British Female Jihadist Medic Pictured Holding Severed Head

It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)

silly lie------I read both the bible and the Koran long before al gore invented the internet. In fact----the statements in the Koran and hadiths clearly DIRECTS
that persons who do not adhere to islam or---if monotheists refuse to be utterly subjugated to Islamic rule must be killed----WORLD WIDE. There are no such
statements in the bible. I doubt that Coyote read either. I never access propaganda
sites -------or cite them ----no need. I got my information in the pre-gore era ---about islam from muslims and about Christianity from Christians and about Judaism from jews. The oft repeated statement by islamo-Nazi-propagandaists that the bible
(old testament) contains violent passages is absolutely true----the book includes a
history of many wars. The islamo Nazi pig statement that it directs the execution of persons for "lack of belief"----is a typical Nazi dog lie. . Regarding pre christian
jewish jurisprudence----there is no penalty for "non-belief" (of course----it IS often
described as "insanity"<<<< the big time excuse for the no penalty issue is-----
"Ya can't blame a person for being nuts" <<< really TRUE STORY

I came across this just a few minutes ago.

A Message to Obama from a Former Muslim - Israel News
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)

Not in the New Testament. Not that you care. Your pathetic attempt at making Christians out to be equivalent to fundamentalist muslims is pathetic.

Christianity is nothing like the scumbags in islam. Hence, the reason why a pathetic liberal artist has no problem making an art piece called "piss Christ."

Love to see some "brave" liberal do something like piss mohammed. Yeah the same group that is supposedly the same as Christianity calls for the death of South Park creators for putting a very quick image of their false prophet.

Oh never mind. You just keep on with your pathetic notion that Christians are the same as those pathetic muslims. Meanwhile why laugh at the notion that some artist dipped a crucifix in his own piss, displayed it in a museum as "art" and no Christian organization called for his beheading.

Fucking liberals and their pathetic lies.
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It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)

Not in the New Testament. Not that you care. Your pathetic attempt at making Christians out to be equivalent to fundamentalist muslims is pathetic.

Christianity is nothing like the scumbags in islam. Hence, the reason why a pathetic liberal artists has no problem making an art piece called "piss Christ."

Love to see some "brave" liberal do something like piss mohammed. Yeah the same group that is supposedly the same as Christianity calls for the death of South Park creators for putting a very quick image of their false prophet.

Oh never mind. You just keep on with their pathetic notion that Christians are the same as those pathetic muslims. Meanwhile why laugh at the notion that some artist dipped a crucifix in his own piss, displayed it in a museum as "art" and no Christian organization called for his beheading.

Fucking liberals and their pathetic lies.

indeed pathetic
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)

Far more? I don't know about that. The Bible and Koran are both violent books. However, there is only ONE religious group that is spreading hatred and death throughout the world, and that is Islam. Why do you keep defending this religion?

I would like you to admit that Islam is a HUGE problem in today's society. They don't fit in, and they refuse to even try. You cannot really think that Christianity is problematic in terms of world peace.
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)

Not in the New Testament. Not that you care. Your pathetic attempt at making Christians out to be equivalent to fundamentalist muslims is pathetic.

Christianity is nothing like the scumbags in islam. Hence, the reason why a pathetic liberal artist has no problem making an art piece called "piss Christ."

Love to see some "brave" liberal do something like piss mohammed. Yeah the same group that is supposedly the same as Christianity calls for the death of South Park creators for putting a very quick image of their false prophet.

Oh never mind. You just keep on with your pathetic notion that Christians are the same as those pathetic muslims. Meanwhile why laugh at the notion that some artist dipped a crucifix in his own piss, displayed it in a museum as "art" and no Christian organization called for his beheading.

Fucking liberals and their pathetic lies.

None of them would dare. The liberals will continue to try and pacify these nuts, while at the same time condemning Christianity. LOL. It's SO silly that I cannot even believe it. Funny thing is that the extremist Islamists would kill the liberals first. They are VERY conservative people and despise liberalism. They have more RESPECT for Christians than they will EVER have for liberals. Liberals need to wake up and realize that no matter how much they kiss the butt of the Islamic extremists, they will never ever like liberals and, if given the opportunity, would saw off their heads with rusty old knives.
I do not yet understand ISIS's obvious desire to stir up the Brits. Why are they doing this/
They use British killers, and the last victim was British.
Do they somehow think that this will divide the Brits and the Americans?? Could they be that dumb?
Well I certainly would not attribute sanity or logic to those who act in such barbaric ways.
I would attribute "multiculturalism" to this. Damn, Enoch Powell proved right again!
what do the actions of the ummah pigs in Iraq have to do with Enoch Powell?.

