BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Cong

Just can not wait, for the lost/scratched hard drive emails to come forward, and show that there was no collusion between the White house and the IRS ordering them to give extra scrutiny to tea partiers....

I wonder what the house Republicans will conjure up for their next dog and pony show, once the emails recovered proves they were wrong, AGAIN?

this is definitely a story....A Boy Called Wolf story....and Ground Hog Day, combined! :eek:

Straw man. If the emails show collusion between the IRS and Congressional Democrats will you admit that crimes have been committed and covered up?
You understand the existence of the hard drive itself it evidence of a crime, right?
I don't understand why people would deny something exists when the IRS already admits they no longer have the recordings. This shows they did exist at one time, laws are on the books which require them to be kept for a period of time and the person charge had made statements about communications which suggest a cover up.

If you can't even admit it looks very bad, then it I must discount everything you say on the subject.
Just can not wait, for the lost/scratched hard drive emails to come forward, and show that there was no collusion between the White house and the IRS ordering them to give extra scrutiny to tea partiers....

I wonder what the house Republicans will conjure up for their next dog and pony show, once the emails recovered proves they were wrong, AGAIN?

this is definitely a story....A Boy Called Wolf story....and Ground Hog Day, combined! :eek:

Straw man. If the emails show collusion between the IRS and Congressional Democrats will you admit that crimes have been committed and covered up?
You understand the existence of the hard drive itself it evidence of a crime, right?
No, no I don't see it as a crime, because it was clearly stated in the hearings that the IRS would continue to search for it and the emails that may have been on one at the IRS said definitively what happened to them, they were speculating and were not sure on the precise hard drive, and they made that clear....that they would continue to try to find the hard drive and continue to try to recover all the emails that may have been on it....they were able to recover 24,000 of Lerner emails during this period by getting copies from people that were cc'd on her a good deal of progress has been made and I expect it to continue. it was this unprofessional committee that released that sound bite in to the press...

so it is awesome that they supposedly can come up with it...or the back up!!!!
and those of you touting, and made me believe it was true, about the 7 hard drives that blew up and ALL OF THEIR EMAILS MISSING TOO...

ANOTHER FABRICATION, by the oh so professional House Republican Investigators, ONCE AGAIN!

Actually Mr. Chairman, There’s No Indication that Nicole Flax’s Emails Are Missing

Jun 20, 2014

In a Tuesday press release and in his opening statement today, Chairman Camp stated flatly that emails for former IRS Chief of Staff Nicole Flax are missing. He based that rush to judgment on preliminary information that IRS IT professionals informed Committee staff on Monday about computer crashes at the IRS. It turns out, as Commissioner Koskinen stated today, there is no indication that a single Nicole Flax e-mail has been lost.
What Republicans Allege:
Chairman Camp on Tuesday: We now know documents from other central figures, like Nicole Flax, are missing.
Chairman Camp today: We are missing the emails of seven IRS officials and during periods critical to this investigation.
What We Actually Know:
Commissioner Koskinen today: There's been a question as to why I didn't advise Congress earlier and my experience has been than we do better to have a rational discussion when you know all the facts. It's shown by the fact that on Monday we were advised Monday morning that there were preliminary indications that there were difficulties with a handful of custodians. That information was passed onto the staff of this committee on Monday afternoon. Immediately thereafter rather than asking us for additional information a press release went out from this committee identifying Nicole Flax as a particularly interesting person to this committee and stating that Nicole Flax’s e-mails have been lost. Had the committee waited to issue that release until we knew further information which were continuing to provide, they would have discovered that Nicole Flax had two computers. Her office computer which she used during the day and she had a travel computer, a portable. It was the portable computer that crashed. It ran on the same e-mail system as her office system. So it turns out there is no indication that a single Nicole Flax e-mail has been lost, notwithstanding the press release and statements out of this committee. Those press releases with regard to Nicole Flax were inaccurate and misleading and it demonstrates why we'll provide this committee a full report about the custodian review when it is completed. And we are not going to dribble out the information and have it played out in the press.

Actually Mr. Chairman, There?s No Indication that Nicole Flax?s Emails Are Missing | Committee on Ways and Means
Honestly, how can any of you believe one word out of these unprofessional House Committee investigators? How?
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and those of you touting, and made me believe it was true, about the 7 hard drives that blew up and ALL OF THEIR EMAILS MISSING TOO...

ANOTHER FABRICATION, by the oh so professional House Republican Investigators, ONCE AGAIN!

