Brexit busted.

Wasn't sure, but it always seemed the advantages to staying outweighed any disadvantages. One can never be sure with the Brits, though. They have irrational tendencies (especially their virulence concerning France and the French).
Wasn't sure, but it always seemed the advantages to staying outweighed any disadvantages. One can never be sure with the Brits, though. They have irrational tendencies (especially their virulence concerning France and the French).
Its a straight choice between what you know and the great unknown.
The EU does need reform but even if it was the land of milk and honey there are some who would want out.
Essentially they yearn for the old days of Empire when Britain was white and we could lord it over the "darkies".
Wasn't sure, but it always seemed the advantages to staying outweighed any disadvantages. One can never be sure with the Brits, though. They have irrational tendencies (especially their virulence concerning France and the French).
Its a straight choice between what you know and the great unknown.
The EU does need reform but even if it was the land of milk and honey there are some who would want out.
Essentially they yearn for the old days of Empire when Britain was white and we could lord it over the "darkies".

The Hungarian government says it is needed not only the reforms it.
It is also needed the moral behavior.

“We call on Mr. Asselborn to stop agitating against adherence to European regulations”, the statement reads.

Comments by Luxembourg’s foreign minister are unacceptable
April 13, 2016

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó has said that comments by Luxembourg’s foreign minister Jean Asselborn relating to the Prime Minister of Hungary and the Hungarian migration policy are “unacceptable and shameful”.
In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Hungarian news agency MTI on Tuesday, Mr. Szijjártó reacted to comments by Mr. Asselborn which were critical of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Hungarian migration policy. Referring to next Tuesday’s meeting between Mr. Orbán and former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Mr. Asselborn said that it is mysterious as to why such a real European as Helmut Kohl should be receiving “such dubious figures”. He added that if Germany had reacted in a Hungarian way, with “barbed wire and batons”, the European Union would have fallen apart. In the same interview Mr. Asselborn praised Germany’s migration policy.

In his statement, Mr. Szijjártó stressed that the Hungarian people have elected the Hungarian government and the Prime Minister twice in a row with decisive majorities, and therefore Mr. Asselborn should respect the decision of the Hungarian electorate.

He said that from the beginning of the illegal migration crisis Hungary has taken the same standpoint: external borders must be protected, rules must be adhered to, and uncontrolled masses of people must not cross through Europe. He added that now “former critics of Hungary admit that the Hungarian solution is working”, and the EU is now focusing on the protection of external borders.

The Minister said that pursuing Mr. Asselborn’s policy for handling illegal migration would result in unforeseeable repercussions: “the terror threat would increase, public safety would weaken, and there would be arbitrary, confused situations instead of adherence to rules”.

“We call on Mr. Asselborn to stop agitating against adherence to European regulations”, the statement reads.

(MTI) Source:
Wasn't sure, but it always seemed the advantages to staying outweighed any disadvantages. One can never be sure with the Brits, though. They have irrational tendencies (especially their virulence concerning France and the French).
Its a straight choice between what you know and the great unknown.
The EU does need reform but even if it was the land of milk and honey there are some who would want out.
Essentially they yearn for the old days of Empire when Britain was white and we could lord it over the "darkies".

The Hungarian government says it is needed not only the reforms it.
It is also needed the moral behavior.

“We call on Mr. Asselborn to stop agitating against adherence to European regulations”, the statement reads.

Comments by Luxembourg’s foreign minister are unacceptable
April 13, 2016

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó has said that comments by Luxembourg’s foreign minister Jean Asselborn relating to the Prime Minister of Hungary and the Hungarian migration policy are “unacceptable and shameful”.
In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Hungarian news agency MTI on Tuesday, Mr. Szijjártó reacted to comments by Mr. Asselborn which were critical of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Hungarian migration policy. Referring to next Tuesday’s meeting between Mr. Orbán and former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Mr. Asselborn said that it is mysterious as to why such a real European as Helmut Kohl should be receiving “such dubious figures”. He added that if Germany had reacted in a Hungarian way, with “barbed wire and batons”, the European Union would have fallen apart. In the same interview Mr. Asselborn praised Germany’s migration policy.

In his statement, Mr. Szijjártó stressed that the Hungarian people have elected the Hungarian government and the Prime Minister twice in a row with decisive majorities, and therefore Mr. Asselborn should respect the decision of the Hungarian electorate.

He said that from the beginning of the illegal migration crisis Hungary has taken the same standpoint: external borders must be protected, rules must be adhered to, and uncontrolled masses of people must not cross through Europe. He added that now “former critics of Hungary admit that the Hungarian solution is working”, and the EU is now focusing on the protection of external borders.

