Brady drops multiple hints that he may come out of retirement....again

If he can do it, why not? How would he stack up against Mahomes and Hurts? Maybe he should change his name to 'Bradys?'
If Brady comes back it just because he wants to keep that Super bowl win record and fears that the other guy may catch him.
If he comes back now he’s a credibility is gone
If he comes back now he’s a credibility is gone
That is why I would not be surprised in the least if he did because he doesn’t care about his credibility,he already has none,he lied once before many,why should we believe him this time? Like you said,he seeks attention.
former nfl players have called him a cheater who has tainted the sport so he doesn’t care about tarnishing his credibility any further.i won’t believe it till opening day and he is not signed with another team even though this time I think he is serious.his word as he has proven is not to be believed,I will believe it when I see it,he is the next Brett farve,another broken record liar who his own city turned on him they got tired of his constant lying about retiring year after year.
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Maybe has he has been spending a little too much time under know what I mean? :auiqs.jpg:

Well he is bisexual.he doesn’t even try to hide it,there are photos that show him kissing Belicheat and kraft on the MOUTH after winning a Super Bowl and has mentioned that gronkowski has a huge cock,he would know.:laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:he probably did what a lot of actors do,switch to the other side and be completely gay.:laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

I am also extremely surprised basqobromance was not all over this same as I was someone beat him to the punch on the second retirement thread,the dudes
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It's hard to stop doing something you're really good at.
well as they say it is a young mans game and you can't keep it up forever. He walked away from it for a reason. He would need a really good cast of supporting team mates. Jumping back in for the wrong reason is probably not the way to end ones career.
This is an excellent picture of Tom Brady of his credibility of being honest.whether it is deflategate or retiring..this could easily be a pic of Brett farve as well who his own hometown fans got sick of him and he wore out his welcome from lying to them all the time year after year his last five years or so about retiring so yeah,this could easily be as much brett farve as it is brady.


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