Britain's Last Gasp


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
British Progressive have pushed Britain to the brink of extinction.

Years of failed economic and social policies have lead to a Balkanized country with a $245 BILLION deficit this year and a Prime Minister calling a questioner a "Bigoted woman" for daring to ask about "All these Eastern European what are coming in"

The British people, in a last gasp effort have given Conservatives a winning margin, but short of control.

This is for all the marbles. Britain will either reform or die like Greece just did

The ruling class, the politicians that pushed Britain toward its Progressive downfall will be cared for and protected while the ordinary British citizens, including those dumb enough to continue to vote for Progressives will be the ones crushed to death by the eventual rioters.

""I want to work together in tackling the big and urgent problems - the debt crisis, the deep social problems and broken political system." And with that, by trying to work with Freedom's enemies, Cameron has probably already sealed Britain fate to march into a modern Dark Age

Does any of this look familiar?

Is any of this getting trough to you?

David Cameron Seeks Pact With Liberal Democrats And Nick Clegg To Form Government | Politics | Sky News
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Britain will face the same challenges that we face in this country. Can the two sides work together for the good of the country? The answer is not "my side wins so your side loses" but reaching a common ground to evaluate the problems and reach solutions.

We have been horribly unsuccessful at doing this in the US....I wish them better luck
Not when one side is dedicated to destroying a nation by burying it under debt, Illegals Aliens and tearing up the Constitution -- and that side includes Statists like Dubya
Not when one side is dedicated to destroying a nation by burying it under debt, Illegals Aliens and tearing up the Constitution -- and that side includes Statists like Dubya

Frankie demonstrates one of the reasons our politicians are unable to work together to reach a common ground.......The well is poisoned
Not when one side is dedicated to destroying a nation by burying it under debt, Illegals Aliens and tearing up the Constitution -- and that side includes Statists like Dubya

Frankie demonstrates one of the reasons our politicians are unable to work together to reach a common ground.......The well is poisoned


I have no common ground with Obama or any Democrat politician and neither will any candidate I support
It works in many EU countries. They battle it out during the election but negotiate between themselves after. Not that I'm holding the EU up as a shining example.... because their parties just seem to bicker over how much more money they can squeeze out of working people to give to those who are not working.
It works in many EU countries. They battle it out during the election but negotiate between themselves after. Not that I'm holding the EU up as a shining example.... because their parties just seem to bicker over how much more money they can squeeze out of working people to give to those who are not working.

Maybe 20-30 years ago that worked, but today in 2010, it's reform or die as a sovereign country time. Greece is done (I'm still wondering why American Progressives aren't flocking to the Statist Mecca) and Britain is next unless they institute immediate drastic changes
Not when one side is dedicated to destroying a nation by burying it under debt, Illegals Aliens and tearing up the Constitution -- and that side includes Statists like Dubya

Frankie demonstrates one of the reasons our politicians are unable to work together to reach a common ground.......The well is poisoned


I have no common ground with Obama or any Democrat politician and neither will any candidate I support

It is the attitude of Frankie and most of the US politicians on both sides that the other guys are idiots and that only they know the true answer to what is wrong with this country. The extreme pressure on politicians not to compromise is destroying our form of government.
It works in many EU countries. They battle it out during the election but negotiate between themselves after. Not that I'm holding the EU up as a shining example.... because their parties just seem to bicker over how much more money they can squeeze out of working people to give to those who are not working.
I hope they can work it out...but I wouldn't be surprised if the UK splits into England and Scotland/Wales in the near future.
Frank, why not just admit you'd be happy if Europe collapsed and everyone who lived in any country close to the left starved? Meanwhile, the same would hold true here for the U.S. in your mind as long as Obama and the Dems are running the show.
Frank, why not just admit you'd be happy if Europe collapsed and everyone who lived in any country close to the left starved? Meanwhile, the same would hold true here for the U.S. in your mind as long as Obama and the Dems are running the show.

Did you pay for mind reading classes recently, because you should definitely ask for a full refund.

It's ugly to see but Greece and now Britain are whats at the end of the road EVERY SINGLE TIME countries get duped into letting Progressives take control.

Starvation is a tool used by all the great Leftists: Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler to skinny back the people and get them in line. For myself, I'm coming to realize that the disdain the Western man is taught to feel for "hunter/gatherers" is the worse kind of arrogance. Our "superiority" to those who can live off the land is a total shame. The best foods and medicinal plants are those right where you live and it's a shame that most of the real knowledge died a long time ago.

We have maybe the next 2 2-year election cycles left here in the USA to turn it around, if we don't we're done.
Did you pay for mind reading classes recently, because you should definitely ask for a full refund.

It's ugly to see but Greece and now Britain are whats at the end of the road EVERY SINGLE TIME countries get duped into letting Progressives take control.

Starvation is a tool used by all the great Leftists: Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler to skinny back the people and get them in line. For myself, I'm coming to realize that the disdain the Western man is taught to feel for "hunter/gatherers" is the worse kind of arrogance. Our "superiority" to those who can live off the land is a total shame. The best foods and medicinal plants are those right where you live and it's a shame that most of the real knowledge died a long time ago.

We have maybe the next 2 2-year election cycles left here in the USA to turn it around, if we don't we're done.

The fact you consider Hitler a leftist is enough ignorance to just shake my head and wish whoever taught you history did a better job getting through to you. Though you probably weren't bothering to pay attention.
British Progressive have pushed Britain to the brink of extinction.

Years of failed economic and social policies have lead to a Balkanized country with a $245 BILLION deficit this year and a Prime Minister calling a questioner a "Bigoted woman" for daring to ask about "All these Eastern European what are coming in"

The British people, in a last gasp effort have given Conservatives a winning margin, but short of control.

