Breaking: 60% Of White Americans Wants Donald Trump To Cut Immigration To Zero

When their Identities Are concealed vs 39% when they are not. You see my friends, this is the silent White majority I speak of that was the catalyst to electing Donald Trump as our glorious leader. It's time to turn the switch off on immigration completely so we can make babies and return this country to the specific people the founders created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790. The multicultural infestation into our country must cease! Donald Trump is the man that will make it happen. His beautiful Wall is just the beginning.


I'm among those who literally hounded my legislative leaders - which is why I think my Senator designed a bill to cut immigration. Oddly, most Tea Party Republican sites treat me as persona non grata only for not supporting the nutty wall idea.

We definitely have immigration issues, but the wall idea is wrong on so many levels.
----------------------------------------------------------------- WALL is a Great idea , i hope it gets built . Here is an animation of various ways to build the TRUMP Wall Humorne . --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video --- it will help stop mexican and other border hoppers like 'venezuelans' and those 'venzies' have got to be getting pretty desperate looking for a place to go to avoid starving and to avoid all the violence and upcoming 'civil war' . Also , keep in mind that during ww1 mexico almost allied with the 'nazis' with the purpose of invading the USA . Anyway , checkout the Trump WALL building video Humorne .
When their Identities Are concealed vs 39% when they are not. You see my friends, this is the silent White majority I speak of that was the catalyst to electing Donald Trump as our glorious leader. It's time to turn the switch off on immigration completely so we can make babies and return this country to the specific people the founders created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790. The multicultural infestation into our country must cease! Donald Trump is the man that will make it happen. His beautiful Wall is just the beginning.


I'm among those who literally hounded my legislative leaders - which is why I think my Senator designed a bill to cut immigration. Oddly, most Tea Party Republican sites treat me as persona non grata only for not supporting the nutty wall idea.

We definitely have immigration issues, but the wall idea is wrong on so many levels.
----------------------------------------------------------------- WALL is a Great idea , i hope it gets built . Here is an animation of various ways to build the TRUMP Wall Humorne . --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video --- it will help stop mexican and other border hoppers like 'venezuelans' and those 'venzies' have got to be getting pretty desperate looking for a place to go to avoid starving and to avoid all the violence and upcoming 'civil war' . Also , keep in mind that during ww1 mexico almost allied with the 'nazis' with the purpose of invading the USA . Anyway , checkout the Trump WALL building video Humorne .

The great "wall" idea... with its Constitution Free Zone, suspension of Liberties, and the costs that go way beyond dollars and cents. The wall is a great idea if you support socialism.
When their Identities Are concealed vs 39% when they are not. You see my friends, this is the silent White majority I speak of that was the catalyst to electing Donald Trump as our glorious leader. It's time to turn the switch off on immigration completely so we can make babies and return this country to the specific people the founders created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790. The multicultural infestation into our country must cease! Donald Trump is the man that will make it happen. His beautiful Wall is just the beginning.


I'm among those who literally hounded my legislative leaders - which is why I think my Senator designed a bill to cut immigration. Oddly, most Tea Party Republican sites treat me as persona non grata only for not supporting the nutty wall idea.

We definitely have immigration issues, but the wall idea is wrong on so many levels.
----------------------------------------------------------------- WALL is a Great idea , i hope it gets built . Here is an animation of various ways to build the TRUMP Wall Humorne . --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video --- it will help stop mexican and other border hoppers like 'venezuelans' and those 'venzies' have got to be getting pretty desperate looking for a place to go to avoid starving and to avoid all the violence and upcoming 'civil war' . Also , keep in mind that during ww1 mexico almost allied with the 'nazis' with the purpose of invading the USA . Anyway , checkout the Trump WALL building video Humorne .

The great "wall" idea... with its Constitution Free Zone, suspension of Liberties, and the costs that go way beyond dollars and cents. The wall is a great idea if you support socialism.
------------------------------------ more senseless words as i roll my eyes eh Humorne ??
When their Identities Are concealed vs 39% when they are not. You see my friends, this is the silent White majority I speak of that was the catalyst to electing Donald Trump as our glorious leader. It's time to turn the switch off on immigration completely so we can make babies and return this country to the specific people the founders created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790. The multicultural infestation into our country must cease! Donald Trump is the man that will make it happen. His beautiful Wall is just the beginning.


I'm among those who literally hounded my legislative leaders - which is why I think my Senator designed a bill to cut immigration. Oddly, most Tea Party Republican sites treat me as persona non grata only for not supporting the nutty wall idea.

