculous decision...

they finished the recount within the time limit, it was transmitting it to the headquarters where they got messed up.... by 2 minutes....

They already violated numerous election laws. Like not counting the abesntee ballots and posting the totals by the deadline, not informing the public of the vote counts as required by law at the time required by law, not following chain of custody laws for ballots and ballot boxes, not allowing providing legally required documents to the parties and candidates, violating the prohibition of opening absentee ballots in private and out of sight of monitors.

There is NO COME ON!. Start following the FUCKING RULES.
There need to be tougher penalties for not complying with election law.
Actually, they need to revise their election law timelines, which hasn't been updated since 1987 or earlier, to accommodate for the HUGE population growth

They have DOUBLED their population, added 10 million to their population since then and the rules and timeline of when things have to be done by, do not accommodate the increase, especially in the big counties, where most of the increased population resides.
There need to be tougher penalties for not complying with election law.
Actually, they need to revise their election law timelines, which hasn't been updated since 1987 or earlier, to accommodate for the HUGE population growth

They have DOUBLED their population, added 10 million to their population since then and the rules and timeline of when things have to be done by, do not accommodate the increase, especially in the big counties, where most of the increased population resides.
No,........ extending voting periods is how Election Fraud is accomplished. Sorry, try again.
Extending a deadline IS ALWAYS what THE FRAUDSTER WANTS!
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That is a ridiculous decision...

they finished the recount within the time limit, it was transmitting it to the headquarters where they got messed up.... by 2 minutes....

They already violated numerous election laws. Like not counting the abesntee ballots and posting the totals by the deadline, not informing the public of the vote counts as required by law at the time required by law, not following chain of custody laws for ballots and ballot boxes, not allowing providing legally required documents to the parties and candidates, violating the prohibition of opening absentee ballots in private and out of sight of monitors.

There is NO COME ON!. Start following the FUCKING RULES.
Liberals don’t like laws and have a hard time following them. Laws necessitate conformity and obedience and that’s just tooooo oppressive for them.

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