British MPs vote to recognise Palestinian state

No one said it was easy.
It is just the right thing to do.

As to UKIP they are about excessive migration into the country which would / is already causing issues.

If the Palestinians had only had their own "UKIP" in the 1920's they may have avoided a lot of issues.

But I think you might want to reserve a discussion on them for another forum.

It's not the right thing to do.

Palestinian state is to be recognized once the Palestinian terror ceases, and only under negotiation.

Trying to force Israel to committ suicide won't help matters.

Recognition of Palestinian statehood must be as optional as recognition of Israeli statehood.
Israel holds it will not talk with those who do not recognise it as a state with a 'right to exist'. Then Palestinians must have the same courtesy. It is not a point for negotiation.

In any case the only way to save Israel from itself is to have a Palestinian state. Without one, Israel must be forever (or until its collapse) an Apartheid state, or would be dissolved into the solution of one state with an Arab majority.

"Recognition of Palestinian statehood must be as optional as recognition of Israeli statehood."

Fine. Then the other way around should go to. "Any attempts on erasing the "Palestinian" statehood should be euqally ok with declaring "Palestine" is a terror state with no right to exist."

Is that equation well-suiting?

As both would be madness, yes - equally (un) acceptable.

There is no "apartheid". Those who say it don't realize what it is. Apartheid is it when a normal state denies basic rights from a group of its own citizens based on nothing but race.

Palestinians are- a) not Israelis citizens and b) not discriminated based on race, but based on security reasons.

Those who live in Israel with blue ID suffer no lack of basic rights.

So any "apartheid" claiming is stupid and incorrect

Yes dear. Just keep telling yourself that like you convince yourself of all the other Zionist lies. No one believes you anymore.

Wow, are you completely dense.?

I fix your actual factual errors, and all you have to say is "no one believes you?"

That's not a question of BELIEF, it's a question of understanding basic things, which you lack.
No one said it was easy.
It is just the right thing to do.

As to UKIP they are about excessive migration into the country which would / is already causing issues.

If the Palestinians had only had their own "UKIP" in the 1920's they may have avoided a lot of issues.

But I think you might want to reserve a discussion on them for another forum.

It's not the right thing to do.

Palestinian state is to be recognized once the Palestinian terror ceases, and only under negotiation.

Trying to force Israel to committ suicide won't help matters.

Recognition of Palestinian statehood must be as optional as recognition of Israeli statehood.
Israel holds it will not talk with those who do not recognise it as a state with a 'right to exist'. Then Palestinians must have the same courtesy. It is not a point for negotiation.

In any case the only way to save Israel from itself is to have a Palestinian state. Without one, Israel must be forever (or until its collapse) an Apartheid state, or would be dissolved into the solution of one state with an Arab majority.

"Recognition of Palestinian statehood must be as optional as recognition of Israeli statehood."

Fine. Then the other way around should go to. "Any attempts on erasing the "Palestinian" statehood should be euqally ok with declaring "Palestine" is a terror state with no right to exist."

Is that equation well-suiting?

As both would be madness, yes - equally (un) acceptable.

There is no "apartheid". Those who say it don't realize what it is. Apartheid is it when a normal state denies basic rights from a group of its own citizens based on nothing but race.

Palestinians are- a) not Israelis citizens and b) not discriminated based on race, but based on security reasons.

Those who live in Israel with blue ID suffer no lack of basic rights.

So any "apartheid" claiming is stupid and incorrect

Yes dear. Just keep telling yourself that like you convince yourself of all the other Zionist lies. No one believes you anymore.

Wow, are you completely dense.?

I fix your actual factual errors, and all you have to say is "no one believes you?"

That's not a question of BELIEF, it's a question of understanding basic things, which you lack.

See. By your lack, and the lack in your state to follow the basic principles of justice, equality and fairness, and your utter refusal to appreciate that you have this obligation you really do leave just hard pressures as the tools to disrupt and destroy your evil in Palestine and Israel.

