BREAKING NEWS: U.S. authorities identify six "Russian" officials in DNC hack: WSJ

New its clear it was an "act of war" against the USA ? whats new? What Trump is gonna do to "Nigeria in snow "?


U.S. authorities identify six "Russian" officials in DNC hack: WSJ

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has gathered enough evidence to charge six members of the Russian government in the hacking of Democratic National Committee computers before the 2016 U.S. presidential election, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, citing people familiar with the investigation.

Federal agents and prosecutors in Washington, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and San Francisco have been cooperating on the DNC investigation and prosecutors could bring the case to court next year, it said.

By identifying individual Russian military and intelligence hackers with charges, U.S. authorities could make it difficult for them to travel, but arrests and jailing would be unlikely, according to the Journal report.

The hacking investigation, conducted by cybersecurity experts, predates the appointment in May of federal special counsel Robert Mueller to oversee the probe of alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion with President Donald Trump’s campaign." U.S. authorities identify six Russian officials in DNC hack: WSJ
But..but...Trumpkins said a fat from New Jersey did it!
New its clear it was an "act of war" against the USA ? whats new? What Trump is gonna do to "Nigeria in snow "?


U.S. authorities identify six "Russian" officials in DNC hack: WSJ

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has gathered enough evidence to charge six members of the Russian government in the hacking of Democratic National Committee computers before the 2016 U.S. presidential election, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, citing people familiar with the investigation.

Federal agents and prosecutors in Washington, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and San Francisco have been cooperating on the DNC investigation and prosecutors could bring the case to court next year, it said.

By identifying individual Russian military and intelligence hackers with charges, U.S. authorities could make it difficult for them to travel, but arrests and jailing would be unlikely, according to the Journal report.

The hacking investigation, conducted by cybersecurity experts, predates the appointment in May of federal special counsel Robert Mueller to oversee the probe of alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion with President Donald Trump’s campaign." U.S. authorities identify six Russian officials in DNC hack: WSJ
But..but...Trumpkins said a fat from New Jersey did it!

Yes, i am sure the entire Republican party do not know what do with this "president"

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