Bring them out the shadows with e-verify


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Comp. Immig. Reform Amnesty to control illegal immigration should be trashed just like background checks to control gun violence was. Amnesty will not control illegal immigration and back ground check will not control gun violence. We have to look at the “cause and effect” of illegal immigration and gun violence and fix the cause. “Incentives” that bring illegal aliens here and allow them to stay and the cause of gun violence. Why is gun violence highest in low income minority and economically strain states. The “cause and effect” of me jay walking was the officer sent me back across the street to cross legally and I missed my bus. He did not give me a "get out of jail free card" which amnesty is for illegal aliens.

E-Verify system would bring illegal aliens out of the “shadows” faster, cheaper and more effective than amnesty, send the home and keep them home and at the same time help in securing the border. If we had done it right in 1986 we would not be dealing with the same problem now.

Children of illegal aliens has and equally chance of a better life in Mexico as they do here. Deporting them is not a punishment but the compassionate and humane thing to do because they already know the language and the culture and it is home. Safer than my home, Pinal Country Arizona, where I cannot go home to because illegal aliens has made it unsafe. We have given Mexico financially assistance and Mexico’s economy is more than capable of taking care of Meixco’s own. Anchor babies are citizens of Mexico and Mexico should at least share in the responsibility of providing for them.

Lets do the right thing and bring them out of the shadows with E-Verify and watch them self deport. Self deport is no more offensive than amnesty is to Americans
30 million more workers will go a long way towards driving down wages, which is the desired effect.

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