Its no wonder that many are willing to fight you lot for generations. The world outside sees what you are and while Israel looks all very nice and very westernised in comfort and facilities you are the anathema of what a civilised nation is. The opposition to you will just grow.

For you Lipush, I know you claim to be poor and put upon by your state and by bad luck, but you really should realise you are pampered and privileged beyond reason, in comparison to the families whose land you rest upon for now.

But thank you. It is instructive to see how readily people are corrupted by their own hopes and dreams to crush other people and destroy the hopes of others more deserving. Israelis have no more propensity for evil than other Europeans, but the culture you are raised to brings it out in you.
No one said it was easy.
It is just the right thing to do.

As to UKIP they are about excessive migration into the country which would / is already causing issues.

If the Palestinians had only had their own "UKIP" in the 1920's they may have avoided a lot of issues.

But I think you might want to reserve a discussion on them for another forum.

It's not the right thing to do.

Palestinian state is to be recognized once the Palestinian terror ceases, and only under negotiation.

Trying to force Israel to committ suicide won't help matters.

Recognition of Palestinian statehood must be as optional as recognition of Israeli statehood.
Israel holds it will not talk with those who do not recognise it as a state with a 'right to exist'. Then Palestinians must have the same courtesy. It is not a point for negotiation.

In any case the only way to save Israel from itself is to have a Palestinian state. Without one, Israel must be forever (or until its collapse) an Apartheid state, or would be dissolved into the solution of one state with an Arab majority.

"Recognition of Palestinian statehood must be as optional as recognition of Israeli statehood."

Fine. Then the other way around should go to. "Any attempts on erasing the "Palestinian" statehood should be euqally ok with declaring "Palestine" is a terror state with no right to exist."

Is that equation well-suiting?

As both would be madness, yes - equally (un) acceptable.

There is no "apartheid". Those who say it don't realize what it is. Apartheid is it when a normal state denies basic rights from a group of its own citizens based on nothing but race.

Palestinians are- a) not Israelis citizens and b) not discriminated based on race, but based on security reasons.

Those who live in Israel with blue ID suffer no lack of basic rights.

So any "apartheid" claiming is stupid and incorrect

Yes dear. Just keep telling yourself that like you convince yourself of all the other Zionist lies. No one believes you anymore.

Wow, are you completely dense.?

I fix your actual factual errors, and all you have to say is "no one believes you?"

That's not a question of BELIEF, it's a question of understanding basic things, which you lack.

The reason no one believes your propaganda is that firstly, it is propaganda. You are repeated what you learn in Hasbara training. Secondly, your points are self defeating. Defining Apartheid as Apartheid only when those targeted by Apartheid are citizens thereby relieving Israel of the crime of Apartheid is a stupid justification. Because, the non-whites under Apartheid in South Africa were not citizens of the Republic of South Africa. They were citizens of various separate "states" among them Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda, and Ciskei.
What do you mean by 'deflecting'?

I answered all your questions, refuted your points, watched over as you undermined your own arguments and referred to you as a penguin. What more could I do for you?

This 'deflecting': It means you don't like the answer, doesn't it?
You refuted nothing and I did not undermine my own argument. You are making crap up, as usual.
Does it make you feel better about yourself when you lie ?
Isn't the Jewish state a state based on a single religion?
If the state is based on a religious ideal, it must be a theocracy.

Personally, even if a state is 99% one religion, I believe all religions should be free to open buildings for their own version of the truth.
Israel has a rather nasty record of destroying mosques and keeping Muslims out of these buildings.
In other words, they can hardly complain about anyone else.
How many Mosques has Israel destroyed?
It's not the right thing to do.

Palestinian state is to be recognized once the Palestinian terror ceases, and only under negotiation.

Trying to force Israel to committ suicide won't help matters.