Are you suggesting that Enoch Powell was right because he foresaw
the fact that the filth of the ummah which IS manifested in Iraq was being
imported into Great Britain? There are people who are SURPRISED by
the filth of the ummah pigs in Iraq as if such behavior is ----unexpected
We are at fault in one respect. We created the market for oil, discovered their oil deposits, drilled it, and gave them whatever wealth they have. Thankless goat herding, backwards, fascists.... Lmfao

And they should be bloody thankful they got invaded to. Oh wait, I mean to say they were liberated. cough, efing cough.

Your pathetic sarcasm and disapproval of them being liberated is noted, you fucking American hating left wing, propaganda hack.

I get it, it is ALL BECAUSE OF OIL.

Quick, how much oil has America received from Iraq. Answer: Nothing.

What I cannot tell is if that makes you happy. Now, get in your prius, step on the pussy pedal, and let us know more of your left wing shit.
You're a liar.

U.S. Companies Get Slice of Iraq's Oil Pie
“There will be an enormous scale of investment.” Mr. Munton estimated roughly half of the expected $150 billion the international majors will spend in capital outlays at Iraqi oil fields over the next decade will go to drilling subcontractors, most of them American.

Halliburton has won drilling and well refurbishment contracts at three of the six major fields, Weatherford International, Schlumberger and Baker Hughes at two others. One Chinese oil-services company is also working on these projects, as is a domestic Iraqi subcontractor, the Iraq Drilling Co.. . .

. . . .
U.S. oil-services companies are well positioned to win the work because they have been in Iraq for years on contract with the U.S. occupation authorities and military. Rather than scaling back as the U.S. military pulls out, Halliburton is planning to expand.

The company has 600 employees in Iraq today and said in a statement it intends to hire “several hundred” more before the end of the year.

“We continue to win significant contracts in Iraq, and are investing heavily in our infrastructure,” Halliburton said.

It's not how much oil America receives, it's how much profits it receives from the activities of the corporations. The activities the American government, military and intelligence agencies clearly are in the interest of those corporations. That is what this debate is about. The energy market is an international market. It makes no sense to ship oil from Iraq when it is cheaper and quicker to ship it from Venezuela, Alaska, Texas, the Dakotas, or the Tar Sands.

Thanks. You have proven yourself to be an adept agent of disinformation and truly untrustworthy with a nefarious and vile agenda. Clearly no one can trust a thing you say. It's easy to remember though, the Owl is after all, a symbol of the NWO. Nice.

It is funny how folks like you always say, you can't believe anything you see or read on the internet. Yet when it suits your cause, well then, lets immediate believe a blurred out video is what it appears to be. Let's just believe some woman dressed up in a burqa is actually a radical Muslim, not some MI6 spook. And that thing blurred out is a real head, not a prop. Let's just believe this video is the real thing, not some propaganda video. Yeah, we're that stupid. Like counter terrorism units in Britain would just let that slide. Whatever. :bang3:

What garbage.

Creating war hysteria is easier than ever for the elites today, isn't it?
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I do not yet understand ISIS's obvious desire to stir up the Brits. Why are they doing this/
They use British killers, and the last victim was British.
Do they somehow think that this will divide the Brits and the Americans?? Could they be that dumb?

There is nothing to understand. They enjoy killing "infidels." Period. End of story.
Those meddlesome colonialists are reaping what theyve sown.

Those poor, peaceful, oppressed, occupied, jihadists....revenge is at hand...

If only we opened up a dialogue and "understood" the mindless neanderthals better.... Lol

What would you do if your land was repeatedly invaded, your country was made by someone else, a king from somewhere else was imposed on you, and you were forced to sell your resources to benefit those invaders?

Seriously, imagine China invaded the US, and did all these things, what would you do? Take up arms and try and kick these people out, or just sit back and take it?

