Brain reanimation dream

Robert Urbanek

Platinum Member
Nov 9, 2019
Vacaville, CA
In a dream from last night, I have taken a brain out of a head and put it into a transparent pouch, but the brain shrinks like a deflated balloon. My late mother is alarmed. I rush to put the brain on my dining room table. I connect a cord from the pouch to an electric outlet and turn on a switch. The brain returns to its normal size and starts to pulsate like a beating heart. I and my mother express joy that the brain is alive.

Music comes from the brain, first as a few seconds of a hymn then as a 1940s swing song by the Andrews Sisters with lyrics declaring that scientists like Einstein didn’t know the great divine truths. I believe the songs are not coming from thoughts in the brain but, instead, the brain has become a radio broadcasting a program from heaven.

The dream may suggest that, like Dr. Frankenstein, I am playing God with forces I don’t fully understand, although the tone of the dream is generally upbeat.

Well, here's one of mine.

Days in dreams past

Once again I am in second grade, and I am wearing only my underwear and my white soft cloth cotton gloves that my friend gave me from his 20 pak he bought for 9.99. How can this be? In second grade I had not met my cotton glove philanthropist, unless, well, maybe this is a kind of time travel paradox, where my grandfather does not exist. The other kids are looking at me and my white cotton fruit of the looms and before I can react, I'm suddenly in another portal.

The alien ship is somewhere and I must go 'round to all and seek out assistance. My long dead step father is there also, but clearly, he is one of the aliens. That is the only way he can be there. I find the old parked Volvo and turn the ball valve on the exhaust pipe that lets the black alien goo be purged. As it comes out the time worn Volvos pipe, my dead step father intervenes and shuts it off. Saving the black putrid goo which the aliens use for unknown purpose. Then portal 3 takes me and I am face to face with the alien but he does not want to deal with me so he lays down for a nap. I wake up in the dream and still see the Toyota sitting there, an ominous hint of failures to come. The bolts don't fit it, and they are blaming me for the spark plugs.

Suddenly, I switch to another portal, and I find myself in a grocery store, shopping, but nothing has a price, and try as i may, interaction with store employees is blocked! it is if I do not exist yet here I am, trying to shop and everything is priceless. Or, maybe the word is un-priced...I don't know. All I know is the memories of these travels are powerful, as I soar like a bird in my dream, to fly over my town that I can't remember. I finally awaken and all is normal once again. I am relieved. I find a feather in my bed...I hope it is a refugee from a pillow.....

Later dreaming again, back in the portal, I was at the Volvo turning the same ball valve to let out the goo. This time there was a hole dug in the ground, that oddly looked like a cemetery plot. It was close to the Volvo, to close to be a coincidence. I turned the switch in my mind and was back in the portal with the alien on his ship. He, she, or it was still sleeping, if that was what it was. I crept around and took what I needed. The purple hose was just lying there for the taking as were the strangely human like worm track hose clamps. I took two of them, along with the purple hose and tools that resembled a screw driver. I flicked back to the landscape where I had to deal with the Volvo. in the distance I could see my dead step father approaching and knew I had to get to work.

I unrolled the hose, attaching it to one end of the cars exhaust pipe and double clamping it. The screw driver fit perfectly, and I pulled the open end to the grave like plot that was suddenly there. Maybe the portals retain a consistency from trip to trip, I don't know. Back at the Volvo, I open the ball valve and the black, putrid goo rushed out and began to fill the grave slowly. I pulled the hose away from the plot and disconnected it from the Volvo's pipe and put it in the back seat. Then I watched. Three people appeared close by and walked up to the goo filled plot, got down on their stomachs, and began to consume the goo, like cattle, boneless cattle. Their lifeless dead eyes staring at nothing as I watched. Suddenly I was back in portal 1, squirming in my desk wondering how, why.....

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