Breaking: Trump To Skip Megyn Kelly's Fox GOP Town Hall Wednesday Night

No, Democrats are Communists. Republicans are Fascists. It plays out like this...

Republican Party = Nazi Party

Democrat Party = Communist Party

Sadly, those are the only choices for Americans.

The political ignorance of the people in the political forum is nothing short of amazing.

Fascism is socialism with a Capitalist veneer. Nazis are not Fascists. Fascists are Fascists and Nazis are National SOCIALISTS. Mussolini was a Fascist and Hitler was a National Socialist. Franco was a Fascist, as well, So were the Perons. And so was Trujillo. I digress

The "National Socialist German Workers Party" ( in German Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) aka; NSDAP, is the name that Adolf Hitler PERSONALLY gave to the Political Party he joined in 1919 and re-formed and re-named in 1920.

Germans are VERY fond of nicknames and shortening words. If you spoke German, you'd understand. Nazi is an abbreviation for Nationalsozialstische.

Hitler was a socialist. Period.

You people are stupid. I mean, seriously dumb. I mean, drool cup carrying, mouth-breathing stupid

You remind me of 5th Grade boys talking about girl-parts on the playground.

Except you know less about politics than those little boys know about girl parts.

Be polite and I might teach you a thing or two

Lol, the Nazis were fascists dude. Hitler respected Mussolini and patterned the party after the Italian Fascists when he took control.

Shit that is just common knowledge.
No, Democrats are Communists. Republicans are Fascists. It plays out like this...

Republican Party = Nazi Party

Democrat Party = Communist Party

Sadly, those are the only choices for Americans.

The political ignorance of the people in the political forum is nothing short of amazing.

Fascism is socialism with a Capitalist veneer. Nazis are not Fascists. Fascists are Fascists and Nazis are National SOCIALISTS. Mussolini was a Fascist and Hitler was a National Socialist. Franco was a Fascist, as well, So were the Perons. And so was Trujillo. I digress

The "National Socialist German Workers Party" ( in German Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) aka; NSDAP, is the name that Adolf Hitler PERSONALLY gave to the Political Party he joined in 1919 and re-formed and re-named in 1920.

Germans are VERY fond of nicknames and shortening words. If you spoke German, you'd understand. Nazi is an abbreviation for Nationalsozialstische.

Hitler was a socialist. Period.

You people are stupid. I mean, seriously dumb. I mean, drool cup carrying, mouth-breathing stupid

You remind me of 5th Grade boys talking about girl-parts on the playground.

Except you know less about politics than those little boys know about girl parts.

Be polite and I might teach you a thing or two

The Republican Party is closer to upholding Nazi beliefs and practices. The Democratic Party is closer to upholding Communist beliefs and practices. They're both 'Socialist.'

America is a hybrid Socialist/Capitalist nation. Has been for a long time. The Republican Party is not about 'Small/Less Government.' That's just a myth still believed by most Republicans. Both Parties are creating a Totalitarian State. That's the ugly reality.
Fascism: An Authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of Government and social organization.

Which Party best fits that desciption? I'll let you decide that for yourselves.
So you don't think mysoginist comments should be addressed? I can't help you there if you can't see the importance of Trump answering for that.
What is misogynistic about slamming on Kelly?

You think no man can ever criticize a woman without being misogynistic?

Of course they can. It was his references--all to do with how pretty they aren't and referring to Kelly's period--that were misogynistic. Or perhaps just illbred.
So now 'sexist equates with 'ill bred'?

I admit that Trump is being a rude ass when he says these things, but that is the point of an insult; to be rude and sting 'em where it hurts.

That is why I never understood why people would use racial or ethnic insults. Why draw the insult away from the target by referencing the most broad factoid about them?

No, go for the gusto. If they flunked out of college, then use that. If they have had three wives with several bastard children then maybe say 'Are you spending Christmas with your first wife and kids this year?' Or if they are bastards, ask them if they sent a Father's Day card.

But have a point for doing it. IF you are trying to beat them in a chess game, or whatever, just realize that yo are going to really piss some people off who might hate you for a long time, so make sure it is worth it. Trump understands that. He has a permanent enemy in Roger Ailes now and Megan Kelly, but guess what? He isnt taking shit from anyone else like that and they know it.
The Republican Party is closer to upholding Nazi beliefs and practices. The Democratic Party is closer to upholding Communist beliefs and practices. They're both 'Socialist.'

America is a hybrid Socialist/Capitalist nation. Has been for a long time. The Republican Party is not about 'Small/Less Government.' That's just a myth still believed by most Republicans. Both Parties are creating a Totalitarian State. That's the ugly reality.