Recognition of Palestinian statehood must be as optional as recognition of Israeli statehood.
Israel holds it will not talk with those who do not recognise it as a state with a 'right to exist'. Then Palestinians must have the same courtesy. It is not a point for negotiation.

In any case the only way to save Israel from itself is to have a Palestinian state. Without one, Israel must be forever (or until its collapse) an Apartheid state, or would be dissolved into the solution of one state with an Arab majority.

"Recognition of Palestinian statehood must be as optional as recognition of Israeli statehood."

Fine. Then the other way around should go to. "Any attempts on erasing the "Palestinian" statehood should be euqally ok with declaring "Palestine" is a terror state with no right to exist."

Is that equation well-suiting?

As both would be madness, yes - equally (un) acceptable.

There is no "apartheid". Those who say it don't realize what it is. Apartheid is it when a normal state denies basic rights from a group of its own citizens based on nothing but race.

Palestinians are- a) not Israelis citizens and b) not discriminated based on race, but based on security reasons.

Those who live in Israel with blue ID suffer no lack of basic rights.

So any "apartheid" claiming is stupid and incorrect

Yes dear. Just keep telling yourself that like you convince yourself of all the other Zionist lies. No one believes you anymore.

Wow, are you completely dense.?

I fix your actual factual errors, and all you have to say is "no one believes you?"

That's not a question of BELIEF, it's a question of understanding basic things, which you lack.

The reason no one believes your propaganda is that firstly, it is propaganda. You are repeated what you learn in Hasbara training. Secondly, your points are self defeating. Defining Apartheid as Apartheid only when those targeted by Apartheid are citizens thereby relieving Israel of the crime of Apartheid is a stupid justification. Because, the non-whites under Apartheid in South Africa were not citizens of the Republic of South Africa. They were citizens of various separate "states" among them Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda, and Ciskei.
Says the king of propaganda :lol: :lol:

I notice that when you don't like hearing the truth, you respond with your usual "Hasbara!"

When you stop posting propaganda on a daily basis, then you can accuse other of posting propaganda. But for now, it's like the pot calling the kettle black.
It's not the right thing to do.

Palestinian state is to be recognized once the Palestinian terror ceases, and only under negotiation.

Trying to force Israel to committ suicide won't help matters.

Recognition of Palestinian statehood must be as optional as recognition of Israeli statehood.
Israel holds it will not talk with those who do not recognise it as a state with a 'right to exist'. Then Palestinians must have the same courtesy. It is not a point for negotiation.

In any case the only way to save Israel from itself is to have a Palestinian state. Without one, Israel must be forever (or until its collapse) an Apartheid state, or would be dissolved into the solution of one state with an Arab majority.

"Recognition of Palestinian statehood must be as optional as recognition of Israeli statehood."

Fine. Then the other way around should go to. "Any attempts on erasing the "Palestinian" statehood should be euqally ok with declaring "Palestine" is a terror state with no right to exist."

Is that equation well-suiting?

As both would be madness, yes - equally (un) acceptable.

There is no "apartheid". Those who say it don't realize what it is. Apartheid is it when a normal state denies basic rights from a group of its own citizens based on nothing but race.

Palestinians are- a) not Israelis citizens and b) not discriminated based on race, but based on security reasons.

Those who live in Israel with blue ID suffer no lack of basic rights.

So any "apartheid" claiming is stupid and incorrect

Yes dear. Just keep telling yourself that like you convince yourself of all the other Zionist lies. No one believes you anymore.

Wow, are you completely dense.?

I fix your actual factual errors, and all you have to say is "no one believes you?"

That's not a question of BELIEF, it's a question of understanding basic things, which you lack.

See. By your lack, and the lack in your state to follow the basic principles of justice, equality and fairness, and your utter refusal to appreciate that you have this obligation you really do leave just hard pressures as the tools to disrupt and destroy your evil in Palestine and Israel.

