Brave White Couple Peacefully Paints Over Giant Black Lives Matter Lettering on California Street, Are Now Wanted By Police

White Power Matters

Gold Member
Jun 12, 2020
This is disgusting! Defacing statues of heroic patriotic White men is okay but God forbid you paint over Black Lives Matter lettering on a public street gets you wanted by law enforcement.

Well... they aren't going to be too hard to find considering they aren't hiding. I mean, they gave you pretty much everything but their name there. Licence plate can be ran quick fast and in a hurry.

But I wouldn't be looking for them myself, other than to buy them dinner or something.

Edit: OP... Your name is fuck'n stupid.
This is disgusting! Defacing statues of heroic patriotic White men is okay but God forbid you paint over Black Lives Matter lettering on a public street gets you wanted by law enforcement.

Good for them.
You’re obviously a racist but those people who cleaned up that BLM racist vandalism are true heroes.
Well... they aren't going to be too hard to find considering they aren't hiding. I mean, they gave you pretty much everything but their name there. Licence plate can be ran quick fast and in a hurry.
Thats the finest example of civil disobedience that goes back to Gandi

when you know you are right be prepared to suffer the consequences of your actions
This is disgusting! Defacing statues of heroic patriotic White men is okay but God forbid you paint over Black Lives Matter lettering on a public street gets you wanted by law enforcement.
PUBLIC ENEMIES NUMBER ONE. They need to write Trump and tell him the city is hunting them down for trying to remove graffiti off the streets!
This is disgusting! Defacing statues of heroic patriotic White men is okay but God forbid you paint over Black Lives Matter lettering on a public street gets you wanted by law enforcement.
PUBLIC ENEMIES NUMBER ONE. They need to write Trump and tell him the city is hunting them down for trying to remove graffiti off the streets!
Exactly! I've seen lots of video of people cleaning up graffiti after the riots, but it seem "Black Lives Matter" are holy words and somehow protected.

Protected graffiti!
This is disgusting! Defacing statues of heroic patriotic White men is okay but God forbid you paint over Black Lives Matter lettering on a public street gets you wanted by law enforcement.

Let us know when the go-fund-me account gets started.
This is disgusting! Defacing statues of heroic patriotic White men is okay but God forbid you paint over Black Lives Matter lettering on a public street gets you wanted by law enforcement.
PUBLIC ENEMIES NUMBER ONE. They need to write Trump and tell him the city is hunting them down for trying to remove graffiti off the streets!

Trump only pays the legal bills for guys who beat people up at his rallies. They need to start assaulting people to prove their loyalty to the blob.

He pays legal bills for other people?
Well... they aren't going to be too hard to find considering they aren't hiding. I mean, they gave you pretty much everything but their name there. Licence plate can be ran quick fast and in a hurry.

But I wouldn't be looking for them myself, other than to buy them dinner or something.

Edit: OP... Your name is fuck'n stupid.
Actually... I would like to find them. I want to help pay for the paint.
So let's review. Trump's presidency has exposed him as grossly incompetent and corrupt. He gets the Russians to help in his campaign, he fires the FBI Director for opening an investigation into that matter. His NSA Director lies to the FBI and admits such in court, then Trump puts him above the law, Trump cages kids, calls neo-Nazis 'very fine people, extorts Ukraine, ignores warnings of bounties on our troops, mismanaged a pandemic and gasses peaceful protesters for the sake of a photo op.

And, as a result, he is less popular than ever with four months till the election. What's he to do?

Double down on culture wars by being overtly racist.

And the racists eat it up by the spoonful. Black Lives Matter and you mouth breathing, hood wearing racist idiots take it as an insult.
So let's review. Trump's presidency has exposed him as grossly incompetent and corrupt. He gets the Russians to help in his campaign, he fires the FBI Director for opening an investigation into that matter. His NSA Director lies to the FBI and admits such in court, then Trump puts him above the law, Trump cages kids, calls neo-Nazis 'very fine people, extorts Ukraine, ignores warnings of bounties on our troops, mismanaged a pandemic and gasses peaceful protesters for the sake of a photo op.

And, as a result, he is less popular than ever with four months till the election. What's he to do?

Double down on culture wars by being overtly racist.

And the racists eat it up by the spoonful. Black Lives Matter and you mouth breathing, hood wearing racist idiots take it as an insult.
I think you may have just set a USMB record for the most lies in a single post.

So let's review. Trump's presidency has exposed him as grossly incompetent and corrupt. He gets the Russians to help in his campaign, he fires the FBI Director for opening an investigation into that matter. His NSA Director lies to the FBI and admits such in court, then Trump puts him above the law, Trump cages kids, calls neo-Nazis 'very fine people, extorts Ukraine, ignores warnings of bounties on our troops, mismanaged a pandemic and gasses peaceful protesters for the sake of a photo op.

