Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
From the guardian, 15 min ago

Guardian journalist Kate Lyons has more on the evacuations going on in the area around London Bridge. Guests at hotels in the vicinity of the attack have been evacuated. Zaven Jordan who is visiting from Australia was staying in Novotel Southwark and was woken by a fire alarm. When guests assembled outside the hotel he said police told everyone to run.

“The police didn’t just give directions, they were yelling ‘run!’,” he said. “When a fire alarm goes off you expect to assemble and then go back inside in a few minutes. We grabbed our passports just in case, but we weren’t really ready for this.”

He is walking the streets trying to find somewhere to stay. He says the hotel is not answering their phone, he had been turned away by another hotel and he is uncertain where in the city it is safe to go.
just stop the immigration of future foreign muslims into the Western world and USA . Let existing muslims in the USA practice as they wish but no reinforcements .
To be honest, I'm not sure it's that's going to help, especially with regards to the British and French. They have tens of thousands that are already in.

Islam is a cancer to modern humanity.
--------------------------------------------- correct , but keep in mind that i am an American and we have too many muslims BUT its still only maybe 1 percent , maybe a little more .
One percent of 300 million is 3 million. That's a lot of terrorists.
-------------------------------------------- agreed , but hey , here they are !! This is all a Western Government created problem and now we have an imported fifth column in the USA and the western world as well as dem and liberal supporters of that fifth column Roshawn .
As we can see, Muslim animals are attempting to show us just how peaceful of a time Rama-dung and their religion is by massacring yet another group of totally innocent people, this time in London.

If we are to survive this cancer, the practice of Islam should be banned from all civilized nations.
Not yet Including Tonight's attack, of course.
Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth



Your chart is wrong. Not by much. But it is. Guy goes Islamo-Beserk in Portland -- kills 2 on train. Because he saw Burkhas. You need an update..
Minor detail. Portland stabber was indeed a racist scumbag...who was an avid Democrat and Bernie supporter.
Well it is Ramadan. They can eat now. It is dark over there. Maybe these savages will stop for a meal. I am sure they "follow to the letter" the Koran that is.

Certainly the British are not foolish enough to put up with this sort of nonsense are they?
You overstate the threat and understate our greatness. It's what you do.

Tell that to those still going through surgeries in Manchester. Strapped down to a bed on drugs. Shower by a rag wipedown. Bathroom in a pan. PAIN 24-7....doctors afraid to give OXY. You try it for 6 months. Muscles into Atrophy. Learn to walk again. Life changed forever.

for what reason again?
Did their prophet Mohammad rob caravans, kill, and loot during this time of so called "peace"? Yes he did.
Details are sketchy but multiple reports claim some number of people have been hit by a van on the London Bridge. But this is the new normal, right? Just get used to it.
I don't feel sorry for the British anymore, because the Brits like liberals, have a death wish, which was why they voted for a Muslim Mayor. Elections have consequences, they always have and always will, and just like the FOOLS who voted for Hope and Change, many of the tards suffered worse, while the liberal RICH got much RICHER. The war is on, right now it is Muslims vs the world, but what we are seeing in the US is liberalism run amok. Better get prepared, it is going to get a much worse here. God bless you all.
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I thought the Brits outlawed the right to self-defense so that people couldnt hurt each other.

Oh, well, so all t hey have accomplished is to make a target rich environment for every Jihadist with a knife and a suicide wish.
Well it is Ramadan. They can eat now. It is dark over there. Maybe these savages will stop for a meal. I am sure they "follow to the letter" the Koran that is.

Certainly the British are not foolish enough to put up with this sort of nonsense are they?
You overstate the threat and understate our greatness. It's what you do.

Tell that to those still going through surgeries in Manchester. Strapped down to a bed on drugs. Shower by a rag wipedown. Bathroom in a pan. PAIN 24-7....doctors afraid to give OXY. You try it for 6 months. Muscles into Atrophy. Learn to walk again. Life changed forever.

for what reason again?
Did their prophet Mohammad rob caravans, kill, and loot during this time of so called "peace"? Yes he did.

he's a cartoon character
Well, let's watch the leaders come out and say they will get those responsible and tomorrow bring teddy bears and flowers.


It will out of the news in 24 hours.
There is a growing spike in hatred, that's being felt all around the world. Btw Brexit and our election of Trump, the hatred has only intensified. This is the consequence of globalization and some of us not prepared to deal with it. Ever since the British chose to Exit from the rest of the world, notice how the attacks have gotten worse??? The US, since the clown child has taken office, notice how intense our country has become....I contribute all of this TO WHITE HATRED. Be careful what you wish for, guys.....some people aren't as passive as America's sell out negro's...this is after all the 21st century, not the Dr. King or Ghandi days
Reporting on terror or breaking news, London reporters seem so much calmer and less speculation.

Police seem more efficient and far less just standing around gabbing.

I miss London a bit. Always felt so safe there

Times, they do change

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