Its no wonder that many are willing to fight you lot for generations. The world outside sees what you are and while Israel looks all very nice and very westernised in comfort and facilities you are the anathema of what a civilised nation is. The opposition to you will just grow.

For you Lipush, I know you claim to be poor and put upon by your state and by bad luck, but you really should realise you are pampered and privileged beyond reason, in comparison to the families whose land you rest upon for now.

But thank you. It is instructive to see how readily people are corrupted by their own hopes and dreams to crush other people and destroy the hopes of others more deserving. Israelis have no more propensity for evil than other Europeans, but the culture you are raised to brings it out in you.

My goodness Beezle, this sure is a lot of words without saying anything.

I would love to know however, whos land is Lipush resting on ? Where does she live ?
Recognition of Palestinian statehood must be as optional as recognition of Israeli statehood.
Israel holds it will not talk with those who do not recognise it as a state with a 'right to exist'. Then Palestinians must have the same courtesy. It is not a point for negotiation.

In any case the only way to save Israel from itself is to have a Palestinian state. Without one, Israel must be forever (or until its collapse) an Apartheid state, or would be dissolved into the solution of one state with an Arab majority.

"Recognition of Palestinian statehood must be as optional as recognition of Israeli statehood."

Fine. Then the other way around should go to. "Any attempts on erasing the "Palestinian" statehood should be euqally ok with declaring "Palestine" is a terror state with no right to exist."

Is that equation well-suiting?

As both would be madness, yes - equally (un) acceptable.

There is no "apartheid". Those who say it don't realize what it is. Apartheid is it when a normal state denies basic rights from a group of its own citizens based on nothing but race.

Palestinians are- a) not Israelis citizens and b) not discriminated based on race, but based on security reasons.

Those who live in Israel with blue ID suffer no lack of basic rights.

So any "apartheid" claiming is stupid and incorrect

Yes dear. Just keep telling yourself that like you convince yourself of all the other Zionist lies. No one believes you anymore.

Wow, are you completely dense.?

I fix your actual factual errors, and all you have to say is "no one believes you?"

That's not a question of BELIEF, it's a question of understanding basic things, which you lack.

The reason no one believes your propaganda is that firstly, it is propaganda. You are repeated what you learn in Hasbara training. Secondly, your points are self defeating. Defining Apartheid as Apartheid only when those targeted by Apartheid are citizens thereby relieving Israel of the crime of Apartheid is a stupid justification. Because, the non-whites under Apartheid in South Africa were not citizens of the Republic of South Africa. They were citizens of various separate "states" among them Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda, and Ciskei.
Says the king of propaganda :lol: :lol:

I notice that when you don't like hearing the truth, you respond with your usual "Hasbara!"

When you stop posting propaganda on a daily basis, then you can accuse other of posting propaganda. But for now, it's like the pot calling the kettle black.

I post fact from official UN or other neutral archives. You are so steeped in Zionist propaganda that when the facts are depicted in official documents, you just can't believe it. By the way. Name one bit of propaganda I have posted.
"Recognition of Palestinian statehood must be as optional as recognition of Israeli statehood."

Fine. Then the other way around should go to. "Any attempts on erasing the "Palestinian" statehood should be euqally ok with declaring "Palestine" is a terror state with no right to exist."

Is that equation well-suiting?

As both would be madness, yes - equally (un) acceptable.

There is no "apartheid". Those who say it don't realize what it is. Apartheid is it when a normal state denies basic rights from a group of its own citizens based on nothing but race.

Palestinians are- a) not Israelis citizens and b) not discriminated based on race, but based on security reasons.

Those who live in Israel with blue ID suffer no lack of basic rights.

So any "apartheid" claiming is stupid and incorrect

Yes dear. Just keep telling yourself that like you convince yourself of all the other Zionist lies. No one believes you anymore.

Wow, are you completely dense.?

I fix your actual factual errors, and all you have to say is "no one believes you?"

That's not a question of BELIEF, it's a question of understanding basic things, which you lack.

