BREAKING: FBI Arrests 87-Year-Old Concentration Camp Survivor for Singing Hymns Outside Abortion Clinic Door

It does nothing to verify your claims but you understand that.
You asked for a link
You got a link
You reject the link

This has bothibg to do with Trump and everything to do with the Left's baby-killing agenda being defeated by the USSC.

The left doesn't support killing babies. They support aborting fetuses.

Threats made by Democrat politicians

Inciting another political assassination attempt

Refusal to enfore laws passed with the intent of protecting Justices

Protecting leftist extremists domestic terrorist firebombers

The right loves to air their list of grievances.

And now targeting, intimidating, and punishing pro-life supporters because the USSC didn't let them have their way

They blocked the entry door. That is illegal.

Your 'b...b ..but Trump' comment is a fail, exposing you as one of those Trump-obsessed TDS-sufferers who try to make everything Trump's fault
You have to be pretty naive to not see the correlation between Trump's FBI Mar Lago victim hood rage and the right wing medias' explosion of anti FBI stories.

It's really no different then anything else Trump decides to hate.

Are you completely oblivious to how propaganda works?
The left doesn't support killing babies. They support aborting fetuses.


Yeah, that's why so many leftists / Democrats support abortion on demand right up to the point when the baby is delivered and why Obama and other Democrats supported the idea of killing a baby outside the womb that had survived a failed abortion attempt.

I stopped reading your BS at this point.
Shrug...yet another FBI bad story created out of whole cloth because they raided poor victim Trump's house for stolen documents.

The propaganda is so obvious even a Russian could see it.
Oh, contraire, mon amie. The FBI broke their oath of office by breaking Amendment 4 of the Constitution. Those papers belonged to President Trump, and the FBI was used by the Democrat National Party to smear a President of the United States by falsely claiming the FBI's illegal search and seizure of private documents, of which were declassified by President Donald J. Trump. Government Employees who disobey the Constitution should be fired for dereliction of their oath to support the Constitution of the United States of America. Not only that, but they had no business in First Lady Melania's living quarters and First Son, Baron's bedroom toybox.
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Yeah, that's why so many leftists / Democrats support abortion on demand right up to the point when the baby is delivered and why Obama and other Democrats supported the idea of killing a baby outside the womb that had survived a failed abortion attempt.

I stopped reading your BS at this point.
Link please. I suspect you are leaving out context.
Oh, contraire, mon amie. The FBI broke their oath of office by breaking Amendment 4 of the Constitution. Those papers belonged to President Trump, and the FBI was used by the Democrat National Party to smear a President of the United States by falsely claiming the FBI's illegal search and seizure of private documents, of which were declassified by President Donald J. Trump. Government Employees who disobey the Constitution should be fired for dereliction of their oath to support the Constitution of the United States of America. Not only that, but they had no business in First Lady Melania's living quarters and First Son, Baron's bedroom toybox.
They didn't belong to Trump so your rant is moot.
It's against the law to block access to a clinic. They were arrested for blocking access in what the people arrested called a "Blockade" of a clinic. The old woman's status as a concentration camp survivor doesn't exempt her from following the law.

The Federal law in this case is overly broad and vague, not to mention punishes protesting.
There is being arrested and there is being charged with a crime under a probably unconstitutional law.

Take it to the courts. A law that prohibits people from stopping people from entering a lawful business is not going to be found unconstitutional.
Take it to the courts. A law that prohibits people from stopping people from entering a lawful business is not going to be found unconstitutional.

A law that over punishes someone for a non violent action like this sure as hell will.

These people in some cases have been found guilty of simple trespass, or in the case of the guy defending his son, not even prosecuted at the local level.

But the DOJ to satisfy the abortion rights fanatics has decided to go after these people.

It's political as hell.
A law that over punishes someone for a non violent action like this sure as hell will.

She has been arrested for this many times. Tell us about her long jail sentences.

These people in some cases have been found guilty of simple trespass, or in the case of the guy defending his son, not even prosecuted at the local level.

But the DOJ to satisfy the abortion rights fanatics has decided to go after these people.

It's political as hell.

I'm pro-life.

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