Bowling for abortion!

The Bowl-a-Thon, according to a friendly, cheery explanation on the site, “is a nationwide series of local events that allows community members [you!] to captain your own bowling teams, participate in a kickass national event – and raise money to help pay for abortions in your community with your friendly neighborhood abortion fund.”

They continue, “For the 6th year in a row, abortion funds from across the country are raising money to make reproductive rights a reality for women who can’t afford to pay for an abortion—and this year we plan to break the fundraising records!”

So far the group has raised $206,708. Their goal is $600,000.

Sounds good to me.
The Bowl-a-Thon, according to a friendly, cheery explanation on the site, “is a nationwide series of local events that allows community members [you!] to captain your own bowling teams, participate in a kickass national event – and raise money to help pay for abortions in your community with your friendly neighborhood abortion fund.”

They continue, “For the 6th year in a row, abortion funds from across the country are raising money to make reproductive rights a reality for women who can’t afford to pay for an abortion—and this year we plan to break the fundraising records!”

So far the group has raised $206,708. Their goal is $600,000.

Sounds good to me.

I've already noticed your racist and eugenicist tenancies. . . .

The Bowl-a-Thon, according to a friendly, cheery explanation on the site, “is a nationwide series of local events that allows community members [you!] to captain your own bowling teams, participate in a kickass national event – and raise money to help pay for abortions in your community with your friendly neighborhood abortion fund.”

They continue, “For the 6th year in a row, abortion funds from across the country are raising money to make reproductive rights a reality for women who can’t afford to pay for an abortion—and this year we plan to break the fundraising records!”

So far the group has raised $206,708. Their goal is $600,000.

Sounds good to me.

I've already noticed your racist and eugenicist tenancies. . . .



How does equal rights for all women, regardless of income, equal "racism" and "eugenics"?

It doesn't. Try to stay on topic.
The Bowl-a-Thon, according to a friendly, cheery explanation on the site, “is a nationwide series of local events that allows community members [you!] to captain your own bowling teams, participate in a kickass national event – and raise money to help pay for abortions in your community with your friendly neighborhood abortion fund.”

They continue, “For the 6th year in a row, abortion funds from across the country are raising money to make reproductive rights a reality for women who can’t afford to pay for an abortion—and this year we plan to break the fundraising records!”

So far the group has raised $206,708. Their goal is $600,000.

Sounds good to me.

I've already noticed your racist and eugenicist tenancies. . . .



How does equal rights for all women, regardless of income, equal "racism" and "eugenics"?

It doesn't. Try to stay on topic.

If you are unfamiliar with who founded planned parenthood, and the movement to legalize aboartion, and the REAL reason why it was legalized, then there really is no reason for us to have a conversation. You are just plane ignorant.

It is the same reason why elite conservatives, both policy makers and judges, will NEVER abolish or curtail the "woman's right to choose." They WANT them terminating their pregnancies.

Now, if they could pass a law, that stated white women who come from homes with an average income over a quarter of a million a year that get pregnant aren't allowed to have an abortion, and get away with it? You bet, that would have been a law a long time ago. But since there is no way under the equal protections clause they could do that. . . . Live in your delusional world that this is for, "equal rights for all women, regardless of income."

These are the facts buddy. Social planners and societal engineers now have their evidence, there is no going back. Next step, euthanasia and infanticide.

Why do you think there is a fund raiser to make sure that the abortion supporters get those women who need to kill their babies the most get those abortions???
Who else would care so much but the eugenicists from hell?
Why do you think there is a fund raiser to make sure that the abortion supporters get those women who need to kill their babies the most get those abortions???
As a fact of law the embryo/fetus is not a 'baby,' where abortion is not 'killing babies' – this notion is ignorant idiocy.

Consequently, as a fact of law you're a demagogue and liar.

Women have the right to decide whether to have a child or not absent unwarranted interference by the state; that you and most others on the right seek to expand the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty comes as no surprise.

Last, this is occurring in the context of the private sector – private persons, private organization, private money; they're at liberty to raise and spend their money in any manner they wish, particularly with regard to something that is completely legal.
The Bowl-a-Thon, according to a friendly, cheery explanation on the site, “is a nationwide series of local events that allows community members [you!] to captain your own bowling teams, participate in a kickass national event – and raise money to help pay for abortions in your community with your friendly neighborhood abortion fund.”

They continue, “For the 6th year in a row, abortion funds from across the country are raising money to make reproductive rights a reality for women who can’t afford to pay for an abortion—and this year we plan to break the fundraising records!”

So far the group has raised $206,708. Their goal is $600,000.

Sounds good to me.

I've already noticed your racist and eugenicist tenancies. . . .



How does equal rights for all women, regardless of income, equal "racism" and "eugenics"?

It doesn't. Try to stay on topic.

If you are unfamiliar with who founded planned parenthood, and the movement to legalize aboartion, and the REAL reason why it was legalized, then there really is no reason for us to have a conversation. You are just plane ignorant.

It is the same reason why elite conservatives, both policy makers and judges, will NEVER abolish or curtail the "woman's right to choose." They WANT them terminating their pregnancies.

Now, if they could pass a law, that stated white women who come from homes with an average income over a quarter of a million a year that get pregnant aren't allowed to have an abortion, and get away with it? You bet, that would have been a law a long time ago. But since there is no way under the equal protections clause they could do that. . . . Live in your delusional world that this is for, "equal rights for all women, regardless of income."

These are the facts buddy. Social planners and societal engineers now have their evidence, there is no going back. Next step, euthanasia and infanticide.

First, you know very little about Margaret Sanger and you have decided you don't need to know more.

Second, its you who is being very racist by making this a black/white issue.

Most abortions are done in hospitals and for medical reasons but the who, what, why, where is not germane to this thread.

The thread is about making medical care equally available to all women, regardless of income.

If you want to discuss some other issue, go start a thread.

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