The reason no one believes your propaganda is that firstly, it is propaganda. You are repeated what you learn in Hasbara training. Secondly, your points are self defeating. Defining Apartheid as Apartheid only when those targeted by Apartheid are citizens thereby relieving Israel of the crime of Apartheid is a stupid justification. Because, the non-whites under Apartheid in South Africa were not citizens of the Republic of South Africa. They were citizens of various separate "states" among them Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda, and Ciskei.
Says the king of propaganda :lol: :lol:

I notice that when you don't like hearing the truth, you respond with your usual "Hasbara!"

When you stop posting propaganda on a daily basis, then you can accuse other of posting propaganda. But for now, it's like the pot calling the kettle black.

I post fact from official UN or other neutral archives. You are so steeped in Zionist propaganda that when the facts are depicted in official documents, you just can't believe it. By the way. Name one bit of propaganda I have posted.

WOW. You post links with documents sometimes !! Amazing. This does not change the fact that you are the king of propaganda,
As both would be madness, yes - equally (un) acceptable.

Yes dear. Just keep telling yourself that like you convince yourself of all the other Zionist lies. No one believes you anymore.

Wow, are you completely dense.?

I fix your actual factual errors, and all you have to say is "no one believes you?"

That's not a question of BELIEF, it's a question of understanding basic things, which you lack.

The reason no one believes your propaganda is that firstly, it is propaganda. You are repeated what you learn in Hasbara training. Secondly, your points are self defeating. Defining Apartheid as Apartheid only when those targeted by Apartheid are citizens thereby relieving Israel of the crime of Apartheid is a stupid justification. Because, the non-whites under Apartheid in South Africa were not citizens of the Republic of South Africa. They were citizens of various separate "states" among them Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda, and Ciskei.
Says the king of propaganda :lol: :lol:

I notice that when you don't like hearing the truth, you respond with your usual "Hasbara!"

When you stop posting propaganda on a daily basis, then you can accuse other of posting propaganda. But for now, it's like the pot calling the kettle black.

I post fact from official UN or other neutral archives. You are so steeped in Zionist propaganda that when the facts are depicted in official documents, you just can't believe it. By the way. Name one bit of propaganda I have posted.

WOW. You post links with documents sometimes !! Amazing. This does not change the fact that you are the king of propaganda,

Like your friend Ruddy, you mistake fact with what you disagree with. Sort of like the three monkeys. I post links to official documents in archives 90% of the time and I never link to Palestinian or Arab sites. I am impeccable from that point of view. You and your friends link to Zionist sites exclusively.
Damn you Monte!

How come you get all the accolades?

Because providing them with source material that disagrees with the propaganda they have been brainwashed with, drives them crazy. On another forum, a bunch of us neutrals posted so much of the original documentation that the Zionists eventually left for greener pastures where they could post propaganda among themselves. Maybe they came here. LOL
Damn you Monte!

How come you get all the accolades?

Because providing them with source material that disagrees with the propaganda they have been brainwashed with, drives them crazy. On another forum, a bunch of us neutrals posted so much of the original documentation that the Zionists eventually left for greener pastures where they could post propaganda among themselves. Maybe they came here. LOL


Keep it up Monte. They may never be converted to the side of decency, but they can at least be given material to ponder in their old age, as they try to work out where it all went so wrong.

And apart from that, your links make interesting reading and reference for the rest of us too.
Wow, are you completely dense.?

I fix your actual factual errors, and all you have to say is "no one believes you?"

That's not a question of BELIEF, it's a question of understanding basic things, which you lack.

The reason no one believes your propaganda is that firstly, it is propaganda. You are repeated what you learn in Hasbara training. Secondly, your points are self defeating. Defining Apartheid as Apartheid only when those targeted by Apartheid are citizens thereby relieving Israel of the crime of Apartheid is a stupid justification. Because, the non-whites under Apartheid in South Africa were not citizens of the Republic of South Africa. They were citizens of various separate "states" among them Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda, and Ciskei.
Says the king of propaganda :lol: :lol:

I notice that when you don't like hearing the truth, you respond with your usual "Hasbara!"

