Breaking: Berkeley Cops Told To "Stand Down" Protecting Ann Coulter Unless A Death Is Involved

ACLU and Sanders said UCB let down America by not cracking down on violence by the left and the right.

OK, police, use your batons, and if you need to do it, use them hard.
Anne should probably just cancel

Ann of Green Giblets is just radical nut job seeking attention...

So, you attack Ann, and not the politicians that refuse to do their duty to enforce law and order, and her safety and her right to speech.

NOr, the violent, dangerous thugs who would/will be attacking her and her supporters.

THis is the modern liberal.

Let her pay for her own security..Why should my taxes pay for her hate speech?
Because that's what free speech is about. Your comment is silly as that of the Alt Righties yelling about protecting Clinton.
Anne should probably just cancel

Ann of Green Giblets is just radical nut job seeking attention...

So, you attack Ann, and not the politicians that refuse to do their duty to enforce law and order, and her safety and her right to speech.

NOr, the violent, dangerous thugs who would/will be attacking her and her supporters.

THis is the modern liberal.

Let her pay for her own security..Why should my taxes pay for her hate speech?
Because that's what free speech is about. Your comment is silly as that of the Alt Righties yelling about protecting Clinton.

Remember when Beyonce was the singer for the 49er super bowl in the bay area ,a few years back. She spent the whole time singing hate on the police and white people ( during the BLM protests ) anyway she used the police to escort her to the airport..

Now that pissed me off, what a hypocrite

Ann wants to come onto campus and rag on the issues, while the alt right goes off on Berkeley being liberal area, while using their services.

Let her bring along her own security...

The police arrested Martin Luther, and hosed down the marchers until Kennedy got involved..

Free speech is fine,but don't bash the locals and then expect to be protected by the same people..
You don't get it your way at all, Eaglewings.

You and the "locals" get it the way of law and order and protection of free speech by whomever for whoever.

Your comment is snowflake, so step off.
You don't get it your way at all, Eaglewings.

You and the "locals" get it the way of law and order and protection of free speech by whomever for whoever.

Your comment is snowflake, so step off.

Well, we will disagree Jake...but the woman bitches about the poor getting anything free, or sick people healthcare ...She is a hag ...but then she wants free security..whatever we will disagree.

Ann Coulter: "Welfare" Creates "Generations Of Utterly Irresponsible Animals"
Hossst: 17116972 said:
It seems as though denying the right to speech is pretty much exclusively being done by the Left. Do I hear ANYBODY from that side of the political spectrum speaking out to denounce the violence being used to deny somebody the freedom to express their opinion. Sad days for America.
The Left hates free speech, Christians and Jews and normal people. Loves illegal immigrants, Islamic terrorists, Liberal Progressive judges, dirty politics and traitors.

In con-meme-land, not reality.

Trump urged his supporters to harm any opposition at his rallies and said he would pay their legal bills, because they exercised their free speech. He's now facing a lawsuit because of his ass actions. Your dear leader and by extention you are the ones that hate free speech. You aren't normal and you aren't Christian. You bear false witness against your neighbors with a great glee on a daily basis.

You poor snowflakes just hate it when students exercise their free speech. "They're too loud, it isn't fair". Then go home cupcakes.

You are the biggest fucking liar and hypocrite on this board.
Rolling Thunder should schedule a trip to Berkeley.

A group that is meant to remember POWs? Why would they want to go to Berkeley and fight with the police? They'd lose immediately to begin with and go to jail and at the same time soil their name.
No,no,no. They also travel to protests and rallies to protect patriots. Ask the Westboro Baptist Church about Rolling Thunder.

That is your fantasy group. The real group's website is about remembering POW/MIAs.

"Rolling Thunder®, Inc. members are old and young, men and women, veterans and non-veterans. All are united in the cause to bring full accountability for the Prisoners Of War-Missing In Action (POW/MIA) of all wars, reminding the government, the media and the public by our watchwords: “We Will Not Forget.” "

All Americans support accountability for our service people that haven't come home yet. I support them in this effort. You seem to want to portray them as some Hell's Angels group that likes to intimidate people. They aren't and it is a disservice to paint them like that.

‘Rolling Thunder’ Protects Families at Military Funerals Protested by Phelps Church

Hubby rides in the Patriot Guards. Very fine bunch of folks
Godboy said:
Seems she has cancelled. Hope the leftard fascists are proud.

