Boycott Israel

Citations of a Muslim hadith — or saying of the Prophet Muhammad — that calls for genocidal war against the Jews, antisemitic conspiracy theories of Jewish world domination and calls for jihad and martyrdom had all been deleted, the group said.

Furthermore, Israel is being depicted in a manner that is “more balanced and tolerant.”

RE: Boycott Israel
SUBTOPIC: A new Era with Israel of peace
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: The entire objective of all the many efforts placed on the Question of Palestine is → PEACE
! It is not a question of Arab Palestinian satisfaction; even if the 40 members of the European Parliament have not caught on yet. The members of the Arab League are seeing "peace" at the end of the tunnel, even if the European Law and World Trade Organization's Law has NOT caught-up to reality.


The conflict has been going on for so long, that many have forgotten what the UN purpose is... "To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace."
(Article ONE Subpara 2)

Once you go back to the principle purpose, it becomes clear that the continued incitement to violence and the continuous aggregation → contributes to the failure to achieve "peace," we see the, that projects like the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement have some extended agenda that subordinates "peace" and a principal purpose.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Boycott Israel
SUBTOPIC: A new Era with Israel of peace
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: The entire objective of all the many efforts placed on the Question of Palestine is → PEACE
! It is not a question of Arab Palestinian satisfaction; even if the 40 members of the European Parliament have not caught on yet. The members of the Arab League are seeing "peace" at the end of the tunnel, even if the European Law and World Trade Organization's Law has NOT caught-up to reality.


The conflict has been going on for so long, that many have forgotten what the UN purpose is... "To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace."
(Article ONE Subpara 2)

Once you go back to the principle purpose, it becomes clear that the continued incitement to violence and the continuous aggregation → contributes to the failure to achieve "peace," we see the, that projects like the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement have some extended agenda that subordinates "peace" and a principal purpose.


Most Respectfully,

Saudi media: “Palestinian” leaders perpetually reject peace to obtain foreign aid. “Lying, trickery, collecting money.”

When will the Palestinian man wake up?!
RE: Boycott Israel
SUBTOPIC: A new Era with Israel of peace
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: The entire objective of all the many efforts placed on the Question of Palestine is → PEACE
! It is not a question of Arab Palestinian satisfaction; even if the 40 members of the European Parliament have not caught on yet. The members of the Arab League are seeing "peace" at the end of the tunnel, even if the European Law and World Trade Organization's Law has NOT caught-up to reality.


The conflict has been going on for so long, that many have forgotten what the UN purpose is... "To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace."
(Article ONE Subpara 2)

Once you go back to the principle purpose, it becomes clear that the continued incitement to violence and the continuous aggregation → contributes to the failure to achieve "peace," we see the, that projects like the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement have some extended agenda that subordinates "peace" and a principal purpose.


Most Respectfully,
:confused-84: :dunno:
The Israel Boycott, Anti-Judaism, and the Giant Shrug

January 7, 2014 by Jackson Doughart



Ive long tried to understand the contemporary Lefts obsession with the Israeli-Palestinian dispute and its tunnel-visioned view of the matter, which categorizes all Israeli actions as evil and all Arab ones as an admirable fight against oppression. One should aim to find an explanation that does not rest on a fundamental hostility toward Jews; after all, the unfounded and premature attribution of bigotry to ones political opponents is normally the sign of a weak argument.

The best such explanation that I can come up with rests on the radical Lefts predilection for anti-Americanism, which resembles far more a political position than a form of bigotry. The problem, in their eyes, is not Israel per se but the fact that it is an ally of the Great Satan. There is some empirical support for this: even figures such as Noam Chomsky were not hostile to Israel in its early existence. The country was, as one recalls, founded primarily on the principles of democratic socialism and owed to Jewish Leftists for its establishment. Chomsky even lived in Israel on a kibbutz for a time. It was only when Israel aligned itself with the United States that it became complicit, in their view, with American imperialism, and hence dismissible on principle. The Lefts anti-Israelism could thus be chalked up to the decayed ideology of anti-colonialism, which has for decades been focuses squarely on American foreign policy.

Pretty much accurate; for the U.S. 'New Left' Burb Brats it's just fashionable and they think it's really really 'edgy n stuff' and for academics you'll be shunned by your peers. Here is a good article on it that will add some history to your observations.

Student Radicalization

During the Six Day War, the New Left definitively transformed its hitherto moderate pro-Arab positions into full support for Arab states and the Palestinians, and its fragile pro-Israeli attitudes dissolved into anti-Semitic slogans thinly disguised as "anti-imperialist" criticism of a "fascist state."

After 1967, however, not only the radicals but large parts of the German Left turned their backs on Israel. This went hand in hand with protests against the Vietnam War, against the conservative mainstream in Adenauer's Germany and afterward the "Great Coalition" that was headed from 1966 by Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger, a former member of the Nazi Party.6 The New Left also idealized Communist China and Ho Chi Minh, despite their involvement in mass murder against their own people.7

Well-known intellectuals who were more moderate leftists tried to dissuade the New Left from its extreme positions. Ernst Bloch, Jean Amery, Herbert Marcuse, Irving Fetscher, and Jean-Paul Sartre argued with the radicals and discouraged blind solidarity with the PLO, as opposed to legitimate criticism of Israeli policies. They warned that notions of Israel's annihilation were intolerable and linked to National Socialist ideology. However, they were not heeded by the radicals.8

The U.S. and it's affluent armchair radicals in the 1960's erroneously believed Europeans were all well educated and sophisticated n stuff, not being very bright and settled for aping the Euro Trash and their love for Pravda agit prop, and being on the leading edge of the vast social promotion scams and grade inflation colleges and universities implemented to get more Federal money critical thinking was pretty much tossed out the window at the same time it was from public schools in order to make black radicals happy. Now we have mostly halfwits with high self-esteem running around with worthless paper and thinking they're 'the best and brightest' or something.

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