BREAKING: Ben Carson Discovers $500 BILLION Fraud, Trail Leads Straight to Obama


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016

200 years ago Obama would have already been swinging from a tree, Not because he's black but because he's a traitor and a criminal.
For the last time, Progs don't lie, they evolve.

Similarly, they don't commit fraud cuz the laws evolve.

Laws, as well as promises, all a bunch of living and breathing ever changing clusters.
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200 years ago Obama would have already been swinging from a tree, Not because he's black but because he's a traitor and a criminal.

IN your minute biased mind maybe
The educated nigxxer is really a bitch isn't he?
I'm sure you would have been stringing him up mr brave white boy
And where are you again mr PhD?
Please tell
Deafening silence?

200 years ago Obama would have already been swinging from a tree, Not because he's black but because he's a traitor and a criminal.

Why is it that every video you link to as your "evidence" is never any credible news source or broadcast, but always some loon narrating?

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