BP & White Hous Needlesly Rollin The Dice In Usin New Cap As A Plug On Gulf Oil Leak!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Up to this point on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig Failure, BP and the Obama Whitehouse have done a great job in trying to plug the oil well leak contrary to the extremely poor job they have done in protecting the Gulf ecology from leaked oil. Yet they are foolishly gambling this one positive they have with their plan to use the new cap as a plug on the leaking well!

What is being referred to here is in the past week BP has removed the cap on the leaking well in the Gulf, the cap that was sitting on the riser pipe coming out of the blowout preventer that was siphoning oil to tankers on the ocean surface. BP after removing this cap unfastend the riser pipe from the top of the blowout preventer and installed a new cap right on the top of the preventer which (this being a magnificant development) fits tightly on the exit pipe protruding from the top of the preventer. With this new cap BP and the White House could now siphon all the oil leaking from the well to the tanker ships on the ocean surface, they have hit a home run why mess this up with this additional "use cap as plug" plan. This additional plan is specifically to use this new cap like a plug, that is, as they close the vents on the new cap they won't be siphoning oil from the cap to tankers but rather just close the cap's vents and use the cap like a plug on the well.

This using the cap like a plug is unnecessarily risky because pressure will build up in the well when they take this action and could create other leaks through the oil well pipe in the ocean floor causing leaks that will emanate from the ocean floor that BP will not be able to siphon off and thus not be able to stop from causing ecological damage in the gulf. Even though the plan is to monitor the pressure in the new cap as BP closes the vents for drops in pressure that would signal a leak below the cap so they could start siphoning from the new cap to reduce the pressure and thus reduce the extent of this leak(s) from below the cap this plan is foolishly and unnecessarily risky, in another month at least one of the relief wells almost certainly will have reached the leaking well and facilitated the creation of a cement plug for this leaking well. What is uncontrovertably clear from media accounts of construction of this "Macondo" well is that for the portion of the well right below the ocean floor the well construction work was poorly done and improperly done, good judgement clearly calls for the conclusion that the cement work in between the well casing and the well pipe in this area cannot be classified as reliable, the condition of this cement work is unknown! So why is BP and the Whitehouse taking steps that rely on the integrity of this cement job which using the cap as a plug does, it is absolute foolishness! This cement may not fail quickly, it may fail slowly not setting off pressure alarms vis-a-vis pressure monitoring in the new cap and once it does fail and the subsequent new leak created finds a path to the surface of the ocean floor the game is over so to speak the damage to the ecology will not be able to be stopped. If BP uses this new cap like a plug causing high pressure to build-up in the well pipe and the blowout preventer and say what if their is a seismic disturbance (earthquake) in the well area this disturbance with the high pressure could easily cause a new leak in the well which would not be easy or possible to stop or mitigate! If one was cynical one could allege that the White House here was pursuing using the new cap as a plug for a "Public Relations" victory, in other words so they could tout to the American people they have plugged the oil well leak! If this is what their doing I hope luck is on their side because if it isn't and a new leak or leaks results it is a really lousy situation their leaving to the people of the Gulf!
Up to this point on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig Failure, BP and the Obama Whitehouse have done a great job in trying to plug the oil well leak contrary to the extremely poor job they have done in protecting the Gulf ecology from leaked oil. Yet they are foolishly gambling this one positive they have with their plan to use the new cap as a plug on the leaking well!

What is being referred to here is in the past week BP has removed the cap on the leaking well in the Gulf, the cap that was sitting on the riser pipe coming out of the blowout preventer that was siphoning oil to tankers on the ocean surface. BP after removing this cap unfastend the riser pipe from the top of the blowout preventer and installed a new cap right on the top of the preventer which (this being a magnificant development) fits tightly on the exit pipe protruding from the top of the preventer. With this new cap BP and the White House could now siphon all the oil leaking from the well to the tanker ships on the ocean surface, they have hit a home run why mess this up with this additional "use cap as plug" plan. This additional plan is specifically to use this new cap like a plug, that is, as they close the vents on the new cap they won't be siphoning oil from the cap to tankers but rather just close the cap's vents and use the cap like a plug on the well.