Yes, this is what their imams say to rile them up when it is actually their own government who does this on purpose. They lie to their people, they keep them poor, and they rule over them with an iron fist. It is to these dictators' advantages to keep the people brainwashed and dumb. We are NOT occupying Iraq. We LEFT.
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)

silly lie------I read both the bible and the Koran long before al gore invented the internet. In fact----the statements in the Koran and hadiths clearly DIRECTS
that persons who do not adhere to islam or---if monotheists refuse to be utterly subjugated to Islamic rule must be killed----WORLD WIDE. There are no such
statements in the bible. I doubt that Coyote read either. I never access propaganda
sites -------or cite them ----no need. I got my information in the pre-gore era ---about islam from muslims and about Christianity from Christians and about Judaism from jews. The oft repeated statement by islamo-Nazi-propagandaists that the bible
(old testament) contains violent passages is absolutely true----the book includes a
history of many wars. The islamo Nazi pig statement that it directs the execution of persons for "lack of belief"----is a typical Nazi dog lie. . Regarding pre christian
jewish jurisprudence----there is no penalty for "non-belief" (of course----it IS often
described as "insanity"<<<< the big time excuse for the no penalty issue is-----
"Ya can't blame a person for being nuts" <<< really TRUE STORY

I came across this just a few minutes ago.

A Message to Obama from a Former Muslim - Israel News

Muslim groups around the world are condemning ISIS as non-Islamic.

I think their word might carry more weight than one disaffected former Muslim. Generally - the most bitter critics of a religion are it's former members. Sometimes for good reason, sometimes because they've only been exposed to the worst.
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)

Not in the New Testament. Not that you care. Your pathetic attempt at making Christians out to be equivalent to fundamentalist muslims is pathetic.

Christianity is nothing like the scumbags in islam. Hence, the reason why a pathetic liberal artist has no problem making an art piece called "piss Christ."

Love to see some "brave" liberal do something like piss mohammed. Yeah the same group that is supposedly the same as Christianity calls for the death of South Park creators for putting a very quick image of their false prophet.

Oh never mind. You just keep on with your pathetic notion that Christians are the same as those pathetic muslims. Meanwhile why laugh at the notion that some artist dipped a crucifix in his own piss, displayed it in a museum as "art" and no Christian organization called for his beheading.

Fucking liberals and their pathetic lies.

We were talking about religious books, not the acts of religious extremists.

The Bible actually contains a lot more references to and commands to commit genocide and kill unbelievers than the Koran and that has been acted upon in various times in history and used to justify atrocities. You guys ignore it and instead focus on the violence in the Koran which is actually bound by far more rules than it is in the Bible and then you apply the acts of extremism to the entire religion.
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)

Not in the New Testament. Not that you care. Your pathetic attempt at making Christians out to be equivalent to fundamentalist muslims is pathetic.

Christianity is nothing like the scumbags in islam. Hence, the reason why a pathetic liberal artist has no problem making an art piece called "piss Christ."

Love to see some "brave" liberal do something like piss mohammed. Yeah the same group that is supposedly the same as Christianity calls for the death of South Park creators for putting a very quick image of their false prophet.

Oh never mind. You just keep on with your pathetic notion that Christians are the same as those pathetic muslims. Meanwhile why laugh at the notion that some artist dipped a crucifix in his own piss, displayed it in a museum as "art" and no Christian organization called for his beheading.

Fucking liberals and their pathetic lies.

None of them would dare. The liberals will continue to try and pacify these nuts, while at the same time condemning Christianity. LOL. It's SO silly that I cannot even believe it. Funny thing is that the extremist Islamists would kill the liberals first. They are VERY conservative people and despise liberalism. They have more RESPECT for Christians than they will EVER have for liberals. Liberals need to wake up and realize that no matter how much they kiss the butt of the Islamic extremists, they will never ever like liberals and, if given the opportunity, would saw off their heads with rusty old knives.

I don't believe any liberals are supporting religious extremists. Feel free to provide some examples if you want though.
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)

Far more? I don't know about that. The Bible and Koran are both violent books. However, there is only ONE religious group that is spreading hatred and death throughout the world, and that is Islam. Why do you keep defending this religion?

I would like you to admit that Islam is a HUGE problem in today's society. They don't fit in, and they refuse to even try. You cannot really think that Christianity is problematic in terms of world peace.

You would like me to what? Sorry, you aren't the boss of me.

Islamic extremism is a problem in the world today.

Islam isn't.

Fight extremism.
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)

Not in the New Testament. Not that you care. Your pathetic attempt at making Christians out to be equivalent to fundamentalist muslims is pathetic.

Christianity is nothing like the scumbags in islam. Hence, the reason why a pathetic liberal artist has no problem making an art piece called "piss Christ."

Love to see some "brave" liberal do something like piss mohammed. Yeah the same group that is supposedly the same as Christianity calls for the death of South Park creators for putting a very quick image of their false prophet.