The Minister said that pursuing Mr. Asselborn’s policy for handling illegal migration would result in unforeseeable repercussions: “the terror threat would increase, public safety would weaken, and there would be arbitrary, confused situations instead of adherence to rules”.

“We call on Mr. Asselborn to stop agitating against adherence to European regulations”, the statement reads.

(MTI) Source:
Migration is an issue that Europe needs to agree on. It is not fair to Greece and Italy to bear the load whilst the UK looks the other way.
About 10% of Italy's registered population are now immigrants. Unregistered who knows. This population is destined to grow dramatically. And, contrary to popular belief, most of the migrants remain in Italy unlike in Greece. They work in agriculture mostly at very low wages because they are mostly uneducated sub-saharans who are a benefit for tomato, olive and grape harvests. But, at some point they become too many to handle.
I'm voting to stay in, but I've always been an "internationalist/federalist" and having travelled throughout most of Europe, I like the idea of a single currency and no border controls within the E.U. I don't mind surrendering national sovereignty so long as I can vote for whoever represents my views and aspirations in an effective Europe-wide government. I agree however the E.U. as it stands needs a major reform of it's institutions and some of it's policies.
The EU is not only a good idea, it is necessary. There are many flaws, and lessons could have been better learned from the US experiment (not to try to make a US of E, exactly, just learn from example of what works and what doesn't). States were not ready to infringe sovereignty, missing the fact that it was just that national individualism that menaced peace and prosperity.
Wasn't sure, but it always seemed the advantages to staying outweighed any disadvantages. One can never be sure with the Brits, though. They have irrational tendencies (especially their virulence concerning France and the French).
Its a straight choice between what you know and the great unknown.
The EU does need reform but even if it was the land of milk and honey there are some who would want out.
Essentially they yearn for the old days of Empire when Britain was white and we could lord it over the "darkies".

Are those your vies, if they are you are being very racist. Those who have the intelligence can see that the E.U. is forcing the UK to pay more and more for less and less. Our economy is growing and the E.U. want more of the pie, so put obstacles in the way. Our welfare bill is soaring and the EU want us to take in even more criminal migrants. Our NHS is floundering under the pressure of migrants demanding treatment. Our schools are failing because so many pupils don't understand English, so have to be educated in basics first leaving the English speaking pupils to sit bored in class.
I'm voting to stay in, but I've always been an "internationalist/federalist" and having travelled throughout most of Europe, I like the idea of a single currency and no border controls within the E.U. I don't mind surrendering national sovereignty so long as I can vote for whoever represents my views and aspirations in an effective Europe-wide government. I agree however the E.U. as it stands needs a major reform of it's institutions and some of it's policies.

For internationalist/federalist read neo Marxist supremacist that would applaud the mass murder of anyone that opposes the neo Marxist dogma.
I'm voting to stay in, but I've always been an "internationalist/federalist" and having travelled throughout most of Europe, I like the idea of a single currency and no border controls within the E.U. I don't mind surrendering national sovereignty so long as I can vote for whoever represents my views and aspirations in an effective Europe-wide government. I agree however the E.U. as it stands needs a major reform of it's institutions and some of it's policies.
I think that this is where most sensible people are. Staying in will also protect jobs and should lead to greater investment as the uncertainty clears. It will also protect our human rights from politicians who cannot be trusted. Sick pay,holiday pay, minimum wages ,all under threat.
Why take the risk ?
Wasn't sure, but it always seemed the advantages to staying outweighed any disadvantages. One can never be sure with the Brits, though. They have irrational tendencies (especially their virulence concerning France and the French).
Its a straight choice between what you know and the great unknown.
The EU does need reform but even if it was the land of milk and honey there are some who would want out.
Essentially they yearn for the old days of Empire when Britain was white and we could lord it over the "darkies".

Are those your vies, if they are you are being very racist. Those who have the intelligence can see that the E.U. is forcing the UK to pay more and more for less and less. Our economy is growing and the E.U. want more of the pie, so put obstacles in the way. Our welfare bill is soaring and the EU want us to take in even more criminal migrants. Our NHS is floundering under the pressure of migrants demanding treatment. Our schools are failing because so many pupils don't understand English, so have to be educated in basics first leaving the English speaking pupils to sit bored in class.
Just picking up one point. Our NHS is floundering because the tories have cut funding every year they have been in power. In actual fact it would collapse completely if you kick out the migrant workers. I cant even be arsed to address the rest of your froth. There is no substance to any of it.
More drivel about E.U. funding. Germany, France, Italy, UK, and Spain contribute around half the E.U. budget, but what everyone forgets is that rebate Thatcher negotiated that gives us back 2/3rds of what we pay in, so we shouldn't bitch that much when you consider Germany pays "more than the 19 lowest-paying member states combined." Germany, France and Italy pay in more than we do and we're the second largest economy in the E.U. BBC NEWS | Europe | Paying for the EU budget
Wasn't sure, but it always seemed the advantages to staying outweighed any disadvantages. One can never be sure with the Brits, though. They have irrational tendencies (especially their virulence concerning France and the French).
Its a straight choice between what you know and the great unknown.
The EU does need reform but even if it was the land of milk and honey there are some who would want out.
Essentially they yearn for the old days of Empire when Britain was white and we could lord it over the "darkies".