Actually Mr. Chairman, There’s No Indication that Nicole Flax’s Emails Are Missing

Jun 20, 2014

In a Tuesday press release and in his opening statement today, Chairman Camp stated flatly that emails for former IRS Chief of Staff Nicole Flax are missing. He based that rush to judgment on preliminary information that IRS IT professionals informed Committee staff on Monday about computer crashes at the IRS. It turns out, as Commissioner Koskinen stated today, there is no indication that a single Nicole Flax e-mail has been lost.
What Republicans Allege:
Chairman Camp on Tuesday: We now know documents from other central figures, like Nicole Flax, are missing.
Chairman Camp today: We are missing the emails of seven IRS officials and during periods critical to this investigation.
What We Actually Know:
Commissioner Koskinen today: There's been a question as to why I didn't advise Congress earlier and my experience has been than we do better to have a rational discussion when you know all the facts. It's shown by the fact that on Monday we were advised Monday morning that there were preliminary indications that there were difficulties with a handful of custodians. That information was passed onto the staff of this committee on Monday afternoon. Immediately thereafter rather than asking us for additional information a press release went out from this committee identifying Nicole Flax as a particularly interesting person to this committee and stating that Nicole Flax’s e-mails have been lost. Had the committee waited to issue that release until we knew further information which were continuing to provide, they would have discovered that Nicole Flax had two computers. Her office computer which she used during the day and she had a travel computer, a portable. It was the portable computer that crashed. It ran on the same e-mail system as her office system. So it turns out there is no indication that a single Nicole Flax e-mail has been lost, notwithstanding the press release and statements out of this committee. Those press releases with regard to Nicole Flax were inaccurate and misleading and it demonstrates why we'll provide this committee a full report about the custodian review when it is completed. And we are not going to dribble out the information and have it played out in the press.

Actually Mr. Chairman, There?s No Indication that Nicole Flax?s Emails Are Missing | Committee on Ways and Means
Honestly, how can any of you believe one word out of these unprofessional House Committee investigators? How?

Democrats lying about Democrats lying and it's the GOP's fault.
Just stop, Okay?
It has been 2 years that congress has been asking for these emails and now that a federal judge demanded an explanation and gave a time limit for when that explanation is to be submitted, all of a sudden some things are coming out.

Blame congress all you want. 2 years of doing what the law allows them to do, and they still don't have them.

Enough said.
No facts, no evidence, no proof, no 'arrest' – just lies, ignorance, and stupidity from the OP and others on the partisan right.

The facts and evidence are overwhelming that major crimes have been committed. Proof will come out in discovery and investigation. The partisan hack lefties are sticking their fingers in their ears and shouting "Its old news! Nothing to see! They all do it! September was a long time ago! At this point what difference does it make?" Anything to deflect or minimize the enormity ofwhat we're seeing: a bureaucracy totally out of control and completely subservient to political masters.

please name the major crimes that were committed...inappropriate screening is a MAJOR crime now huh? I mean, I don't like the way they haphazardly chose key words to choose who to audit...but it certainly is not some major conspiracy or crime, especially since there has been no proof that there was any kind of political motive or any connection at all to anyone in the White House Directing this....

How about OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE? You progressives seem to have forgotten that it's a crime to destroy evidence and to lie under oath.
Just can not wait, for the lost/scratched hard drive emails to come forward, and show that there was no collusion between the White house and the IRS ordering them to give extra scrutiny to tea partiers....

I wonder what the house Republicans will conjure up for their next dog and pony show, once the emails recovered proves they were wrong, AGAIN?

this is definitely a story....A Boy Called Wolf story....and Ground Hog Day, combined! :eek:

Straw man. If the emails show collusion between the IRS and Congressional Democrats will you admit that crimes have been committed and covered up?
You understand the existence of the hard drive itself it evidence of a crime, right?
No, no I don't see it as a crime, because it was clearly stated in the hearings that the IRS would continue to search for it and the emails that may have been on one at the IRS said definitively what happened to them, they were speculating and were not sure on the precise hard drive, and they made that clear....that they would continue to try to find the hard drive and continue to try to recover all the emails that may have been on it....they were able to recover 24,000 of Lerner emails during this period by getting copies from people that were cc'd on her a good deal of progress has been made and I expect it to continue. it was this unprofessional committee that released that sound bite in to the press...

so it is awesome that they supposedly can come up with it...or the back up!!!!

Are you kidding me? Officials from the IRS clearly stated in the hearings that the emails couldn't be recovered because a) the hard drives of 7 people crashed, b) none of them backed those emails up with paper copies, c) nobody recovered the lost data from the tape back ups and d) the tape backups were scrubbed after six months. That was what they testified to UNDER OATH! Now they are turning around and saying that isn't really the case? Either the IRS are the world's biggest collection of idiots...or they've been caught red handed deliberately lying to Congress and a Federal judge.
It has been 2 years that congress has been asking for these emails and now that a federal judge demanded an explanation and gave a time limit for when that explanation is to be submitted, all of a sudden some things are coming out.