Oh never mind. You just keep on with your pathetic notion that Christians are the same as those pathetic muslims. Meanwhile why laugh at the notion that some artist dipped a crucifix in his own piss, displayed it in a museum as "art" and no Christian organization called for his beheading.

Fucking liberals and their pathetic lies.

None of them would dare. The liberals will continue to try and pacify these nuts, while at the same time condemning Christianity. LOL. It's SO silly that I cannot even believe it. Funny thing is that the extremist Islamists would kill the liberals first. They are VERY conservative people and despise liberalism. They have more RESPECT for Christians than they will EVER have for liberals. Liberals need to wake up and realize that no matter how much they kiss the butt of the Islamic extremists, they will never ever like liberals and, if given the opportunity, would saw off their heads with rusty old knives.

I don't believe any liberals are supporting religious extremists. Feel free to provide some examples if you want though.

I said kissing their butts and pacifying them. When you defend them and try to compare them to other religious groups who are NOT killing people around the world, then that is exactly what you are doing.

They need to be condemned. If the more moderates cannot do something about them (because there are a LOT of extremists in THIS camp), then how do we know who is an extremist and who is not? Are we supposed to be expected to play Russian roulette, when time and time again we have reports of attacks by Islamic terrorists? Something has to give.
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)

Far more? I don't know about that. The Bible and Koran are both violent books. However, there is only ONE religious group that is spreading hatred and death throughout the world, and that is Islam. Why do you keep defending this religion?

I would like you to admit that Islam is a HUGE problem in today's society. They don't fit in, and they refuse to even try. You cannot really think that Christianity is problematic in terms of world peace.

You would like me to what? Sorry, you aren't the boss of me.

Islamic extremism is a problem in the world today.

Islam isn't.

Fight extremism.

This religion breeds extremism IMO.
Muslim groups around the world are condemning ISIS as non-Islamic.

I think their word might carry more weight than one disaffected former Muslim. Generally - the most bitter critics of a religion are it's former members. Sometimes for good reason, sometimes because they've only been exposed to the worst.
Saying that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is non-Islamic is a lot like saying the Jewish Defense League is not Jewish.

Bewildering stuff.
Muslim groups around the world are condemning ISIS as non-Islamic.

I think their word might carry more weight than one disaffected former Muslim. Generally - the most bitter critics of a religion are it's former members. Sometimes for good reason, sometimes because they've only been exposed to the worst.
Saying that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is non-Islamic is a lot like saying the Jewish Defense League is not Jewish.

Bewildering stuff.

Or the KKK isn't Christian....

Or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea isn't democratic....
Muslim groups around the world are condemning ISIS as non-Islamic.

I think their word might carry more weight than one disaffected former Muslim. Generally - the most bitter critics of a religion are it's former members. Sometimes for good reason, sometimes because they've only been exposed to the worst.
Saying that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is non-Islamic is a lot like saying the Jewish Defense League is not Jewish.

Bewildering stuff.

Or the KKK isn't Christian....

Or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea isn't democratic....
And from that we are to deduce that those fighting in the name of Allah are not Muslims not believers in Islam? Sorry, like Al Qaeda, you really can't get more Islamic than that.

Bush, Obama, Cameron and Muslim groups that disavow these organizations as being Islamic pretty much have to. I don't. I have an amazing grasp of the obvious.
Muslim groups around the world are condemning ISIS as non-Islamic.

I think their word might carry more weight than one disaffected former Muslim. Generally - the most bitter critics of a religion are it's former members. Sometimes for good reason, sometimes because they've only been exposed to the worst.
Saying that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is non-Islamic is a lot like saying the Jewish Defense League is not Jewish.

Bewildering stuff.
Not really. You must have the intellectual capacity of a sixth grader if you cannot grasp why Islamic groups are condemning this group as not holding to Islamic principles.

Let's see, the recognized leaders of Wahhabism (that's basically where the theological roots and rational for jihad can be traced to) are in Saudi Arabia. In fact, the governing legitimacy in Saudi Arabia depends on their blessing. That is why Islam is so strict in that nation. Even they don't recognize ISIS as having any legitimacy. But, let's see if we can draw an analogy that you CAN understand, since your intellectual capacity seems to be in short supply.

Do you see this group?

Do you think 90% of Christians consider them Christian even though they call themselves a BAPTIST CHURCH?

Well then, if you get that, maybe you might understand the point of view of 90% of the world's Muslims. Mmmmkay? Now, stop being an ass.

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