Breaking : Syria threatens to fire scud missiles at Isreal


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Sources are indicating that the Syrian leadership has sent messages to Israel warning that any further strikes on targets within Syria’s borders will be returned with Scud rockets fired deep into the Jewish state! Reports are indicating that the Assad regime conveyed the message to Israel via Russian mediators. According to this troubling report, Syria has warned that Israeli strikes on Syrian military targets would be met with the firing of Scud missiles capable of carrying half a ton of explosives at Israeli Defense bases, while an attack on civilian targets would see Syria launching a counter strike on the Haifa port and the petrochemical plants in the area.

BREAKING NEWS: Syria Threatens to Fire Scud Missiles at Israel


Well we're just having people going at each other throats all over the world.


Syria said threatening to fire Scud missiles at Israel
See Syria refuses to tame it's terrorist ranks which is why Israel had to take action, this is what our cry babies want access to coming here without viable vetting or reason to be coming to our region when there's plenty of
countries over there that are like them that discriminate againsts Jews, Christians, Hindus, and Kurds. Only those that can be 100% verified and validated and vouged for that has never ever supported any Hezbollah or other radical orgs actions, like only allowing activists against them, should be even considered and even then why not safe zones or the many Middle east nations being first priority for refugees thus no assimilation would be required?
Wasn't their soldiers or civilians it was a Hezbollah group.
Aren't they fighting ISIS? ISIS, who is the greatest threat in the history of humankind according to the most pro-Israeli people in the U.S.?

ISIS, thus far hasn't directly attacked Israel. Hezbollah, has/is. Obviously Israel is going after the current threat to them.

The US hasn't gone after Hezbollah, because ISIS is the bigger problem to us.

Personally, I would let Israel wipe out everyone around it. Solve a ton of problems.
Wasn't their soldiers or civilians it was a Hezbollah group.
Aren't they fighting ISIS? ISIS, who is the greatest threat in the history of humankind according to the most pro-Israeli people in the U.S.?

In life exists action-reaction, cause -affect
interconnected and many times mirrored.
(Bell's Theorem and Kohn's theorem )
in cases where people intend harm and wrong doing the reaction causes opposite the intent. This is the case for Isis.
Notice they are removing all the threats Israel faces, it's enemies, as if a higher power is at work here or in some cultures that which I describe is called Yin Yang, Karma, In Judaism Bestow and Receive, Just Reward.
Of course Isis would not exist if they listened to the warnings regarding the Baath party intentions, which then there would also be no enemies of Israel, because you would have had an awakening-lifting of the veils that brought peace(shalom) to Jerusalem(city of Shalem) -the Al Isra.
Wasn't their soldiers or civilians it was a Hezbollah group.
Aren't they fighting ISIS? ISIS, who is the greatest threat in the history of humankind according to the most pro-Israeli people in the U.S.?

Isis and Israel are buddies.

Wrong, Isis theatened Israel a few times, had a terrorist attack in Israel, and the REACTION AFFECT was a swift precise Isis target being taken out.
Isis is majority run disgruntled Sunni Baath party members who lost say in the new Iraq Shiite controlled gov't, their delusional grand scheme plans always involved infiltrating & conquering Europe in which Israel's democracy and resolve was always in the way. So lets do the cause and affect, action /reaction score card: Baath party controlled & supressed and comitted attrocities against the Kurds & Shiites, the result a Shiite controlled gov't with Baath party members left out, the result of that Isis, hence why Iran is fighting them.
Result of former Germany attrocities involving genocide, immigrants, and causing refugee situation=the need to over compensate doing the right thing=refugee crisis within the country and cultural & radical infiltration(trojan horse plan of the Baath party).
This is why most people think before they act or react to something, because there's always repercussions to our actions, including when you post Penelope.
Go ahead...their funeral

By all means let them fire a few missiles. See what happens when the IDF take action.

Repercussions would be swift and severe.....the IDF doesn't mess around

G-d will protect his people. I don't like war, but if there is no choice, I want the Israel and the good guys to win. I was disappointed when they stopped rooting out Hezbollah in Lebanon. I hope they don't regret letting them stay there.
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Sources are indicating that the Syrian leadership has sent messages to Israel warning that any further strikes on targets within Syria’s borders will be returned with Scud rockets fired deep into the Jewish state! Reports are indicating that the Assad regime conveyed the message to Israel via Russian mediators. According to this troubling report, Syria has warned that Israeli strikes on Syrian military targets would be met with the firing of Scud missiles capable of carrying half a ton of explosives at Israeli Defense bases, while an attack on civilian targets would see Syria launching a counter strike on the Haifa port and the petrochemical plants in the area.

BREAKING NEWS: Syria Threatens to Fire Scud Missiles at Israel


Well we're just having people going at each other throats all over the world.

View attachment 118669
Syria said threatening to fire Scud missiles at Israel

Israel doesn't care.
A'God' that wanted something done wouldn't need a human army to do it.
A'God' that wanted something done wouldn't need a human army to do it.

He doesn't. Sometimes he does things on his own.
Sometimes he uses bureaucrats.
And sometimes He chooses to use human armies to accomplish his will.

Do not think that because he doesn't accomplish what he wants the way you expect him to, means that he's not there.

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