And, as a result, he is less popular than ever with four months till the election. What's he to do?

Double down on culture wars by being overtly racist.

And the racists eat it up by the spoonful. Black Lives Matter and you mouth breathing, hood wearing racist idiots take it as an insult.
I think you may have just set a USMB record for the most lies in a single post.

Because you live in an echo chamber you have NO IDEA how many people are chomping at the bit to rid our country of Trump and neuter the racists who support him.
So let's review. Trump's presidency has exposed him as grossly incompetent and corrupt. He gets the Russians to help in his campaign, he fires the FBI Director for opening an investigation into that matter. His NSA Director lies to the FBI and admits such in court, then Trump puts him above the law, Trump cages kids, calls neo-Nazis 'very fine people, extorts Ukraine, ignores warnings of bounties on our troops, mismanaged a pandemic and gasses peaceful protesters for the sake of a photo op.

And, as a result, he is less popular than ever with four months till the election. What's he to do?

Double down on culture wars by being overtly racist.

And the racists eat it up by the spoonful. Black Lives Matter and you mouth breathing, hood wearing racist idiots take it as an insult.
I think you may have just set a USMB record for the most lies in a single post.

Because you live in an echo chamber you have NO IDEA how many people are chomping at the bit to rid our country of Trump and neuter the racists who support him.

how many?
This is disgusting! Defacing statues of heroic patriotic White men is okay but God forbid you paint over Black Lives Matter lettering on a public street gets you wanted by law enforcement.

Good for them.
You’re obviously a racist but those people who cleaned up that BLM racist vandalism are true heroes.
True heroes are those men and women who will clean our country from those BLM racist vandals and "antifa" terrorists.
So let's review. Trump's presidency has exposed him as grossly incompetent and corrupt. He gets the Russians to help in his campaign, he fires the FBI Director for opening an investigation into that matter. His NSA Director lies to the FBI and admits such in court, then Trump puts him above the law, Trump cages kids, calls neo-Nazis 'very fine people, extorts Ukraine, ignores warnings of bounties on our troops, mismanaged a pandemic and gasses peaceful protesters for the sake of a photo op.

And, as a result, he is less popular than ever with four months till the election. What's he to do?

Double down on culture wars by being overtly racist.

And the racists eat it up by the spoonful. Black Lives Matter and you mouth breathing, hood wearing racist idiots take it as an insult.
I think you may have just set a USMB record for the most lies in a single post.

Because you live in an echo chamber you have NO IDEA how many people are chomping at the bit to rid our country of Trump and neuter the racists who support him.

how many?
Somewhere north of 56%!
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So let's review. Trump's presidency has exposed him as grossly incompetent and corrupt. He gets the Russians to help in his campaign, he fires the FBI Director for opening an investigation into that matter. His NSA Director lies to the FBI and admits such in court, then Trump puts him above the law, Trump cages kids, calls neo-Nazis 'very fine people, extorts Ukraine, ignores warnings of bounties on our troops, mismanaged a pandemic and gasses peaceful protesters for the sake of a photo op.

And, as a result, he is less popular than ever with four months till the election. What's he to do?

Double down on culture wars by being overtly racist.

And the racists eat it up by the spoonful. Black Lives Matter and you mouth breathing, hood wearing racist idiots take it as an insult.
I think you may have just set a USMB record for the most lies in a single post.

Because you live in an echo chamber you have NO IDEA how many people are chomping at the bit to rid our country of Trump and neuter the racists who support him.

how many?
So,ewhere north of 56%!

what makes you think that it is "racists" who support Trump or that 56% of the people
believe that Trump is "racist" Toward what "race" does he express animosity?
With all the opportunities and necessities to actually lead, Trump is staking his election and legacy to saving confederate statues and calling Black Libes Matter a symbol of hate. And you idiots are applauding him.

Do you think this is a winning platform in 2020? Can his stance persuade?
With all the opportunities and necessities to actually lead, Trump is staking his election and legacy to saving confederate statues and calling Black Libes Matter a symbol of hate. And you idiots are applauding him.

Do you think this is a winning platform in 2020? Can his stance persuade?

BLM is a hate group. They are wrecking havoc----death and destruction in
my city out of "LOVE"? As to saving statues----I am all for it. Destruction of
art is what fascists do MLK committed adultery------should streets and parks and art devoted to him be smeared with dog shit? Malcolm X was a pimp. There is all kinds of stuff named for that dirty pimp in my town. There are lots of politicos prostituting themselves to the filth of BLM to the detriment of the entire city's population. The police department has been weakened in order to aid the filth of BLM. Of course the real issue is POPULIST POLITICS------BREAD AND CIRCUSES -----buy the gutter votes

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