Ann Coulter said Wednesday that she is canceling her planned speech at the University of California, Berkeley, because she had lost the backing of conservative groups that had initially sponsored her appearance.

Ms. Coulter, in a message to The New York Times, said, “It’s a sad day for free speech.
Why did she lose the backing of con-servative groups?
Liberals were going to be violent, so they cancelled. I guess terrorism works. The principles of our once great nation seem to be going away. I wonder which freedom is next on the chopping block.

Why do we fight muslim terrorists but do nothing about these homegrown terrorist fuckfaces?
You don't get it your way at all, Eaglewings.

You and the "locals" get it the way of law and order and protection of free speech by whomever for whoever.

Your comment is snowflake, so step off.

Well, we will disagree Jake...but the woman bitches about the poor getting anything free, or sick people healthcare ...She is a hag ...but then she wants free security..whatever we will disagree.

Ann Coulter: "Welfare" Creates "Generations Of Utterly Irresponsible Animals"
So what? That is the price of freedom, and your duty is to support free speech, not just that the which you approve.
Anne should probably just cancel

Ann of Green Giblets is just radical nut job seeking attention...

So, you attack Ann, and not the politicians that refuse to do their duty to enforce law and order, and her safety and her right to speech.

NOr, the violent, dangerous thugs who would/will be attacking her and her supporters.

THis is the modern liberal.

Let her pay for her own security..Why should my taxes pay for her hate speech?

Because maintaining public order, and the lives and rights of American citizens is the primary purpose of government.

(i noted and dismissed your rationalization in support of actual hate and violence. But it does show that you are a supporter of political violence and oppression.)
Anne should probably just cancel

Ann of Green Giblets is just radical nut job seeking attention...

So, you attack Ann, and not the politicians that refuse to do their duty to enforce law and order, and her safety and her right to speech.

NOr, the violent, dangerous thugs who would/will be attacking her and her supporters.

THis is the modern liberal.

Let her pay for her own security..Why should my taxes pay for her hate speech?

Because maintaining public order, and the lives and rights of American citizens is the primary purpose of government.

(i noted and dismissed your rationalization in support of actual hate and violence. But it does show that you are a supporter of political violence and oppression.)

Right, lol political violence and oppression. that is why your hero Trump support Puttin over the lefts... Puttin loves to shut people down and kill them if they don't agree with him.
You don't make any sense..
Anne should probably just cancel

Ann of Green Giblets is just radical nut job seeking attention...

So, you attack Ann, and not the politicians that refuse to do their duty to enforce law and order, and her safety and her right to speech.

NOr, the violent, dangerous thugs who would/will be attacking her and her supporters.

THis is the modern liberal.

Let her pay for her own security..Why should my taxes pay for her hate speech?

Because maintaining public order, and the lives and rights of American citizens is the primary purpose of government.

(i noted and dismissed your rationalization in support of actual hate and violence. But it does show that you are a supporter of political violence and oppression.)

Right, lol political violence and oppression. that is why your hero Trump support Puttin over the lefts... Puttin loves to shut people down and kill them if they don't agree with him.
You don't make any sense..
Eaglewings, remember that Correll would use violence in a heart beat with glee if he could against his political opponents.

He is a true Alt Right neo-fascist who is racialist, nationalist, nativistic, jingoistic and anti-democracy.
Anne should probably just cancel

Ann of Green Giblets is just radical nut job seeking attention...

So, you attack Ann, and not the politicians that refuse to do their duty to enforce law and order, and her safety and her right to speech.

NOr, the violent, dangerous thugs who would/will be attacking her and her supporters.

THis is the modern liberal.

Let her pay for her own security..Why should my taxes pay for her hate speech?
Because that's what free speech is about. Your comment is silly as that of the Alt Righties yelling about protecting Clinton.

Remember when Beyonce was the singer for the 49er super bowl in the bay area ,a few years back. She spent the whole time singing hate on the police and white people ( during the BLM protests ) anyway she used the police to escort her to the airport..

Now that pissed me off, what a hypocrite

Ann wants to come onto campus and rag on the issues, while the alt right goes off on Berkeley being liberal area, while using their services.

Let her bring along her own security...

The police arrested Martin Luther, and hosed down the marchers until Kennedy got involved..

Free speech is fine,but don't bash the locals and then expect to be protected by the same people..