Blame congress all you want. 2 years of doing what the law allows them to do, and they still don't have them.

Enough said.
1 yr 2mo. and much less, on all of the subpoenas regarding this specific case. Not 2 yrs, or 3 yrs as others on the right claimed, like Rabbi....

congress Critters have received via subpoena, well over 100,000 documents and emails to review in that time period, and the IRS has spent 10 million so far on the pay for the individuals to acquire those subpoenaed records, and NADA, NOTHING, ZILCH was in them that pointed to any criminality or connection with the white we are still waiting....

it seems to be more about Irs incompetency, and the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing or has done...don't see a glimpse of criminality, at least not yet....other than these gvt representatives using their gvt power to bully and accuse people, in the MEDIA, without any evidence or proof.
Two questions I have...

And whereas those saying it is a witch hunt will likely say me some credibility and at the very least admit that they are very valid questions....

Why did the IRS not take the back up data and put it on Lois Lerners NEW hard drive the very next day....therefore making the whole "6 month overwrite thing" irrelevant....

How was Lois Lerner able to continue to work on the projects she was working on when her hard drive crashed if she did not take the backed up data and implant it on her replacement hard drive?
Straw man. If the emails show collusion between the IRS and Congressional Democrats will you admit that crimes have been committed and covered up?
You understand the existence of the hard drive itself it evidence of a crime, right?
No, no I don't see it as a crime, because it was clearly stated in the hearings that the IRS would continue to search for it and the emails that may have been on one at the IRS said definitively what happened to them, they were speculating and were not sure on the precise hard drive, and they made that clear....that they would continue to try to find the hard drive and continue to try to recover all the emails that may have been on it....they were able to recover 24,000 of Lerner emails during this period by getting copies from people that were cc'd on her a good deal of progress has been made and I expect it to continue. it was this unprofessional committee that released that sound bite in to the press...

so it is awesome that they supposedly can come up with it...or the back up!!!!

Are you kidding me? Officials from the IRS clearly stated in the hearings that the emails couldn't be recovered because a) the hard drives of 7 people crashed, b) none of them backed those emails up with paper copies, c) nobody recovered the lost data from the tape back ups and d) the tape backups were scrubbed after six months. That was what they testified to UNDER OATH! Now they are turning around and saying that isn't really the case? Either the IRS are the world's biggest collection of idiots...or they've been caught red handed deliberately lying to Congress and a Federal judge.
NO they didn't....

It is what you were told they said, but it was NOT 'what' they said.
It has been 2 years that congress has been asking for these emails and now that a federal judge demanded an explanation and gave a time limit for when that explanation is to be submitted, all of a sudden some things are coming out.

Blame congress all you want. 2 years of doing what the law allows them to do, and they still don't have them.

Enough said.
1 yr 2mo. and much less, on all of the subpoenas regarding this specific case. Not 2 yrs, or 3 yrs as others on the right claimed, like Rabbi....

congress Critters have received via subpoena, well over 100,000 documents and emails to review in that time period, and the IRS has spent 10 million so far on the pay for the individuals to acquire those subpoenaed records, and NADA, NOTHING, ZILCH was in them that pointed to any criminality or connection with the white we are still waiting....

it seems to be more about Irs incompetency, and the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing or has done...don't see a glimpse of criminality, at least not yet....other than these gvt representatives using their gvt power to bully and accuse people, in the MEDIA, without any evidence or proof.


If you worked for me and I asked you to deliver to me all of t5he emails regarding the Johnson file....

And you delivered to me 100,000 emails and not one of them are related to the Johnson file.

Did you give me what I needed?

And if you gave me 100,000 more....and none still regarding the Johnson file...does it matter that you gave me 200,000 emails?

And if, after you gave me that 200,000 emails and I question why not the Johnson file emails and you said "oh, I lost those".....would you have the right to complain about how much time you spent on getting me the 200,000 emails?
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Two questions I have...

And whereas those saying it is a witch hunt will likely say me some credibility and at the very least admit that they are very valid questions....

Why did the IRS not take the back up data and put it on Lois Lerners NEW hard drive the very next day....therefore making the whole "6 month overwrite thing" irrelevant....

How was Lois Lerner able to continue to work on the projects she was working on when her hard drive crashed if she did not take the backed up data and implant it on her replacement hard drive?
What they were not able to recover as far as emails, was not anything recent....only emails that were old and not needed but could be of importance some day in the future, which were moved over from her active email to an archived email file on her own hard drive is what was supposedly not recoverable is my understanding of it...her daily email and active cases and all of that information, that she needed to use for her immediate job, was available and she didn't skip a beat.
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Two questions I have...