Thoreau is dead. So are his ideas.

Except in the minds of some backward people.

Big Country. Big Government. Unfortunate but that's the way it needs to be.

Republicans want a less intrusive government. Republicans want Government to SERVE The People.

dimocrap FILTH want People to serve The Government.

libertudianism is unworkable, stupid, backward and has never in all of human history been a success.

Any time it has ever been tried, it failed miserably. Which is why there is not a single liberturdian on the Planet today. Not one.

In fact, liberturdianism most resembles socialist Utopianism. THAT is just simply a fact.

Utopians and liberturdians have about 95% of their beliefs in common.

I have no time for liberturdians finding their way into our camp and eating our food, warming themselves at our fire and stabbing us in the back the minute we turn around ... Ross The Insane Pirogi comes to mind.

I'm tired of you. I am sick of you. You bring NOTHING to the table but bitchiness and turmoil.

When you don't get your way, you act like drunken buffoons who were turned down by the pretty girl at the Bar and start throwing shit around.

You're the assholes at the party that won't shut up.

You're the people that want to ruin everybody else's good time because you can't get your way.

You can all piss off. You bring NOTHING to the preservation of America.

In fact, it is antithetical to luberturdian scum to even BE patriotic.

It is against liberturdian scum beliefs to enforce borders.

Fuck liberturdians. Just go live a fucking commune somewhere and leave civilization alone
Fascism: An Authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of Government and social organization.

Which Party best fits that desciption? I'll let you decide that for yourselves.

You don't even understand what you just C&Ped, do you?

Of course you don't, princess.

I'm not going to debate this with you, I'm going to simply tell you -- Right wing (THE most misunderstood term on the Planet) simply means 'authoritarian'.

So the IDIOT you got it from was being redundant. Kinda like the Rio Grande River.

Stalin was Right Wing. So was Hitler. So was Mao. So are the Castro Boys.

So is the dimocrap scum party.

Republicans believe that power should come from the people. dimocrap FILTH think all power centers around the goobermint. That only the goobermint can be trusted to make 'fair' decisions.

Republicans trust The People. dimocrap FILTH don't. They only trust government.

Which one sounds 'right wing'?

Clueless. You really are.

Like I said, stick around. You might learn something.
The Republican Party is closer to upholding Nazi beliefs and practices. The Democratic Party is closer to upholding Communist beliefs and practices. They're both 'Socialist.'

America is a hybrid Socialist/Capitalist nation. Has been for a long time. The Republican Party is not about 'Small/Less Government.' That's just a myth still believed by most Republicans. Both Parties are creating a Totalitarian State. That's the ugly reality.

Thoreau is dead. So are his ideas.

Except in the minds of some backward people.

Big Country. Big Government. Unfortunate but that's the way it needs to be.

Republicans want a less intrusive government. Republicans want Government to SERVE The People.

dimocrap FILTH want People to serve The Government.

libertudianism is unworkable, stupid, backward and has never in all of human history been a success.

Any time it has ever been tried, it failed miserably. Which is why there is not a single liberturdian on the Planet today. Not one.

In fact, liberturdianism most resembles socialist Utopianism. THAT is just simply a fact.

Utopians and liberturdians have about 95% of their beliefs in common.

I have no time for liberturdians finding their way into our camp and eating our food, warming themselves at our fire and stabbing us in the back the minute we turn around ... Ross The Insane Pirogi comes to mind.

I'm tired of you. I am sick of you. You bring NOTHING to the table but bitchiness and turmoil.

When you don't get your way, you act like drunken buffoons who were turned down by the pretty girl at the Bar and start throwing shit around.

You're the assholes at the party that won't shut up.

You're the people that want to ruin everybody else's good time because you can't get your way.

You can all piss off. You bring NOTHING to the preservation of America.

In fact, it is antithetical to luberturdian scum to even BE patriotic.

It is against liberturdian scum beliefs to enforce borders.

Fuck liberturdians. Just go live a fucking commune somewhere and leave civilization alone

Republicans are very nationalistic and demand endless war. They're both Socialist and Capitalist. They have no problem working with and profiting off partnering with the Corporate Elite. Hitler and the Nazis did the same. The Republican Party is very similar to the Nazi Party.
I don't blame him. On a side note, she looks like Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS!