We definitely have immigration issues, but the wall idea is wrong on so many levels.
----------------------------------------------------------------- WALL is a Great idea , i hope it gets built . Here is an animation of various ways to build the TRUMP Wall Humorne . --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video --- it will help stop mexican and other border hoppers like 'venezuelans' and those 'venzies' have got to be getting pretty desperate looking for a place to go to avoid starving and to avoid all the violence and upcoming 'civil war' . Also , keep in mind that during ww1 mexico almost allied with the 'nazis' with the purpose of invading the USA . Anyway , checkout the Trump WALL building video Humorne .

The great "wall" idea... with its Constitution Free Zone, suspension of Liberties, and the costs that go way beyond dollars and cents. The wall is a great idea if you support socialism.
------------------------------------ more senseless words as i roll my eyes eh Humorne ??

So anyone that don't agree with you is only capable of posting "senseless words?"

You seem to be so in love with the prospect of the ultimate POLICE STATE that you can't accept the facts for what they are. It is those who obsess over immigration that gave us the atmosphere of the pee test, blood test, hair sample, MVR check, credit check, criminal background check, firearms license, occupation license, driver's license (National ID / REAL ID Act Card / E Verify), proof of insurance, access to social media accounts, 24 / 7 / 365 womb to the tomb surveillance, drones in the sky, etc., etc. - even to get a job flipping burgers at Mickey Ds.

Some people have a way of letting their emotions get in the way of good common sense.

The government says they need the Constitution Free Zone in order to protect the border. What did William Pitt say?

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."

You "need" a wall to help you protect you from yourself.
When their Identities Are concealed vs 39% when they are not. You see my friends, this is the silent White majority I speak of that was the catalyst to electing Donald Trump as our glorious leader. It's time to turn the switch off on immigration completely so we can make babies and return this country to the specific people the founders created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790. The multicultural infestation into our country must cease! Donald Trump is the man that will make it happen. His beautiful Wall is just the beginning.


I'm among those who literally hounded my legislative leaders - which is why I think my Senator designed a bill to cut immigration. Oddly, most Tea Party Republican sites treat me as persona non grata only for not supporting the nutty wall idea.

We definitely have immigration issues, but the wall idea is wrong on so many levels.
----------------------------------------------------------------- WALL is a Great idea , i hope it gets built . Here is an animation of various ways to build the TRUMP Wall Humorne . --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video --- it will help stop mexican and other border hoppers like 'venezuelans' and those 'venzies' have got to be getting pretty desperate looking for a place to go to avoid starving and to avoid all the violence and upcoming 'civil war' . Also , keep in mind that during ww1 mexico almost allied with the 'nazis' with the purpose of invading the USA . Anyway , checkout the Trump WALL building video Humorne .

The great "wall" idea... with its Constitution Free Zone, suspension of Liberties, and the costs that go way beyond dollars and cents. The wall is a great idea if you support socialism.
------------------------------------ more senseless words as i roll my eyes eh Humorne ??

You've rolled your eyes too much. You are now suffering from bad eyesight - which is probably why you cannot differentiate or maybe delineate the subject matter you read. My board name is NOT Humorone. It is Humorme (it's actually two words strung together - Humor Me.)
as i have said before on this board , i was born in 1949 when USA population was ABOUT 150 million Americans but i do not remember 1949 . In about 1970 USA population was about 210 million ABOUT and as a young man i remember what a nice country the USA was . I was coming of age or adulthood after Eisenhower had done his Operation Wetback in the mid 50s . And due to 'ikes' Operation Wetback every school i had ever gone to spoke English as the ONLY language . Most teachers were generally male , usually ww2 or Korea vets and were ALL Americans with an American point of view and usually Christian , i would guess . Anyway , in 2010 the USA census numbers is about 310 million and thats not counting the 11 to 30 million illegals in the USA . -------------------------- Main point , no American worried about low wages or competing with a foreigner for a low paying job because most jobs paid well and jobs were all over the place and there were no foreigner to lower wages Humorme . . ------------------- I say , stop ALL immigration into the USA .
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plus take muslim immigration as just one example , they go crazy and get violent if you have a 'mohammad' cartoon contest in Texas USA or over in France at 'charie hebdos' news paper Humorme .
When their Identities Are concealed vs 39% when they are not. You see my friends, this is the silent White majority I speak of that was the catalyst to electing Donald Trump as our glorious leader. It's time to turn the switch off on immigration completely so we can make babies and return this country to the specific people the founders created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790. The multicultural infestation into our country must cease! Donald Trump is the man that will make it happen. His beautiful Wall is just the beginning.