And whereas those saying it is a witch hunt will likely say me some credibility and at the very least admit that they are very valid questions....

Why did the IRS not take the back up data and put it on Lois Lerners NEW hard drive the very next day....therefore making the whole "6 month overwrite thing" irrelevant....

How was Lois Lerner able to continue to work on the projects she was working on when her hard drive crashed if she did not take the backed up data and implant it on her replacement hard drive?
What they were not able to recover as far as emails, was not anything recent....only emails that were old and not needed but could be of importance some day in the future, which were moved over from her active email to an archived email file on her own hard drive is what was supposedly not recoverable, is my understanding of it...her daily email and active cases and all of that information, that she needed to use for her immediate job, was available and she didn't skip a beat.
when a had drive is backed up, it backs up the archived files as well.

You seem to ant to ignore the fact that the only way criminality can be determined is WITH THOSE MISSING EMAILS.

But whatever.

I see where you come from.

It has been 2 years that congress has been asking for these emails and now that a federal judge demanded an explanation and gave a time limit for when that explanation is to be submitted, all of a sudden some things are coming out.

Blame congress all you want. 2 years of doing what the law allows them to do, and they still don't have them.

Enough said.
1 yr 2mo. and much less, on all of the subpoenas regarding this specific case. Not 2 yrs, or 3 yrs as others on the right claimed, like Rabbi....

congress Critters have received via subpoena, well over 100,000 documents and emails to review in that time period, and the IRS has spent 10 million so far on the pay for the individuals to acquire those subpoenaed records, and NADA, NOTHING, ZILCH was in them that pointed to any criminality or connection with the white we are still waiting....

it seems to be more about Irs incompetency, and the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing or has done...don't see a glimpse of criminality, at least not yet....other than these gvt representatives using their gvt power to bully and accuse people, in the MEDIA, without any evidence or proof.


If you worked for me and I asked you to deliver to me all of t5he emails regarding the Johnson file....

And you delivered to me 100,000 emails and not one of them are related to the Johnson file.

Did you give me what I needed?

And if you gave me 100,000 more....and none still regarding the Johnson file...does it matter that you gave me 200,000 emails?

And if, after you gave me that 200,000 emails and I question why not the Johnson file emails and you said "oh, I lost those".....would you have the right to complain about how much time you spent on getting me the 200,000 emails?
Jarhead, the IRS gave them specifically WHAT THEY ASKED FOR AND SUBPOENAED.....they did NOT give the committee anything at all that they did not subpoena in those 100,000 documents and records.

And I have complained about this a few times on this and other threads....

If Congress ONLY wanted the emails from specific workers or people like Lerner, WHY OH WHY OH WHY did they give the IRS such a wide net of emails to get for them?

Wasting our tax dollars, having them retrieve this fishing expedition net of emails, if all they wanted was Lerner's and a handful of others....???
1 yr 2mo. and much less, on all of the subpoenas regarding this specific case. Not 2 yrs, or 3 yrs as others on the right claimed, like Rabbi....

congress Critters have received via subpoena, well over 100,000 documents and emails to review in that time period, and the IRS has spent 10 million so far on the pay for the individuals to acquire those subpoenaed records, and NADA, NOTHING, ZILCH was in them that pointed to any criminality or connection with the white we are still waiting....

it seems to be more about Irs incompetency, and the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing or has done...don't see a glimpse of criminality, at least not yet....other than these gvt representatives using their gvt power to bully and accuse people, in the MEDIA, without any evidence or proof.


If you worked for me and I asked you to deliver to me all of t5he emails regarding the Johnson file....

And you delivered to me 100,000 emails and not one of them are related to the Johnson file.

Did you give me what I needed?

And if you gave me 100,000 more....and none still regarding the Johnson file...does it matter that you gave me 200,000 emails?

And if, after you gave me that 200,000 emails and I question why not the Johnson file emails and you said "oh, I lost those".....would you have the right to complain about how much time you spent on getting me the 200,000 emails?
Jarhead, the IRS gave them specifically WHAT THEY ASKED FOR AND SUBPOENAED.....they did NOT give the committee anything at all that they did not subpoena in those 100,000 documents and records.

And I have complained about this a few times on this and other threads....

If Congress ONLY wanted the emails from specific workers or people like Lerner, WHY OH WHY OH WHY did they give the IRS such a wide net of emails to get for them?

Wasting our tax dollars, having them retrieve this fishing expedition net of emails, if all they wanted was Lerner's and a handful of others....???

You're a liar.

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