When you stop posting propaganda on a daily basis, then you can accuse other of posting propaganda. But for now, it's like the pot calling the kettle black.

I post fact from official UN or other neutral archives. You are so steeped in Zionist propaganda that when the facts are depicted in official documents, you just can't believe it. By the way. Name one bit of propaganda I have posted.

WOW. You post links with documents sometimes !! Amazing. This does not change the fact that you are the king of propaganda,

Like your friend Ruddy, you mistake fact with what you disagree with. Sort of like the three monkeys. I post links to official documents in archives 90% of the time and I never link to Palestinian or Arab sites. I am impeccable from that point of view. You and your friends link to Zionist sites exclusively.

Geez you really think highly of yourself don't you ?

And no matter how many times you post the crap that you "only write facts", the REAL fact remains that you are an expert in propaganda.
It's incredible how full of shit you are. You truly are one of a kind,
Isn't the Jewish state a state based on a single religion?
If the state is based on a religious ideal, it must be a theocracy.

Personally, even if a state is 99% one religion, I believe all religions should be free to open buildings for their own version of the truth.
Israel has a rather nasty record of destroying mosques and keeping Muslims out of these buildings.
In other words, they can hardly complain about anyone else.
How many Mosques has Israel destroyed?

A lot, and it even admits to some.

In a deliberate attempt to remove Muslims and Islam from the new Jewish state, Israeli terrorists deliberately destroyed mosques as part of their master race program.
The reason no one believes your propaganda is that firstly, it is propaganda. You are repeated what you learn in Hasbara training. Secondly, your points are self defeating. Defining Apartheid as Apartheid only when those targeted by Apartheid are citizens thereby relieving Israel of the crime of Apartheid is a stupid justification. Because, the non-whites under Apartheid in South Africa were not citizens of the Republic of South Africa. They were citizens of various separate "states" among them Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda, and Ciskei.
Says the king of propaganda :lol: :lol:

I notice that when you don't like hearing the truth, you respond with your usual "Hasbara!"

When you stop posting propaganda on a daily basis, then you can accuse other of posting propaganda. But for now, it's like the pot calling the kettle black.

I post fact from official UN or other neutral archives. You are so steeped in Zionist propaganda that when the facts are depicted in official documents, you just can't believe it. By the way. Name one bit of propaganda I have posted.

WOW. You post links with documents sometimes !! Amazing. This does not change the fact that you are the king of propaganda,

Like your friend Ruddy, you mistake fact with what you disagree with. Sort of like the three monkeys. I post links to official documents in archives 90% of the time and I never link to Palestinian or Arab sites. I am impeccable from that point of view. You and your friends link to Zionist sites exclusively.

Geez you really think highly of yourself don't you ?

And no matter how many times you post the crap that you "only write facts", the REAL fact remains that you are an expert in propaganda.
It's incredible how full of shit you are. You truly are one of a kind,

How can information in archived historical documents be "full of shit". It's only because you have never read anything but Zionist propaganda, that the facts surprise you. Facts contained in official reports are not propaganda.
Isn't the Jewish state a state based on a single religion?
If the state is based on a religious ideal, it must be a theocracy.

Personally, even if a state is 99% one religion, I believe all religions should be free to open buildings for their own version of the truth.
Israel has a rather nasty record of destroying mosques and keeping Muslims out of these buildings.
In other words, they can hardly complain about anyone else.
How many Mosques has Israel destroyed?

A lot, and it even admits to some.

In a deliberate attempt to remove Muslims and Islam from the new Jewish state, Israeli terrorists deliberately destroyed mosques as part of their master race program.
Islam Web :lol: :lol: :lol:
Says the king of propaganda :lol: :lol:

I notice that when you don't like hearing the truth, you respond with your usual "Hasbara!"