Are those your vies, if they are you are being very racist. Those who have the intelligence can see that the E.U. is forcing the UK to pay more and more for less and less. Our economy is growing and the E.U. want more of the pie, so put obstacles in the way. Our welfare bill is soaring and the EU want us to take in even more criminal migrants. Our NHS is floundering under the pressure of migrants demanding treatment. Our schools are failing because so many pupils don't understand English, so have to be educated in basics first leaving the English speaking pupils to sit bored in class.
Just picking up one point. Our NHS is floundering because the tories have cut funding every year they have been in power. In actual fact it would collapse completely if you kick out the migrant workers. I cant even be arsed to address the rest of your froth. There is no substance to any of it.

The NHS was floundering more under Labour than it is now because of the numbers of migrants with untreatable diseases. We eradicated many social diseases in the UK like T.B. and Polio only to see them re-emerge in numbers during the 1990's. Then the AIDS epidemic amongst Africans that flooded the NHS hoping for a miracle cure. That is why G.B. stole money from the pensioners leaving many destitute. It is the migrant workers that cost the NHS dear as many don't understand English and cant relay the prescription rules properly. In some cases they have even prescribed the wrong medication and killed the patient. The medical professions many groups have reported how their is a glut of British nurses and doctors that are sacked at the end of their training while overseas medical professionals were given the jobs and had their moving fees paid.
Wasn't sure, but it always seemed the advantages to staying outweighed any disadvantages. One can never be sure with the Brits, though. They have irrational tendencies (especially their virulence concerning France and the French).
Its a straight choice between what you know and the great unknown.
The EU does need reform but even if it was the land of milk and honey there are some who would want out.
Essentially they yearn for the old days of Empire when Britain was white and we could lord it over the "darkies".

Are those your vies, if they are you are being very racist. Those who have the intelligence can see that the E.U. is forcing the UK to pay more and more for less and less. Our economy is growing and the E.U. want more of the pie, so put obstacles in the way. Our welfare bill is soaring and the EU want us to take in even more criminal migrants. Our NHS is floundering under the pressure of migrants demanding treatment. Our schools are failing because so many pupils don't understand English, so have to be educated in basics first leaving the English speaking pupils to sit bored in class.
Just picking up one point. Our NHS is floundering because the tories have cut funding every year they have been in power. In actual fact it would collapse completely if you kick out the migrant workers. I cant even be arsed to address the rest of your froth. There is no substance to any of it.

The NHS was floundering more under Labour than it is now because of the numbers of migrants with untreatable diseases. We eradicated many social diseases in the UK like T.B. and Polio only to see them re-emerge in numbers during the 1990's. Then the AIDS epidemic amongst Africans that flooded the NHS hoping for a miracle cure. That is why G.B. stole money from the pensioners leaving many destitute. It is the migrant workers that cost the NHS dear as many don't understand English and cant relay the prescription rules properly. In some cases they have even prescribed the wrong medication and killed the patient. The medical professions many groups have reported how their is a glut of British nurses and doctors that are sacked at the end of their training while overseas medical professionals were given the jobs and had their moving fees paid.
You really are a foul individual arent you ?
Obama's Brexit message.

We saved your asses in WW2, now do what you are told.
He was giving an honest opinion which wasnt to the taste of the little Englanders who want to live in the 50s. Have they actually spoken to any of the countries that they want to trade with ?
I think we know the answer to that.
Obama's Brexit message.

We saved your asses in WW2, now do what you are told.
He was giving an honest opinion which wasnt to the taste of the little Englanders who want to live in the 50s. Have they actually spoken to any of the countries that they want to trade with ?
I think we know the answer to that.

It was no opinion. It was an ultimatum.
Obama's Brexit message.

We saved your asses in WW2, now do what you are told.
He was giving an honest opinion which wasnt to the taste of the little Englanders who want to live in the 50s. Have they actually spoken to any of the countries that they want to trade with ?
I think we know the answer to that.

It was no opinion. It was an ultimatum.
No it wasnt. They are currently in the middle of trade negotiations, why should Britain jump the queue ?
He also said that it would happen but not any time soon.
People are being sold a step in the dark dressed up as La La Land.
Its not gonna happen.

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