Breaking: TRUMP To Skip FOX GOP Candidate's Town Hall with Megyn Kelly on Wednesday - The Gateway Pundit

So now we can just call him Skippy Trump. Megan scares the shit out of him - as does any powerful woman.
Republicans are very nationalistic and demand endless war. They're both Socialist and Capitalist. They have no problem working with and profiting off partnering with the Corporate Elite. Hitler and the Nazis did the same. The Republican Party is very similar to the Nazi Party.

You are an imbecile.

My apologies to imbeciles everywhere
I'll build a wall!
I'll deport the rapists!
I'll crush ISIS!
I'll stare down Putin!
I'll outmaneuver the Chinese..... is that Megyn Kelly? :50:


What she did was unethical and unprofessional.

And what was that?
She was supposed to moderate, not be a snarky inquisitor.

That's not an answer, is it? I asked you what she DID.

Were questions about misogyny too much for his widdle feewings? Poor baby. :itsok:

Not sure exactly how you expect a POTUS to deal with terrorists, rapists, dictators and nuclear-armed nations when he can't handle a simple pointed question from a media talking head.
Screw these News stations. they are in it for the ratings only, they don't care to showcase the candidates platforms for WE THE PEOPLE to consider.

Kinda hard to do that if they don't show up.

How'd that work out for Rump last time btw? :eusa_think:
The Republican Party is closer to upholding Nazi beliefs and practices. The Democratic Party is closer to upholding Communist beliefs and practices. They're both 'Socialist.'

America is a hybrid Socialist/Capitalist nation. Has been for a long time. The Republican Party is not about 'Small/Less Government.' That's just a myth still believed by most Republicans. Both Parties are creating a Totalitarian State. That's the ugly reality.

Thoreau is dead. So are his ideas.

Except in the minds of some backward people.

Big Country. Big Government. Unfortunate but that's the way it needs to be.

Republicans want a less intrusive government. Republicans want Government to SERVE The People.

dimocrap FILTH want People to serve The Government.

libertudianism is unworkable, stupid, backward and has never in all of human history been a success.

Any time it has ever been tried, it failed miserably. Which is why there is not a single liberturdian on the Planet today. Not one.

In fact, liberturdianism most resembles socialist Utopianism. THAT is just simply a fact.

Utopians and liberturdians have about 95% of their beliefs in common.

I have no time for liberturdians finding their way into our camp and eating our food, warming themselves at our fire and stabbing us in the back the minute we turn around ... Ross The Insane Pirogi comes to mind.

I'm tired of you. I am sick of you. You bring NOTHING to the table but bitchiness and turmoil.

When you don't get your way, you act like drunken buffoons who were turned down by the pretty girl at the Bar and start throwing shit around.

You're the assholes at the party that won't shut up.

You're the people that want to ruin everybody else's good time because you can't get your way.

You can all piss off. You bring NOTHING to the preservation of America.

In fact, it is antithetical to luberturdian scum to even BE patriotic.

It is against liberturdian scum beliefs to enforce borders.

Fuck liberturdians. Just go live a fucking commune somewhere and leave civilization alone

Awwwww looks like someone needs a nap, did noone change your diaper lol
I'll build a wall!
I'll deport the rapists!
I'll crush ISIS!
I'll stare down Putin!
I'll outmaneuver the Chinese..... is that Megyn Kelly? :50:


What she did was unethical and unprofessional.

And what was that?

Are you in the right thread?

You have done nothing to discredit the main point being made, i.e., it's Fox who wanted Trump destroyed. It is Fox who coached Kelly.

Yes, we know what Donald Trump is claiming or bragging about. We know that is not Megyn talking. Thanks for your help.

PS -- This is not about a Trump lovefest, so do not divert the action, ok? I don't want Trump but I admire him in many ways. And I probably will have to vote for him since Rubio turns me off and Cruz is causing me great concerns as well. But it will be a cold day in hades before we listen to people telling us what is wrong with our candidates when they voted twice for Barack and are also a Hillary supporter. Donkeys on parade.
Actually, I believe you are wrong. Trump has been on many Fox shows, O'Reilly, Van Sustern, Hannity and was well received. If this was going to be a hit job by Ailes, it would have affected the other talk shows as well.

Fox did back up Kelly after she disappeared for ten days after the debate and now there is a mini war between Kelly, Ailes and Trump. Fox will not see the ratings they got from the first debate. And that is thanks to Trump.

Debates are not for "ratings".

News isn't supposed to be either; that's why Fox deals not in news but news-theater.
You can either present the news, or you can chase ratings. You can't do both.
I'll build a wall!
I'll deport the rapists!
I'll crush ISIS!
I'll stare down Putin!
I'll outmaneuver the Chinese..... is that Megyn Kelly? :50:


What she did was unethical and unprofessional.