NOte that the local polices still did their job and did in fact protect Beyonce.

The local mayor did not order the police to stand down and just let anyone who wanted to attack her, do so, while they watched from the safety of their police cars.

That is because this love of violence and oppression is something found in the mainstream LEFT in this country and not the mainstream Right.

THis is you, because you people are the bad guys.
You don't get it your way at all, Eaglewings.

You and the "locals" get it the way of law and order and protection of free speech by whomever for whoever.

Your comment is snowflake, so step off.

Well, we will disagree Jake...but the woman bitches about the poor getting anything free, or sick people healthcare ...She is a hag ...but then she wants free security..whatever we will disagree.

Ann Coulter: "Welfare" Creates "Generations Of Utterly Irresponsible Animals"
So what? That is the price of freedom, and your duty is to support free speech, not just that the which you approve.

Well she got what she wanted...Attention to sell her dumb ass books. She knew that there would be a stink about her coming..

When Trump came here back last year the cops were told to stand down, and people who supported him were beat up coming out of the convention.
I disagree with the cops standing down.

Berkeley is a liberal school and she was stirring up shit.... I doubt that she had any intention of keeping it peaceful.

Northern California Law


Consider when, where and how you use your free-speech rights. If you organize a rally that causes violence or unnecessary disruption, your event may be disbanded. Every municipality has regulations and it's your responsibility to understand them. You must observe reasonable regulations on time, place, and manner when you exercise your rights to demonstrate and protest.

Know Your Rights: Free Speech, Protests & Demonstrations
Anne should probably just cancel

Ann of Green Giblets is just radical nut job seeking attention...

So, you attack Ann, and not the politicians that refuse to do their duty to enforce law and order, and her safety and her right to speech.

NOr, the violent, dangerous thugs who would/will be attacking her and her supporters.

THis is the modern liberal.

Let her pay for her own security..Why should my taxes pay for her hate speech?

Because maintaining public order, and the lives and rights of American citizens is the primary purpose of government.

(i noted and dismissed your rationalization in support of actual hate and violence. But it does show that you are a supporter of political violence and oppression.)

Right, lol political violence and oppression. that is why your hero Trump support Puttin over the lefts... Puttin loves to shut people down and kill them if they don't agree with him.
You don't make any sense..

Supports Putin over the Left? WTF are you talking about?

My point stands,

Maintaining public order, and the lives and rights of American citizens is the primary purpose of government.

You are offering Aid and Comfort to the violent street thugs, that are attacking people for daring to exercise their Right to Free Speech.

Your claim that Ann is dong "hate speech" is just an excuse for the violence of your side's street soldiers.

Silencing your enemies by violence and fear IS oppression.

If that doesn't make sense to you, it is only because you are purposefully ignoring the Truth I am rubbing in your face.
Ann of Green Giblets is just radical nut job seeking attention...

So, you attack Ann, and not the politicians that refuse to do their duty to enforce law and order, and her safety and her right to speech.

NOr, the violent, dangerous thugs who would/will be attacking her and her supporters.

THis is the modern liberal.

Let her pay for her own security..Why should my taxes pay for her hate speech?
Because that's what free speech is about. Your comment is silly as that of the Alt Righties yelling about protecting Clinton.

Remember when Beyonce was the singer for the 49er super bowl in the bay area ,a few years back. She spent the whole time singing hate on the police and white people ( during the BLM protests ) anyway she used the police to escort her to the airport..

Now that pissed me off, what a hypocrite

Ann wants to come onto campus and rag on the issues, while the alt right goes off on Berkeley being liberal area, while using their services.

Let her bring along her own security...

The police arrested Martin Luther, and hosed down the marchers until Kennedy got involved..

Free speech is fine,but don't bash the locals and then expect to be protected by the same people..

NOte that the local polices still did their job and did in fact protect Beyonce.

The local mayor did not order the police to stand down and just let anyone who wanted to attack her, do so, while they watched from the safety of their police cars.

That is because this love of violence and oppression is something found in the mainstream LEFT in this country and not the mainstream Right.

THis is you, because you people are the bad guys.

If I remember right,they were off duty police. Anyway it was the police that were angry and the alt right .

Just a reminder.... the alt right cares more about the 2nd amendment than free speech...Trump would shut down the media if he could... and yells fake news, while his parrots mimic him...

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