BREAKING: Republican Fighter Kari Lake Files Lawsuit to Throw Out Fraudulent Arizona Midterm Election Results

There will not be a do over. Our country has learned to accept rigged elections.
You MAGAs should send her lots of money. I love it when crazy right wingers throw all their money at batshit crazy conspiracy theories.
It begins!

Rope-A-Dope, spinning, plus the MMNM(Major Managed News Media) propaganda will make short work out of Kari, unfortunately.
Good for her. its a long probably but if it further exposed the election day BS go for it.
Waste more tax payers money with a worthless law suit. The election has been certified. We live in a country of laws..not conspiracy theories.
Why is this a conspiracy theory when those machine failed? Votes were transferred in the wrong bags. Facts. There is enough wrong for another election without even mentioning fraud, which Lake wants. Taking legal action is not a fucking conspiracy. It belongs in current events.
It begins!

It ends, comrade.


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