When you stop posting propaganda on a daily basis, then you can accuse other of posting propaganda. But for now, it's like the pot calling the kettle black.

I post fact from official UN or other neutral archives. You are so steeped in Zionist propaganda that when the facts are depicted in official documents, you just can't believe it. By the way. Name one bit of propaganda I have posted.

WOW. You post links with documents sometimes !! Amazing. This does not change the fact that you are the king of propaganda,

Like your friend Ruddy, you mistake fact with what you disagree with. Sort of like the three monkeys. I post links to official documents in archives 90% of the time and I never link to Palestinian or Arab sites. I am impeccable from that point of view. You and your friends link to Zionist sites exclusively.

Geez you really think highly of yourself don't you ?

And no matter how many times you post the crap that you "only write facts", the REAL fact remains that you are an expert in propaganda.
It's incredible how full of shit you are. You truly are one of a kind,

How can information in archived historical documents be "full of shit". It's only because you have never read anything but Zionist propaganda, that the facts surprise you. Facts contained in official reports are not propaganda.

You have reading comprehension issue as well I see. I'm not talking about your posts with documents.

I'm talking about all the bullshit propaganda claims that you make without documents. You are full of shit. That's just the way it is. Get over it.
Says the king of propaganda :lol: :lol:

I notice that when you don't like hearing the truth, you respond with your usual "Hasbara!"

When you stop posting propaganda on a daily basis, then you can accuse other of posting propaganda. But for now, it's like the pot calling the kettle black.

I post fact from official UN or other neutral archives. You are so steeped in Zionist propaganda that when the facts are depicted in official documents, you just can't believe it. By the way. Name one bit of propaganda I have posted.

WOW. You post links with documents sometimes !! Amazing. This does not change the fact that you are the king of propaganda,

Like your friend Ruddy, you mistake fact with what you disagree with. Sort of like the three monkeys. I post links to official documents in archives 90% of the time and I never link to Palestinian or Arab sites. I am impeccable from that point of view. You and your friends link to Zionist sites exclusively.

Geez you really think highly of yourself don't you ?

And no matter how many times you post the crap that you "only write facts", the REAL fact remains that you are an expert in propaganda.
It's incredible how full of shit you are. You truly are one of a kind,

How can information in archived historical documents be "full of shit". It's only because you have never read anything but Zionist propaganda, that the facts surprise you. Facts contained in official reports are not propaganda.

"you have never read anything but Zionist propaganda"

When I first started following the conflict, I mainly read pro Israel websites. But for the last few years, I've been reading pro Israel and Pro Palestinian articles/blogs etc....
I post fact from official UN or other neutral archives. You are so steeped in Zionist propaganda that when the facts are depicted in official documents, you just can't believe it. By the way. Name one bit of propaganda I have posted.

WOW. You post links with documents sometimes !! Amazing. This does not change the fact that you are the king of propaganda,

Like your friend Ruddy, you mistake fact with what you disagree with. Sort of like the three monkeys. I post links to official documents in archives 90% of the time and I never link to Palestinian or Arab sites. I am impeccable from that point of view. You and your friends link to Zionist sites exclusively.

Geez you really think highly of yourself don't you ?

And no matter how many times you post the crap that you "only write facts", the REAL fact remains that you are an expert in propaganda.
It's incredible how full of shit you are. You truly are one of a kind,

How can information in archived historical documents be "full of shit". It's only because you have never read anything but Zionist propaganda, that the facts surprise you. Facts contained in official reports are not propaganda.

"you have never read anything but Zionist propaganda"

When I first started following the conflict, I mainly read pro Israel websites. But for the last few years, I've been reading pro Israel and Pro Palestinian articles/blogs etc....

Well then download and read the definitive unbiased history of the Mandate as commissioned by the UN. They are pdf files from a Jewish Website. The Berman Jewish Policy Archive.

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