This is for all the marbles. Britain will either reform or die like Greece just did

The ruling class, the politicians that pushed Britain toward its Progressive downfall will be cared for and protected while the ordinary British citizens, including those dumb enough to continue to vote for Progressives will be the ones crushed to death by the eventual rioters.

""I want to work together in tackling the big and urgent problems - the debt crisis, the deep social problems and broken political system." And with that, by trying to work with Freedom's enemies, Cameron has probably already sealed Britain fate to march into a modern Dark Age

Does any of this look familiar?

Is any of this getting trough to you?

David Cameron Seeks Pact With Liberal Democrats And Nick Clegg To Form Government | Politics | Sky News

We are headed down the same primrose path, thanks to Obama and his band of merry nutjobs.

Don't say I didn't warn ya.
Did you pay for mind reading classes recently, because you should definitely ask for a full refund.

It's ugly to see but Greece and now Britain are whats at the end of the road EVERY SINGLE TIME countries get duped into letting Progressives take control.

Starvation is a tool used by all the great Leftists: Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler to skinny back the people and get them in line. For myself, I'm coming to realize that the disdain the Western man is taught to feel for "hunter/gatherers" is the worse kind of arrogance. Our "superiority" to those who can live off the land is a total shame. The best foods and medicinal plants are those right where you live and it's a shame that most of the real knowledge died a long time ago.

We have maybe the next 2 2-year election cycles left here in the USA to turn it around, if we don't we're done.

The fact you consider Hitler a leftist is enough ignorance to just shake my head and wish whoever taught you history did a better job getting through to you. Though you probably weren't bothering to pay attention.

Hitler's was a Leftist, his Party were the National Socialists. He was not a big fan of freedom, individual liberty and limited government.

You were taught Hitler was a Righty by the same people that taught you the man who presided over the worst economy in world history, dwarfing the 7 Biblical Lean Years was "Great" for guiding us "out of the Great Depression"
It works in many EU countries. They battle it out during the election but negotiate between themselves after. Not that I'm holding the EU up as a shining example.... because their parties just seem to bicker over how much more money they can squeeze out of working people to give to those who are not working.
I hope they can work it out...but I wouldn't be surprised if the UK splits into England and Scotland/Wales in the near future.

Don't forget N. Ireland...which I hope to see reunited as one country and returned to the Republic of Ireland in my lifetime. Boot the Brits.

It could happen.... :D
Hitler's was a Leftist, his Party were the National Socialists. He was not a big fan of freedom, individual liberty and limited government.

You were taught Hitler was a Righty by the same people that taught you the man who presided over the worst economy in world history, dwarfing the 7 Biblical Lean Years was "Great" for guiding us "out of the Great Depression"

So wait, because Hitler called his party the National Socialists, that makes him a Socialist? :cuckoo:

You are a fool Frank, nothing but. Do you know what was the first thing Hitler did when he came to power? He killed the socialists and communists. Do you know Hitler had bankers in his staff to help try and steer the country out of it's depression?

The fact you actually believe he was a Socialist because he called his party National Socialists is enough evidence for me to know you have no real idea about that time period.
Hitler's was a Leftist, his Party were the National Socialists. He was not a big fan of freedom, individual liberty and limited government.

You were taught Hitler was a Righty by the same people that taught you the man who presided over the worst economy in world history, dwarfing the 7 Biblical Lean Years was "Great" for guiding us "out of the Great Depression"

So wait, because Hitler called his party the National Socialists, that makes him a Socialist? :cuckoo:

You are a fool Frank, nothing but. Do you know what was the first thing Hitler did when he came to power? He killed the socialists and communists. Do you know Hitler had bankers in his staff to help try and steer the country out of it's depression?

The fact you actually believe he was a Socialist because he called his party National Socialists is enough evidence for me to know you have no real idea about that time period.

Besides the mind reading class refund you should sue your elementary school teachers as well, I said and I quote, "Hitler's was a Leftist".

Why are you trying to derail the thread?
Besides the mind reading class refund you should sue your elementary school teachers as well, I said and I quote, "Hitler's was a Leftist".

Why are you trying to derail the thread?

Not trying to derail the thread, just astounded by your ignorance when it comes to history, which I'm sure translates over into current events.
Hitler's was a Leftist, his Party were the National Socialists. He was not a big fan of freedom, individual liberty and limited government.

You were taught Hitler was a Righty by the same people that taught you the man who presided over the worst economy in world history, dwarfing the 7 Biblical Lean Years was "Great" for guiding us "out of the Great Depression"

So wait, because Hitler called his party the National Socialists, that makes him a Socialist? :cuckoo:

You are a fool Frank, nothing but. Do you know what was the first thing Hitler did when he came to power? He killed the socialists and communists. Do you know Hitler had bankers in his staff to help try and steer the country out of it's depression?

The fact you actually believe he was a Socialist because he called his party National Socialists is enough evidence for me to know you have no real idea about that time period.

Who Am I?

I suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder

My father was a Communist, a government employee and had multiple children with several woman

My father was not interested in my Mom and me so he abandoned us and we moved around a lot when I was young

I was not raised in the country that elected me

In my mid 30’s I wrote an autobiography highlighting my early years, political ideas, and thoughts on race

I then wrote a second book further describing my political ideas and ambitions

I’ve always maintained an exaggerated sense of self-importance

I require constant admiration

I believe in Universal Health Care

I believe capitalism is evil

I am an anti-Semite

I believe in curtailing the rights of the people to own guns

I used economic turmoil to springboard myself to political power

I destroy my political enemies

I love using Grecian Temples as a backdrop to give speeches

Louis Farakan thought very highly of me

One of my very first actions was to seize control on my nation’s car companies

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