To me the issue isn't even whether or not Clinton or Trump was there. The issue is from what we know of both of them it would be no surprise to find out either had been there.

I would have been incredibly surprised if we found out Bush or Obama had been there with young women. Not so with Clinton or Trump.
Address the material, jackass, not the outlet publishing the news, or just shut up. Or are you claiming now the photos and material from Epstein is somehow faked and not real??

Putin made them in the basement of the Kremlin, just like the Hunter Biden laptop.

These cult fucks have TDS so bad, they defend pedos.
Why does that crack you up, he and Epstein was partners back in the day.

You lying scum refuse to acknowledge that epslimes victims all thanked Trump for his help.

Not one of your pedo lovers helped them.

Only Trump but you feckless, lying trash ignore that.
Just earlier, I saw Ben Bergquam reporting that one of the immigrants illegally sneaking into the country bragged to others in the crowd that he was a terrorist from Afghanistan.

Out of the millions crossing that border….of course there are terrorists….but TRUMP!

I cant believe we are living through this BS.
It was a Federal prison. If I was president there would have been 10 guards.

Hmmmmm... interesting. Democrats protecting Trump by carrying water for Epstein but Trump had Epstein killed in prison to return the favor to Democrats? :abgg2q.jpg:
Oh. So we, as the people, can't actually see the receipts and videos that 'prove it'.
You stupid nutcase, he has to go through protocol to turn the stuff over. You know this. This is no different than turning over evidence in any legal case. You just don't throw your evidence out there for the whole public to see. Go watch his interview. Learn something.
You stupid nutcase, he has to go through protocol to turn the stuff over. You know this. This is no different than turning over evidence in any legal case. You just don't throw your evidence out there for the whole public to see. Go watch his interview. Learn something.

So by your own admission, there's no way for any of the people like you and me to look at these 'receipts' and 'videos' that somehow confirm Clay's conspiracy theory.


MAGA claims are always irrefutable.....until you demand to see the evidence. Then there is always some snivelling excuse why you can't.
Hmmmmm... interesting. Democrats protecting Trump by carrying water for Epstein but Trump had Epstein killed in prison to return the favor to Democrats? :abgg2q.jpg:

My statements have zero to do with what if anything Democrats would or wouldn't do.
Address the material, jackass, not the outlet publishing the news, or just shut up. Or are you claiming now the photos and material from Epstein is somehow faked and not real??
Leftists are defending Trump or against Trump? On one hand, leftists want to silence anyone who gave testimony about orgy island. On the other, they blame Trump.

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