BREAKING: 1 Hillary Email SHOWED Terrorists How to Kill Amb. Chris Stevens!!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
An email released Monday pertaining to the Benghazi investigation from Hillary Clinton’s private email server revealed that a message detailing the location of murdered Ambassador Chris Stevens passed through the unsecured server, raising the possibility that terrorists could have intercepted the message.

According to Breitbart, the April 10, 2011, email from State Department employee Timmy Davis was forwarded to the server by Clinton’s aide, Huma Abedin.

“The situation in Ajdabiyah has worsened to the point where Stevens is considering departure from Benghazi,” Davis’ email read.

“The envoy’s delegation is currently doing a phased checkout (paying the hotel bills, moving some comms to the boat, etc). He will monitor the situation to see if it deteriorates further, but no decision has been made on departure. He will wait 2-3 more hours, then revisit the decision on departure.”

The email is the latest in a chain of emails that reveal Ambassador Stevens‘ location was readily available to anyone who could hack into Hillary Clinton’s unsecured private email server.

In March of 2011, an email stated that, “The current game plan is for Mr. Stevens to move no later than Wednesday from Malta to Benghazi. He will stage offshore initially for a one day visit during which he will have meetings with TNC (Transitional National Council) interlocutors and get a sense of the situation on the ground. The goal of this one day trip is for him to lay the groundwork for a stay of up to 30 days.”

Then, on April 8, another email reported that the “security situation in Benghazi remains quiet. Chris Stevens & team are in the hotel, moving only for meetings as required.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...





It is so sick that Crooked Hillary gets any support. It is disgusting on several levels.

Vote for The Donald. We must end this corruption and downright evil that has so profoundly impacted American politics.
Mainly, that the family of Stevens is doomed to see her mug AND pictures of him being dragged through the streets..dead. Or close to dead. Hopefully dead and not suffering anymore. And her smiling face and bored look as well. Once on the net, always on the net.

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