This using the cap like a plug is unnecessarily risky because pressure will build up in the well when they take this action and could create other leaks through the oil well pipe in the ocean floor causing leaks that will emanate from the ocean floor that BP will not be able to siphon off and thus not be able to stop from causing ecological damage in the gulf. Even though the plan is to monitor the pressure in the new cap as BP closes the vents for drops in pressure that would signal a leak below the cap so they could start siphoning from the new cap to reduce the pressure and thus reduce the extent of this leak(s) from below the cap this plan is foolishly and unnecessarily risky, in another month at least one of the relief wells almost certainly will have reached the leaking well and facilitated the creation of a cement plug for this leaking well. What is uncontrovertably clear from media accounts of construction of this "Macondo" well is that for the portion of the well right below the ocean floor the well construction work was poorly done and improperly done, good judgement clearly calls for the conclusion that the cement work in between the well casing and the well pipe in this area cannot be classified as reliable, the condition of this cement work is unknown! So why is BP and the Whitehouse taking steps that rely on the integrity of this cement job which using the cap as a plug does, it is absolute foolishness! This cement may not fail quickly, it may fail slowly not setting off pressure alarms vis-a-vis pressure monitoring in the new cap and once it does fail and the subsequent new leak created finds a path to the surface of the ocean floor the game is over so to speak the damage to the ecology will not be able to be stopped. If BP uses this new cap like a plug causing high pressure to build-up in the well pipe and the blowout preventer and say what if their is a seismic disturbance (earthquake) in the well area this disturbance with the high pressure could easily cause a new leak in the well which would not be easy or possible to stop or mitigate! If one was cynical one could allege that the White House here was pursuing using the new cap as a plug for a "Public Relations" victory, in other words so they could tout to the American people they have plugged the oil well leak! If this is what their doing I hope luck is on their side because if it isn't and a new leak or leaks results it is a really lousy situation their leaving to the people of the Gulf!

I am completely unqualified to critique the engineering involved in this mess.

As is, I fear, everybody else INCLUDING the people tasked to fix the problem.

If these people TRULY knew what they were doing the leak would NOT have happened.

Sooner or later mankind's technological hubris will make some group of us a FATAL mistake.

I doubt this is the one, but this is NOT good, folks.

Hopefully it's a wakeup call leading enough of us to realize that GREED will make some people risk the health of the world for a few dollars more.

If, as we have been informed, BP had spend about $50 million more they'd have had the safeguards in place such that this would not have happened.

If that is true, the the board of BP and down the chain of command involved with that decision ough to be publically hanged, thei head put on pikes in WALL STREET as a warning to ohters who would risk the health of the WORLD to get rich.

And as to the players in GOVERNMENT who allowed BP to take these risks?

Their heads should be on pikes in front of the Congress.

This event is a perfect example of why CORPORACIDE ought to be something that government has available to it.

BP should be put down like a rabid dog, and its leaders ought to suffer personally for their decisions.

Its time to hold the master class responsible for their errors in judgement, too.

Of course that won't happen because its the masters who decide such things, isn't it?

We'll destroy the lives of nobodies for minor mistakes but if the master class destroys the GULF OF MEXICO, they get a pass on it.

And then we wonder why the world is going to hell?!
Obama's team is equally unqualified.
He deserves all the cracking back he gets on this one.
He must reap what he sowed.
It's the price people pay for depending on our government or private industry to provide for our needs.
We've lost the ability to be self sufficient.
Up to this point on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig Failure, BP and the Obama Whitehouse have done a great job in trying to plug the oil well leak contrary to the extremely poor job they have done in protecting the Gulf ecology from leaked oil. Yet they are foolishly gambling this one positive they have with their plan to use the new cap as a plug on the leaking well!

What is being referred to here is in the past week BP has removed the cap on the leaking well in the Gulf, the cap that was sitting on the riser pipe coming out of the blowout preventer that was siphoning oil to tankers on the ocean surface. BP after removing this cap unfastend the riser pipe from the top of the blowout preventer and installed a new cap right on the top of the preventer which (this being a magnificant development) fits tightly on the exit pipe protruding from the top of the preventer. With this new cap BP and the White House could now siphon all the oil leaking from the well to the tanker ships on the ocean surface, they have hit a home run why mess this up with this additional "use cap as plug" plan. This additional plan is specifically to use this new cap like a plug, that is, as they close the vents on the new cap they won't be siphoning oil from the cap to tankers but rather just close the cap's vents and use the cap like a plug on the well.

