British re-open case: The Spy Who Warned us about Putin

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
I heard on the news two days ago that the British have decided to re-open the case concerning their investigation of the assassination of a man who claimed Putin had him murdered. I will try to find the news story that Steve Malzberg was reporting from but in the meanwhile here is the story that ran a few months ago and now they have decided to re-open the case. The world should know what a cold blooded murderer Putin is.

Brits Investigate Assassination of the Spy Who Warned Us About Putin - The Daily Beast

LONDON — Vladimir Putin thought he’d got away with murder. At least that was the conclusion of diplomats and security officials for eight years as Britain ignored demands for an inquiry into the assassination of a former KGB officer in Central London.

Alexander Litvinenko had angered the Kremlin with repeated claims that Putin was running a thuggish and brutal regime. He sought refuge in Britain and was granted asylum, but local police were powerless to prevent his assassination. He was struck down inside an upmarket London hotel by a rare radioactive poison that had been slipped in to his pot of tea.

and then 3 days ago, January 27,2015, this story comes out:

Ex-KGB spy Litvinenko told UK police Putin ordered his death Reuters

Tam read a transcript of an interview Litvinenko gave detectives while on his death bed in which he said: "I have no doubt whatsoever this was done by the Russian secret service.

"Having knowledge of the system, I know that the order about such a killing of a citizen of another country on its territory, especially if it's something to with Great Britain, could have been given by only one person.

"That person is the president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin."

The Kremlin has always denied involvement, as have Lugovoy and Kovtun, the main suspects, whom Russia has refused to extradite.


In a passionate opening speech, Ben Emmerson, the lawyer for Litvinenko's widow Marina, also blamed Putin. He said all the evidence pointed to the president ordering the killing to cover up close links between his administration and the Russian mafia, which the inquiry would expose.
Thank God this case has been re-opened!
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Western propagandists pulling out the stops to insure the Russians wear black hats.

The Russians are the enemy. The FSB and KGB trained terrorists that did a false flag on their own children (See Belsan story according to this spy who Putin had assassinated by poison) The Russians have fought the extradiction of the two men Putin sent to kill him because they do not want the world to know what a cold blooded murderer Putin is. They are too busy trying to paint him as some paragon of virtue! Truth be known? He is the antithesis!
"Mr Putin should be unmasked by this inquiry as nothing more than a common criminal dressed up as a head of state."

The controversy generated by the killing chilled Anglo-Russian relations to a post-Cold War low. As ties improved, Britain rejected holding an inquiry in 2013, but with relations subsequently soured by the Ukraine crisis, the British government changed its mind last July.

Inquiry lawyer Tam said the authorities had followed a radioactive trail across London which suggested there had been a previous attempt to poison Litvinenko during meetings he had the month before with Lugovoy and Kovtun.

Tests had shown traces of polonium at offices, hotels and planes used by the two Russians, he said, while one witness said Kovtun had asked him to find a cook in London who could lace food with "an expensive poison".

Litvinenko, who fled Russia exactly six years before he was fatally poisoned, had become a stringent critic of Putin and the FSB security agency, successor to the KGB.

Ex-KGB spy Litvinenko told UK police Putin ordered his death Reuters
Western propagandists pulling out the stops to insure the Russians wear black hats.

The Russians are the enemy. The FSB and KGB trained terrorists that did a false flag on their own children (See Belsan story according to this spy who Putin had assassinated by poison) The Russians have fought the extradiction of the two men Putin sent to kill him because they do not want the world to know what a cold blooded murderer Putin is. They are too busy trying to paint him as some paragon of virtue! Truth be known? He is the antithesis!

Russians aren't my enemy. They're just protecting their borders like any soverign nation should. What's our excuse for not protecting ours?
Western propagandists pulling out the stops to insure the Russians wear black hats.

The Russians are the enemy. The FSB and KGB trained terrorists that did a false flag on their own children (See Belsan story according to this spy who Putin had assassinated by poison) The Russians have fought the extradiction of the two men Putin sent to kill him because they do not want the world to know what a cold blooded murderer Putin is. They are too busy trying to paint him as some paragon of virtue! Truth be known? He is the antithesis!

Russians aren't my enemy. They're just protecting their borders like any soverign nation should. What's our excuse for not protecting ours?

Leave the US out of it and stop trying to create a diversion. It won't work. The truth is Putin is a cold blooded murderer and Russia is my enemy and the enemy of the American people. Putin is not your friend. Wake up.
Western propagandists pulling out the stops to insure the Russians wear black hats.

The Russians are the enemy. The FSB and KGB trained terrorists that did a false flag on their own children (See Belsan story according to this spy who Putin had assassinated by poison) The Russians have fought the extradiction of the two men Putin sent to kill him because they do not want the world to know what a cold blooded murderer Putin is. They are too busy trying to paint him as some paragon of virtue! Truth be known? He is the antithesis!

Russians aren't my enemy. They're just protecting their borders like any soverign nation should. What's our excuse for not protecting ours?