And what was that?

Are you in the right thread?

You have done nothing to discredit the main point being made, i.e., it's Fox who wanted Trump destroyed. It is Fox who coached Kelly.

Yes, we know what Donald Trump is claiming or bragging about. We know that is not Megyn talking. Thanks for your help.

PS -- This is not about a Trump lovefest, so do not divert the action, ok? I don't want Trump but I admire him in many ways. And I probably will have to vote for him since Rubio turns me off and Cruz is causing me great concerns as well. But it will be a cold day in hades before we listen to people telling us what is wrong with our candidates when they voted twice for Barack and are also a Hillary supporter. Donkeys on parade.
Actually, I believe you are wrong. Trump has been on many Fox shows, O'Reilly, Van Sustern, Hannity and was well received. If this was going to be a hit job by Ailes, it would have affected the other talk shows as well.

Fox did back up Kelly after she disappeared for ten days after the debate and now there is a mini war between Kelly, Ailes and Trump. Fox will not see the ratings they got from the first debate. And that is thanks to Trump.

Debates are not for "ratings".

News isn't supposed to be either; that's why Fox deals not in news but news-theater.

Name one news network that doesn't deal in news-theater
That's not an answer, is it? I asked you what she DID.

Were questions about misogyny too much for his widdle feewings? Poor baby. :itsok:

Not sure exactly how you expect a POTUS to deal with terrorists, rapists, dictators and nuclear-armed nations when he can't handle a simple pointed question from a media talking head.

Actually, Megyn did him a HUGE favor.

She threw him a Fast Ball straight down the middle that, if he was half as smart as he thinks he is, he should have hit out of the park,

She set him up. She gave him an opportunity to respond to accusations, many of them unfounded or half baked.

And he turned into a pouty bitch and went after a 5'6'' 115lb little girl.

Up until that point, I too was a little excited about Trump. But after that?

After other things like his John McCain bullshit?

Fuck him.

Trump is a pile of shit and his followers aren't much better. If at all.
Republicans are very nationalistic and demand endless war. They're both Socialist and Capitalist. They have no problem working with and profiting off partnering with the Corporate Elite. Hitler and the Nazis did the same. The Republican Party is very similar to the Nazi Party.

You are an imbecile.

My apologies to imbeciles everywhere

Just stating the truth. Republicans are very nationalistic and do demand endless war. They also want Totalitarian control. Awful debacles like the Patriot Act and NDAA couldn't have been possible without their full support. They truly do want their Police State and WWIII. It's why i'm no longer a Republican. I can't support that.
Just stating the truth. Republicans are very nationalistic and do demand endless war. They also want Totalitarian control. Awful debacles like the Patriot Act and NDAA couldn't have been possible without their full support. They truly do want their Police State and WWIII. It's why i'm no longer a Republican. I can't support that.

You never were a Republican. You never were a Patriot.

You are a liberturdian.

Not even dimocraps are as bad as liberturdians. At least they're somewhat loyal.

libeerturdians are snakes. backstabbers. the worst of the wrost.

You believe in nothing. Only in destruction.

Go live in a commune. Maybe there somebody will listen to your bullshit
You have done nothing to discredit the main point being made, i.e., it's Fox who wanted Trump destroyed. It is Fox who coached Kelly.

I'm always in the right thread. And if you see a post of mine --- so are you. :thup:

I didn't see any point made about "what Fox wanted" or "who coached Kelly". And if anyone were to bring that up it would be irrelevant. I saw an OP noting that Donald Rump (occupation: wimp) is yet again running away from a girl who dares not to don kneepads for him. Last time the big blonde meanie dared press him on issues he found uncomfortable, he melted down into an endless twitter whine festival. I'd say that's just a wee bit thinner skin than one needs if one seriously wants to be a President.

Of course, the operatvie word there is "seriously".

Yes, we know what Donald Trump is claiming or bragging about. We know that is not Megyn talking. Thanks for your help.

I have no idea what that means. English?

PS -- This is not about a Trump lovefest, so do not divert the action, ok? I don't want Trump but I admire him in many ways. And I probably will have to vote for him since Rubio turns me off and Cruz is causing me great concerns as well. But it will be a cold day in hades before we listen to people telling us what is wrong with our candidates when they voted twice for Barack and are also a Hillary supporter. Donkeys on parade.

"Divert the action"? Wtf? :disbelief:
The thread's about Brave Sir Donald bravely running away and that's what I addressed. That's got nothing to do with Cruzio or Rube or Harack or Billary. So ...... I ain't the diverter.

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