This using the cap like a plug is unnecessarily risky because pressure will build up in the well when they take this action and could create other leaks through the oil well pipe in the ocean floor causing leaks that will emanate from the ocean floor that BP will not be able to siphon off and thus not be able to stop from causing ecological damage in the gulf. Even though the plan is to monitor the pressure in the new cap as BP closes the vents for drops in pressure that would signal a leak below the cap so they could start siphoning from the new cap to reduce the pressure and thus reduce the extent of this leak(s) from below the cap this plan is foolishly and unnecessarily risky, in another month at least one of the relief wells almost certainly will have reached the leaking well and facilitated the creation of a cement plug for this leaking well. What is uncontrovertably clear from media accounts of construction of this "Macondo" well is that for the portion of the well right below the ocean floor the well construction work was poorly done and improperly done, good judgement clearly calls for the conclusion that the cement work in between the well casing and the well pipe in this area cannot be classified as reliable, the condition of this cement work is unknown! So why is BP and the Whitehouse taking steps that rely on the integrity of this cement job which using the cap as a plug does, it is absolute foolishness! This cement may not fail quickly, it may fail slowly not setting off pressure alarms vis-a-vis pressure monitoring in the new cap and once it does fail and the subsequent new leak created finds a path to the surface of the ocean floor the game is over so to speak the damage to the ecology will not be able to be stopped. If BP uses this new cap like a plug causing high pressure to build-up in the well pipe and the blowout preventer and say what if their is a seismic disturbance (earthquake) in the well area this disturbance with the high pressure could easily cause a new leak in the well which would not be easy or possible to stop or mitigate! If one was cynical one could allege that the White House here was pursuing using the new cap as a plug for a "Public Relations" victory, in other words so they could tout to the American people they have plugged the oil well leak! If this is what their doing I hope luck is on their side because if it isn't and a new leak or leaks results it is a really lousy situation their leaving to the people of the Gulf!

I am completely unqualified to critique the engineering involved in this mess.

As is, I fear, everybody else INCLUDING the people tasked to fix the problem.

If these people TRULY knew what they were doing the leak would NOT have happened.

Sooner or later mankind's technological hubris will make some group of us a FATAL mistake.

I doubt this is the one, but this is NOT good, folks.

Hopefully it's a wakeup call leading enough of us to realize that GREED will make some people risk the health of the world for a few dollars more.

If, as we have been informed, BP had spend about $50 million more they'd have had the safeguards in place such that this would not have happened.

If that is true, the the board of BP and down the chain of command involved with that decision ough to be publically hanged, thei head put on pikes in WALL STREET as a warning to ohters who would risk the health of the WORLD to get rich.

And as to the players in GOVERNMENT who allowed BP to take these risks?

Their heads should be on pikes in front of the Congress.

This event is a perfect example of why CORPORACIDE ought to be something that government has available to it.

BP should be put down like a rabid dog, and its leaders ought to suffer personally for their decisions.

Its time to hold the master class responsible for their errors in judgement, too.

Of course that won't happen because its the masters who decide such things, isn't it?

We'll destroy the lives of nobodies for minor mistakes but if the master class destroys the GULF OF MEXICO, they get a pass on it.

And then we wonder why the world is going to hell?!

You shouldn't go through life in fear.
Obama's team is equally unqualified.
He deserves all the cracking back he gets on this one.
He must reap what he sowed.

The policies that gave BP liberty to do this happened under the reign of Cheyney, sport.

Remember those secret meeting people were going nuts complaining about where the oilocracy met with Cheyney to establish "energy policy"?

This disaster is one of the outcomes of that.

Obama and company are responsible for not counteracting that, but of course their plate got rather full rather quickly as the economic meltdown took over their attention.

But if your point was this was the COMBINED outcome stemming from BAD GOVERNMENT and BAD BUSINESS, then you and I are basically on the same page.

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