Were they protecting borders when they invaded the Ukraine? No. They were not.
This is a good headline. I like it.

Putin s Polonium-Poison Revenge on ex-Spy Laid Bare in UK Inquiry - The Daily Beast

Putin’s Polonium-Poison Revenge on ex-Spy Laid Bare in UK Inquiry
Details of the defector Alexander Litvinenko’s gruesome death in 2006 finally get aired in a public hearing. Thousands of innocents were put at risk.

LONDON — Vladimir Putin was today accused of running Russia like a reckless mob boss, ordering an international act of nuclear terrorism that risked thousands of lives as part of a personal vendetta.

The allegations against him and his murderous “Mafia state” were made at the start of a public inquiry into the death of a Russian dissident who was assassinated in London with radioactive poison.

Alexander Litvinenko, a former Russian spy who defected to Britain, died in November 2006 after drinking a cup of tea laced with Polonium-210 at an upmarket hotel near Buckingham Palace.

The High Court judge presiding over the inquiry said classified evidence had already established that there was a “prima facie case” linking the Russian state to the murder of Litvinenko, whose death after he swallowed the rare radioactive isotope was slow and agonizing.
Meet the real Vladimir Putin. How do you like him now?
Blacks are your enemy, Muslims are your enemy, Russians are your enemy, communists are your enemy...who else fills that heart of yours full of hate?
Western propagandists pulling out the stops to insure the Russians wear black hats.

The Russians are the enemy. The FSB and KGB trained terrorists that did a false flag on their own children (See Belsan story according to this spy who Putin had assassinated by poison) The Russians have fought the extradiction of the two men Putin sent to kill him because they do not want the world to know what a cold blooded murderer Putin is. They are too busy trying to paint him as some paragon of virtue! Truth be known? He is the antithesis!

Russians aren't my enemy. They're just protecting their borders like any soverign nation should. What's our excuse for not protecting ours?
This guy was killed in Britain. That's a long way from Russian borders.
Pity Putin didn't have drones at the time or he could have used The Obama Doctrine to kill anyone he chose and the left would have no legitimate bitch.

No, wait, that wouldn't apply unless the drone also killed at least one woman or two infant children.
Western propagandists pulling out the stops to insure the Russians wear black hats.

The Russians are the enemy. The FSB and KGB trained terrorists that did a false flag on their own children (See Belsan story according to this spy who Putin had assassinated by poison) The Russians have fought the extradiction of the two men Putin sent to kill him because they do not want the world to know what a cold blooded murderer Putin is. They are too busy trying to paint him as some paragon of virtue! Truth be known? He is the antithesis!

Russians aren't my enemy. They're just protecting their borders like any soverign nation should. What's our excuse for not protecting ours?
This guy was killed in Britain. That's a long way from Russian borders.

Putin wanted him dead so he sent two assassins to do the job and now Russia refuses to permit them to be brought to Britain to be questioned. They know these two guys did it and they know Putin sent them.
Blacks are your enemy, Muslims are your enemy, Russians are your enemy, communists are your enemy...who else fills that heart of yours full of hate?

Oh please. Is there anyone on this board you get along with? Anyone at all? Grow up.
Blacks are your enemy, Muslims are your enemy, Russians are your enemy, communists are your enemy...who else fills that heart of yours full of hate?

Oh please. Is there anyone on this board you get along with? Anyone at all? Grow up.
Once you started spewing your hate and became fair game. Especially the nonsense about all blacks become muslim terrorist. What a pseudo-Christian. I used to like you until you went with that nonsense narrative.
UK Gov Report Tells Everyone What They Already Knew About Putin

January 21, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


The KGB had two types of ways of killing people.

1. Obvious

2. Covert

In the latter, victims died of what appeared to be heart attacks, committed suicide or just vanished. But in the former, they were killed in ways that made it obvious who was responsible while maintaining plausible deniability.

The KGB had ways of killing people subtly two generations ago. It still does. When it wants to kill someone quietly, the victim is found having committed suicide. Consider the murder of Victor Kravchenko. The point of the Litvinenko assassination and any number of other unnecessarily vicious killings was to make it clear who was responsible.

The UK report on the assassination is a joke because the whole point of the killing was to make the point to Russians living in the UK that they were not safe. The point was made. The report only confirms that the UK is unwilling and unable to do anything about an enemy carrying out killings on its soil in ways that seriously endanger its own people.

Putin didn't just kill a political enemy. This is what he did to the UK.
Metropolitan Police detectives found traces of polonium-210 on the plane, travelled on by suspects Andrei Lugovoi and Dmitri Kovtun in 2006.... The two Russians who allegedly poisoned Alexander Litvinenko left a massive trail of radiation in “multiple locations” across London...
This wasn't just messy. It was practically a terror attack of the kind no one has even carried out before. And, after all this time, the UK has come up with a response.


UK Gov Report Tells Everyone What They Already Knew About Putin

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