Bravo Houston Texas showing LGBT bias activists what the public really thinks of their filthy lies

David Jeffrey Spetch

Senior Member
Nov 17, 2014
Bravo to Houston Texas for showing LGBT low life bias activists what the public really thinks of their filthy lies and deceptions. Just have a look at what these low life homosexual activists attempted to get away with and were stopped dead in their tracks as the public voted to put an end to one of their nightmares infecting Houston Texas!

The vote was a slaughter and the main stream media telling the public what the public thinks has been proven a lie.

A step in a most positive direction for the well being and sanity of current and future generations and a fine example for the globe to follow on an effective method of putting these compulsive obsessive lying deceiving discriminating homosexual activists in their place.

I am no fan or supporter of religion, but bravo to all who did the right thing and assured this insanity from infecting Houston bathrooms.

How the Houston transgender “bathroom bill” was defeated against overwhelming odds

Now for the entire globe to join in on this positive most movement.

Whether or not homosexuals choose to be born homosexual or not doesn't detract from the fact that heterosexuals have sex with those born with the opposite sex genital that the heterosexual them self is born with.

Whether or not homosexuals choose to be born homosexual or not doesn't detract from the fact that homosexuals are those who have sex with those born with the same sex genital that they themselves are born with.

Whether or not homosexuals choose to be born homosexual or not and whether or not someone chooses to be born with a penis or not doesn't detract from the fact that what it takes to be male is to be born with a sex genital called a penis.

Whether or not homosexuals choose to be born homosexual or not and whether or not someone chooses to be born with a vagina or not doesn't detract from the fact that what it takes to be female is to be born with a sex genital called a vagina.

Because homosexuals and homosexual activists refuse to accept homosexuals for what homosexuals are they have claimed that they believe that what sex you are is determined by how you feel or how you perceive one self and so they came up with the term sexual identity to perpetuate a confusion to the issue of what a male is and what a female is to aid homosexuals who refuse to accept themselves for what sex that they themselves are born in pretending to be the opposite sex that they are born, and from birth always will be the sex that they are born no matter how much homosexuals and homosexual activists refuse to accept homosexuals for what homosexuals are.

Beliefs are not what falsifies or verifies fact. Facts are what falsify or verify belief. A lesson that homosexual activists have quite obviously never learned.

Homosexuals who refuse to accept themselves for what they themselves are and pretend to be the opposite sex that they are born and always will be no matter how much homosexuals refuse to accept themselves for what they themselves are leads to homosexuals robbing heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual with these homosexual deceptions.

Interacting with thousands of homosexuals activists for well over a decade now I have noticed upon leaving such factually based statements as the last paragraph, upon homosexual activists seeing those statements, many of them carry on about how is some guy for example in a beard wearing a dress going to deceive thus rob unsuspecting heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual. What they are doing when it seems convenient to them is ignoring the fact that there are homosexuals that undergo a whole list of altercations, procedures, surgeries etc. in attempt to help perfect the deception of a male looking like a female and a female looking like a male. Then to further aid homosexuals in discriminating heterosexuals right to be heterosexual with these homosexual deceptions, they try telling you that if you are a heterosexual and you are attracted to someone born with the same sex genital that you are born with, because they are deceiving you by pretending to be the opposite sex that they are born, that it makes it ok for homosexuals to rob you of the right to be heterosexual and claim that it is your fault for being conned by a homosexual deceiving you.

I am a heterosexual male. I do not fantasize about men having sex. The thought of men having sex I find to be repulsive because again I am a heterosexual male and being a heterosexual male does not include having sex with other males nor does it include the interest of other males having sex whether they are pretending to be a female or not. When a man pretends to be a woman to deceive a man into having sex with him, I find this to be extremely offensive and unacceptable because these are homosexuals males robbing heterosexual males of the right and freedom to be heterosexual thus discriminating heterosexuals right and freedom to be heterosexual and because homosexual activists obviously have no respect for what it means to be a heterosexual male they try and pass me off as a homophobe, a bigot or a hater while making up false claims of discrimination about the heterosexual males to try and hide that homosexuals are the ones discriminating the heterosexual male. (Same applies in retrospect to heterosexual females and homosexual females pretending to be the opposite sex that they are born and always will be no matter how much homosexuals and homosexual activists refuse to accept homosexuals for what homosexuals themselves are.

Which brings me back to what needs to be done to free our innocent little children as well as society as a whole from this homosexual insanity is simply undo everything homosexual activists have done (legislation corrupted etc.) over the past few decades and start from scratch such as restoring marriage to a respectable state. Make it so all procedures, surgeries and altercations must be made illegal for being used to make a person appear the opposite sex that they are born, as well discrimination against heterosexuality needs to be criminalized for the well being and sanity of current and future generations. Which quite obviously means that tranny, transgender and transsexual needs to be criminalized. Homosexuals wanting to have sex with other homosexuals or even bisexuals are one thing, but homosexuals that discriminate heterosexuals with homosexual deceptions is unacceptable for it is quite obviously robbing heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexuals. Anyone pretending to be the opposite sex encourages homosexuals to think that it is ok to do it as well which again leads to more heterosexual victims which is why pretending to be the opposite sex needs to be criminalized for everyone. This type of homosexual behaviour being forced upon innocent little children in the school system or upon citizens through government is unacceptable!

Here is also an amazing video on the subject on you tube.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
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