Breaking: Hunter Biden files lawsuit against computer repairman who violated his privacy with laptop data leak to Trump allies (Carlson is next)


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Hunter Biden is suing the guy who fixed his laptop and then gave it to Trump’s people and the media. The guy snooped on Hunter Biden’s personal stuff and lied about him to hurt him and his dad. He had no right to do that. He was just trying to help Trump win the election. Hunter Biden wants a jury to decide how much money the guy owes him for messing with his privacy and reputation. The guy also sued Hunter Biden and others before, but he has no case. The lawsuit shows that Hunter Biden is not letting his enemies get away with their dirty tricks.

They're going after Tucker Carlson next.
For a legal analysis of this case, see this thread: The odds are in favor of Hunter Biden in imminent lawsuit against computer repairman
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Hunter Biden is suing the guy who fixed his laptop and then gave it to Trump’s people and the media. The guy snooped on Hunter Biden’s personal stuff and lied about him to hurt him and his dad. He had no right to do that. He was just trying to help Trump win the election. Hunter Biden wants a jury to decide how much money the guy owes him for messing with his privacy and reputation. The guy also sued Hunter Biden and others before, but he has no case. The lawsuit shows that Hunter Biden is not letting his enemies get away with their dirty tricks.

They're going after Tucker Carlson next.
For a legal analysis of this case, see this thread: The odds are in favor of Hunter Biden in imminent lawsuit against computer repairman
This is what you should do.
I hope Hunter wins big.
Is this what passes for a political argument these days? The rules are clear even for the junky pervert spoiled son of a president. The property is considered abandoned after a certain amount of time.
Hunter Biden is suing the guy who fixed his laptop and then gave it to Trump’s people and the media. The guy snooped on Hunter Biden’s personal stuff and lied about him to hurt him and his dad. He had no right to do that.
DEAD WRONG AS USUAL. Hunter left his laptop there for service then never came back to pick it up. His repair ticket clearly says as all of them do, even pawn shops, that items left unclaimed after 30 days are considered abandoned. That is standard practice in such situations. When the repairman went through it and found some of the strange things in it that appeared of interest to legal authorities, just as Best Buy does and anyone else who services computers, finding illegal stuff on it, he contacted the FBI, while making a copy of the drive due to the importance of the incendiary nature of the material. Then when the FBI did nothing and "lost" the laptop for years refusing to admit it even existed, he finally took his copy to the media feeling stuff on it was too important for him in all good conscience to remain silent. So, the case is dead in the water before it even began, this is only about the powerful trying to go after the little man now trying to cover their crimes.

But as usual, instead of being interested in the heinous crimes shown in that laptop material or the fact that for two years both the Bidens, FBI and MSM LIED claiming it was all "russian propaganda" again, all you see is Trump this and Trump that because you are a stupid TDS chimpanzee's butt.

They're going after Tucker Carlson next.
Seig Heil, der Fuhrer. How shall we goosestep to you Nazi's boot march trying to oppress freedom of the press because it would cast a bad light on the criminal thuggery you support? Tucker ain't going anywhere, Ace, he had every right and responsibility to show the American people the venal truth you have tried to conceal.
DEAD WRONG AS USUAL. Hunter left his laptop there for service then never came back to pick it up. His repair ticket clearly says as all of them do, even pawn shops, that items left unclaimed after 30 days are considered abandoned. That is standard practice in such situations. When the repairman went through it and found some of the strange things in it that appeared of interest to legal authorities, just as Best Buy does and anyone else who services computers, finding illegal stuff on it, he contacted the FBI, while making a copy of the drive due to the importance of the incendiary nature of the material. Then when the FBI did nothing and "lost" the laptop for years refusing to admit it even existed, he finally took his copy to the media feeling stuff on it was too important for him in all good conscience to remain silent. So, the case is dead in the water before it even began, this is only about the powerful trying to go after the little man now trying to cover their crimes.

But as usual, instead of being interested in the heinous crimes shown in that laptop material or the fact that for two years both the Bidens, FBI and MSM LIED claiming it was all "russian propaganda" again, all you see is Trump this and Trump that because you are a stupid TDS chimpanzee's butt.

Seig Heil, der Fuhrer. How shall we goosestep to you Nazi's boot march trying to oppress freedom of the press because it would cast a bad light on the criminal thuggery you support? Tucker ain't going anywhere, Ace, he had every right and responsibility to show the American people the venal truth you have tried to conceal.
Is it true that in order to claim ownership, Isaac had to follow the following steps?
The counterclaim adds that "other obligations must then also be satisfied before obtaining lawful title, such as the court sending notice to the owner and the petitioner posting notice in five or more public places, and advertising the petition in a newspaper."

And did Isaac follow these steps?
Is this what passes for a political argument these days? The rules are clear even for the junky pervert spoiled son of a president. The property is considered abandoned after a certain amount of time.
Is it true that in order to claim ownership, Isaac had to follow the following steps?

The counterclaim adds that "other obligations must then also be satisfied before obtaining lawful title, such as the court sending notice to the owner and the petitioner posting notice in five or more public places, and advertising the petition in a newspaper."

Hunter Biden files counterclaims against computer repairman over handling of infamous laptop And did Isaac follow these steps? Hunter Biden files counterclaims against computer repairman over handling of infamous laptop
Hunter Biden is suing the guy who fixed his laptop and then gave it to Trump’s people and the media. The guy snooped on Hunter Biden’s personal stuff and lied about him to hurt him and his dad. He had no right to do that. He was just trying to help Trump win the election. Hunter Biden wants a jury to decide how much money the guy owes him for messing with his privacy and reputation. The guy also sued Hunter Biden and others before, but he has no case. The lawsuit shows that Hunter Biden is not letting his enemies get away with their dirty tricks.
Hunter Biden is a hero, no doubt.

Hunter risked his life to enter a homeless encampment and help those unfortunate people by giving them money in exchange for crack.

Hunter also provided financial assistance to young women in need in exchange for degrading sex acts.

Hunter donated the hundreds of thousands of dollars he was paid for his blow pipe art to his dad.

Hunter is a hero alright to Democrats.
the court sending notice to the owner and the petitioner posting notice in five or more public places, and advertising the petition in a newspaper."

You idiot. A crime has been committed. The Biden's are guilty as sin. Hunter has been caught with his pants down, and the Bidens will pay and pay and pay. If Hunter wants his laptop, the one he claimed for two years didn't exist, he needs to go to the FBI whom it was given to long ago, you know, the people who for two years claimed they never even saw it?! :auiqs.jpg:

Sue away, gumdrop, the contents of that criminal laptop are in the public domain now and the Bidenistas are GOING DOWN.
Asshole, for TWO YEARS, you ALL said it was fake, the FBI said it was fake, the MSM said it was fake.

Didn't exist.

Russian propaganda.

We were right, you were wrong.

Now the Bidens are GOING DOWN.
False. They just wanted to investigate it more before deciding.

Giuliani refused to let them do so.
Asshole, for TWO YEARS, you ALL said it was fake, the FBI said it was fake, the MSM said it was fake.

Didn't exist.

Russian propaganda.

We were right, you were wrong.

Now the Bidens are GOING DOWN.
Remember the 50+ former intelligence heads who signed a letter saying the laptop was fake Russian disinformation right before the election? They've all gone underground.

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