and what percentage of the country are white supreacist men, kkk loon?
so then , whats to do , stop having mohammad cartoon contests and become a 'dhimmi' because if you have the mohammad cartoon contest muslims may go crazy and murder people Humorme .
as i have said before on this board , i was born in 1949 when USA population was ABOUT 150 million Americans but i do not remember 1949 . In about 1970 USA population was about 210 million ABOUT and as a young man i remember what a nice country the USA was . I was coming of age or adulthood after Eisenhower had done his Operation Wetback in the mid 50s . And due to 'ikes' Operation Wetback every school i had ever gone to spoke English as the ONLY language . Most teachers were generally male , usually ww2 or Korea vets and were ALL Americans with an American point of view and usually Christian , i would guess . Anyway , in 2010 the USA census numbers is about 310 million and thats not counting the 11 to 30 million illegals in the USA . -------------------------- Main point , no American worried about low wages or competing with a foreigner for a low paying job because most jobs paid well and jobs were all over the place and there were no foreigner to lower wages Humorme . . ------------------- I say , stop ALL immigration into the USA .

A temporary freeze on immigration would be the ultimate solution. And, if you note, it was a Senator from the state I live in that supported a reduction in legal immigration. You won't believe how much I've been ridiculed over the past number of years for supporting a reduction in the number of people we allow to become citizens.

The notion, however, that we are going to slap up a wall and keep people out of the United States is pure fantasy.

While nobody can find the source, Frederick Bastiat is quoted as having said, "“When goods don’t cross borders, soldiers will." In modern times, labor is little more than goods - at least the way employers see it. And, in a free market, employers own the jobs they create. So they, not you and I, should be able to decide who they want to hire.

And, since you brought up Operation Wetback, you should know that once they kicked the Mexicans out, our unemployment rate doubled in less than five years. Now, let's look at the converse of that equation and determine the facts. Beginning in the mid 1980s the unemployment rate was as high as 7.2 percent in May / June of 1986 and a low of under 4 percent in 2000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

During that time period, America granted SEVEN amnesties. So, the facts are, when we had a mass deportation, the unemployment rate went up. When we were granting amnesties the unemployment rate went down. Obviously you cannot understand the economics of your own country nor the principles behind the free market.

Do we have issues with immigration? Yes. Can we resolve them with your solutions? Not likely.
Sounds like the government should listen to its citizens and act accordingly.

60% (allegedly) of white Americans is to 60% of the country.

bigoted white supremacist scum should listen to the rest of us.

or you can always go away. because, thankfully we have a Constitution and that includes equal protection for the rest of us and you're white bigoted trash.

enjoy your trailer park.
You are being dishonest about Mexico. American companies are willingly hiring, renting to, buying from, selling to, and otherwise doing business with people they know full well are here without papers.

Those who hate, despise, and loathe anything that even looks suspect in the area of immigrants shop at Walmart. Why? Walmart was convicted to knowingly using subcontractors that openly hired undocumented workers. The federal government cannot save you from your own actions.
And you are being dishonest with your claims. How do you know someone is in fact an illegal? If they give you a Drivers License and a SS Card, how do you know? Are you basing your assumption on color or language?

Walmart wasn't convicted of anything, they actually won on appeal. Wal-Mart wins appeal of immigrant janitor case
A temporary freeze on immigration would be the ultimate solution. And, if you note, it was a Senator from the state I live in that supported a reduction in legal immigration. You won't believe how much I've been ridiculed over the past number of years for supporting a reduction in the number of people we allow to become citizens.
Most newly naturalized citizens are nothing more than family members of already US Citizens.

And, since you brought up Operation Wetback, you should know that once they kicked the Mexicans out, our unemployment rate doubled in less than five years. Now, let's look at the converse of that equation and determine the facts. Beginning in the mid 1980s the unemployment rate was as high as 7.2 percent in May / June of 1986 and a low of under 4 percent in 2000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
So in 1954 the unemployment rate was 5.5% according to your BLS link, and 5 years later it was still 5.5% in 1959. So where and when exactly did it double?

During that time period, America granted SEVEN amnesties. So, the facts are, when we had a mass deportation, the unemployment rate went up. When we were granting amnesties the unemployment rate went down. Obviously you cannot understand the economics of your own country nor the principles behind the free market.

Do we have issues with immigration? Yes. Can we resolve them with your solutions? Not likely.
You haven't shown that mass deportations have caused unemployment rates to go up. Your own link calls you a liar.
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