BREAKING: Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Sends Out Email to Staff Regarding Upcoming Arrest of President Trump on Junk Charges

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
With 1600 people, there’s not one proofreader? Nevertheless, Bragg is a good example of a low IQ Affirmative Action negro student, like Obama, who was picked up by Harvard to meet their quota so they would not loose Federal Funding.

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Uh-huh. Sure. Got any legitimate source?
Didn't think so.
“We do not tolerate attempts to intimidate our office or threaten the rule of law in New York,” Bragg wrote. “Our law enforcement partners will ensure that any specific or credible threats against the office will be fully investigated and that the proper safeguards are in place so all 1,600 of us have a secure work environment.”

I check your sources and can't find anything mentioned on what's going on here. What do you have to refute this that I have?
So, you’re against protesting?
I was thinking about doing a search on who here is against protests. I bet cons are more against protests than dems. Bet we will see it's your side who's now being hypocritical, who's how you say, FLIP FLOPPING, on protests.

And are they violent? Are they armed? I hear the leaders of our last major protest feel they fucked up by not being better armed.
Is this an order to Oathkeepers, Proudboys and QAnon?

the former president, in an all-caps rant to his supporters, called for “PROTEST [to] TAKE OUR NATION BACK” in posts referencing the DA’s office.
My guess. He wants to intimidate the legal system with a pitchfork and burning cross mob.
congrats dems, arresting opposition leaders is the kind of stuff that happens in banana republics
That's what Trump was counting on. So he abused his power, over and over and over again.

It's like Lex Luthor is president, he has rigged elections. Only in the comics Lex wins re election because he's that slimy and Republicans went along.

Republicans wish Trump would go away but they can't because they are afraid of his base. 30% of the Republican party. Mitch didn't convict Trump for the insurrection because technically he wasn't the president anymore. He was afraid of Trump supporters so he kicked the can. Secretly hoping Trump dies before 2024.
congrats dems, arresting opposition leaders is the kind of stuff that happens in banana republics
We can either go through the embarrassment of convicting him for all his crimes or he drops out and settles to go away. Trump can make it all go away by going away. Annoint his successor. DiSantis. DO IT DON. But Don can't. He's a meglomaniac.

A megalomaniac is a pathological egotist, that is, someone with a psychological disorder with symptoms like delusions of grandeur and an obsession with power. We also use the word megalomaniac more informally for people who behave as if they're convinced of their absolute power and greatness.
My guess. He wants to intimidate the legal system with a pitchfork and burning cross mob.

Guys like Trump pay $50,000 up front to guys like Anthony Pelligano. Fixers. Sin eaters. They go out and intimidate, spy on, break laws for guys like Trump. Dig up dirt on their opponents. So trump will go after the DA that way. Then his wacko supporters might make threats. Trump won't be responsible because no former president has ever been charged with crimes.

No former President has acted like Trump after leaving office.
Guys like Trump pay $50,000 up front to guys like Anthony Pelligano. Fixers. Sin eaters. They go out and intimidate, spy on, break laws for guys like Trump. Dig up dirt on their opponents. So trump will go after the DA that way. Then his wacko supporters might make threats. Trump won't be responsible because no former president has ever been charged with crimes.

No former President has acted like Trump after leaving office.
You're talking about what the Muslim Obama did after he left office.
I was thinking about doing a search on who here is against protests. I bet cons are more against protests than dems. Bet we will see it's your side who's now being hypocritical, who's how you say, FLIP FLOPPING, on protests.
Alinsky won't help you here....It's a worn out tactic.

And are they violent? Are they armed? I hear the leaders of our last major protest feel they fucked up by not being better armed.
I hope not...But look at you wishing for a violent clash....sad...Look, there will probably be protestors that show up to make their voices heard, and among those, there will probably be a few idiots, that you will then conflate as being the entirety of the whole...And I am sure there will be no shortage of left wing instigators there, who's sole purpose is to incite violence...It really is kabuki theatre...You guy's should reign in these people...
I am excited to see the SWAT raid for the most dangerous man on earth.

It will be great for the campaign ads.

Cuffs, beat him up a little bit. Smash up Mar a Largo. Break down windows.

Come on Garland, don’t be a faggot. Go in heavy and flex.

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