Boy did the switch on the standard of living dim quickly


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Many people recognized a time would come where goods and services we once counted on would slow and surely become unaffordable, where the average guy simply cannot afford items that would become primarily a high-reaching luxury, such as new cars, RV, vacations, all the way down to coffee pots and the food you eat. It was easy to see that coming with technology, overpopulation, globalization, one-world order, limited resources, and resources controlled by the fewest possible.

Then COVID and communist one-world order expedited the situation. Try buying something nice these days, the more it's not considered a necessity the more progressive the inflation. Everything just went up up up, and whatever the govt. claims the inflation rate might be is BS.

Speaking for politics, move over Jimmy Carter with Democrat congress, the Biden admin. & this Congress makes that group look awesome.
The most precious metal you can own right now is lead. Get some.

If you have a ton of debt because you thought driving that new 65k SUV you couldn't afford was a good idea, well.....sorry. A lot of people are about to feel a lot of pain when it comes to finances. Shits gonna get real.
The most precious metal you can own right now is lead. Get some.

If you have a ton of debt because you thought driving that new 65k SUV you couldn't afford was a good idea, well.....sorry. A lot of people are about to feel a lot of pain when it comes to finances. Shits gonna get real.
The problem is that low- and middle-income people who spent beyond their means and borrowed to the hilt will cry, and liberals will “rescue” them with all sorts loan forgiveness programs. The middle-income people, who were financially responsible and did not overextend themselves, will be the ones will feel the pain in terms of high inflation.
..we were teetering on the edge and Biden gave us a MAJOR push over the edge......
He is destroying us from both ends. Bearing in mind that inflation results when too much money is chasing too few goods, he:

1) pumped tons of cash into the system, and wants to pump more

2) choked the supply side with new regulations and bribes to keep people from working (unloaded trucks and driving them to the POS)

The people running Biden are downright evil, and are pulling out all the stops to destroy America, and Americans.
Almost like they are going to try to force a $15 minimum wage out of spite even if that only buys you a gallon of gas
You are behind... $15 is so yesterday.
It's $18 now

$20 soon after that...
Finally we will be like China.... $,2000 an hour, and a loaf of bread cost $600

Exaggerating yes, but not really. Because as we can see $15 an hour today, is like $12 only about 5 years ago. Not enough... and so on and so on
You are behind... $15 is so yesterday.
It's $18 now

$20 soon after that...
Finally we will be like China.... $,2000 an hour, and a loaf of bread cost $600

Exaggerating yes, but not really. Because as we can see $15 an hour today, is like $12 only about 5 years ago. Not enough... and so on and so on
What happens to senior citizens who don’t work, and are paying a fortune in Assisted Living? Their expenses will skyrocket! But we all know that Marxists don’t care about the elderly - they no longer have value to society.
My grandma worked at Sears in the men's clothing department, my grandpa was a manager at a warehouse. They had food on the table, took turns buying a new car every 5 years, took a vacation once a year and retired comfortable.

Shame the days of working hard and enjoying your retirement are going away.
Shame the days of working hard and enjoying your retirement are going away.
Many of my peers have absolutely no sense of how to not spend money. If they're not wasting it on piles of stupid shit from Walmart or Target they're wasting it on going out to eat at expensive restaurants. I'm not talking about strictly poor people either. I know a successful nurse that lives paycheck to paycheck. What the fuck? How complicated is it to live within your means and save money?
My grandma worked at Sears in the men's clothing department, my grandpa was a manager at a warehouse. They had food on the table, took turns buying a new car every 5 years, took a vacation once a year and retired comfortable.

Shame the days of working hard and enjoying your retirement are going away.
All those things could have been kept stable. If run properly and not expanded more and more and run with sense. Pax America with borders taking care of ourselves could have run to perpetuity. Both owners and employees needed levity. Same with government and employees and people who collect benefits of any kind. Did not happen that way. But what we have seen in the las tyear or two is something compared to the most questionable events in our history.
Many people recognized a time would come where goods and services we once counted on would slow and surely become unaffordable, where the average guy simply cannot afford items that would become primarily a high-reaching luxury, such as new cars, RV, vacations, all the way down to coffee pots and the food you eat. It was easy to see that coming with technology, overpopulation, globalization, one-world order, limited resources, and resources controlled by the fewest possible.

Then COVID and communist one-world order expedited the situation. Try buying something nice these days, the more it's not considered a necessity the more progressive the inflation. Everything just went up up up, and whatever the govt. claims the inflation rate might be is BS.

Speaking for politics, move over Jimmy Carter with Democrat congress, the Biden admin. & this Congress makes that group look awesome.
Chinese communists learned with SARS-CoV-1. To keep knowledge of SARS-CoV-2 esoteric benefits communism, a sign of which is gaps on store shelves. Storch, Red Chicago: American Communism at its Grassroots, 1928-1935.
The problem is that low- and middle-income people who spent beyond their means and borrowed to the hilt will cry, and liberals will “rescue” them with all sorts loan forgiveness programs. The middle-income people, who were financially responsible and did not overextend themselves, will be the ones will feel the pain in terms of high inflation.
I see we still have idiots peddling the same lie from the post-9/11 crash.

Some people never learn.
I see we still have idiots peddling the same lie from the post-9/11 crash.

Some people never learn.
And another liberal jumps into the fray to call names, rather than debate the point. That’s how we know we’ve won the argument. You actually are going to deny that irresponsible people get the handouts, and responsible people - who saved - are left to pick up the pieces, amd cover the costs?

I cringe when welfare recipients pay for their groceries with their EBT cards, draped in thick gold chains. And these are the people whose food stamp allotment will increase to cover inflation, while self-supporting people have to make serious adjustments to survive Biden’s Inflation.
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My grandma worked at Sears in the men's clothing department, my grandpa was a manager at a warehouse. They had food on the table, took turns buying a new car every 5 years, took a vacation once a year and retired comfortable.

Shame the days of working hard and enjoying your retirement are going away.
My father retired from GM at 55 years old, my mother did not work.
We were raised in a nice 3 bdrm home, decent neighborhood etc.
Retired.... 55. The average age to retire in 1970 was 63. But plenty - PLENTY of people retired before that. 63 was the average.
Today... the average FULLY retired (you don't work at all) is now 68. But plenty of people work into their 70s now to help with costs.
Many people recognized a time would come where goods and services we once counted on would slow and surely become unaffordable, where the average guy simply cannot afford items that would become primarily a high-reaching luxury, such as new cars, RV, vacations, all the way down to coffee pots and the food you eat. It was easy to see that coming with technology, overpopulation, globalization, one-world order, limited resources, and resources controlled by the fewest possible.

Then COVID and communist one-world order expedited the situation. Try buying something nice these days, the more it's not considered a necessity the more progressive the inflation. Everything just went up up up, and whatever the govt. claims the inflation rate might be is BS.

Speaking for politics, move over Jimmy Carter with Democrat congress, the Biden admin. & this Congress makes that group look awesome.

Just lower your expectations....
The problem is that low- and middle-income people who spent beyond their means and borrowed to the hilt will cry, and liberals will “rescue” them with all sorts loan forgiveness programs. The middle-income people, who were financially responsible and did not overextend themselves, will be the ones will feel the pain in terms of high inflation.
no argument there. you speak the truth for sure.

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