BREAKING: New York adds 12,000 Deaths from Cuomo Time in Office

That is the "Democrat" way whether you live in New York, Chicago, California or any Blue City or State.....

It seems to me the commies love to DECORATE the biggest pieces of shit in order to cover up the crimes committed by these assholes.
The money the FED is giving to hospitals for COVID patients has really complicated data accuracy because there are so many unscrupulous and dishonest people working in medicine.

No matter HOW you died....if you died WITH COVID....they claimed you died FROM COVID.
Wow...just how many people are dead because of Dem "Gold Standard" Cuomo? How many bodies are going to be uncovered? Why did Xiden stop the DOJ investigation? What is the Xiden admin trying to cover up?

The most TOUTED Dems turn out to be the biggest pieces of shit.

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