Boston has a few more inches of Global Warming


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Its a new record for snow in Boston.

You got to give these pinheads credit. They blame global warning for all the snow. If it doesn't snow enough, its global warming; and if it snows too much, its still global warming.

Meanwhile, a new story is breaking about some of the measurements used to "prove" global warming are fraudulent. I hope it will get some air time, but Obama is making such an ass out of himself right now...well thats the news right now.

They are freezing tonight at Harvard, but the chaps at Harvard more worried about how to work the Government for more money to study Global Warming.
i thought that global warming was going to be the end of all snow! just rain during the winter months and never ending tornados and hurricanes all summer.
and to think they grilled clinton over sex? congress needs to grill gore & kerry over global warming. they both have some esplaining to do.
Yep. Our son, DIL and grand kids live in Cambridge. More snow in less than a week than they usually get in a year.

We've had almost no winter, very warm, no snow. Not good.

Further proof of global climate change. Sadly, the dummies just won't pay attention to what's right in front of them and refuse to understand that weather and climate are two different things.
BTW, why isn't this in Environment?

Why does everything have to go into Politics or Current Events?

Oh wait - posted by the same low info types who don't know the difference between climate and weather.

Its a new record for snow in Boston.

You got to give these pinheads credit. They blame global warning for all the snow. If it doesn't snow enough, its global warming; and if it snows too much, its still global warming.

Meanwhile, a new story is breaking about some of the measurements used to "prove" global warming are fraudulent. I hope it will get some air time, but Obama is making such an ass out of himself right now...well thats the news right now.

They are freezing tonight at Harvard, but the chaps at Harvard more worried about how to work the Government for more money to study Global Warming.

:eusa_clap: Excellent.

Another armchair scientist who can't figure out the difference between climatic shift and last week's weather.

Gotta love the way they keep running the same play expecting different results.
That's so cute.
Yep. Our son, DIL and grand kids live in Cambridge. More snow in less than a week than they usually get in a year.

We've had almost no winter, very warm, no snow. Not good.

Further proof of global climate change. Sadly, the dummies just won't pay attention to what's right in front of them and refuse to understand that weather and climate are two different things.

Here too. Raining right now, was 67 yesterday. And I haven't seen a snowfall in three years. :crybaby:
Nuttley's son...Dil Neddite!!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:....But back to that freezing global warming......

Luddly, I assume that's you in your avatar, and you look just like I expected.

Here's the deal. The average American does not trust a bunch of pinheaded scientists in New England and London to tell us what the climate is going to do, when we know damn well it is money in their pocket if they find problems to be dealt with...and no money for them if everything is cool.

See Al Gore. Why would any rational person trust Al Gore or any climate shyster he hires?

Fuck Al Gore and all the similar frauds who are trying make money off a climate scare. They are all liars, and one of the punishments a liar must endure, is not being believed even if he happens to tell the truth.
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Yep. Our son, DIL and grand kids live in Cambridge. More snow in less than a week than they usually get in a year.

We've had almost no winter, very warm, no snow. Not good.

Further proof of global climate change. Sadly, the dummies just won't pay attention to what's right in front of them and refuse to understand that weather and climate are two different things.

Here too. Raining right now, was 67 yesterday. And I haven't seen a snowfall in three years. :crybaby:

I fear that too many off you Assholes and Pinheads, who obviously belong in some godforsaken place like New Jersey, have moved down South to get away from High Taxes, Crime & other Assholes & Pinheads...but you have brought your fucked up views with you, instead of learning what went wrong with your fucked up place.
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Yep. Our son, DIL and grand kids live in Cambridge. More snow in less than a week than they usually get in a year.

We've had almost no winter, very warm, no snow. Not good.

Further proof of global climate change. Sadly, the dummies just won't pay attention to what's right in front of them and refuse to understand that weather and climate are two different things.

Here too. Raining right now, was 67 yesterday. And I haven't seen a snowfall in three years. :crybaby:

I fear that too many off you Assholes and Pinheads, who obviously belong in some godforsaken place like New Jersey, have moved down South to get away from High Taxes, Crime & other Assholes & Pinheads...but you have brought your fucked up views with you, instead of learning what went wrong with your fucked up place.

Well since you ask, I moved North to get here after fucked up Katrina washed away my fucked up car and fucked up possessions. It's fucked up higher here and a lot quieter than a fucked up city.

I missed having fucked up seasons in New fucked up Orleans, but I am at a fucked up high enough fucked up altitude that my climate is -- yeah New fucked up Jersey would be about right except I'm way inland so more like Pennsylfuckedupvania.

Yet I haven't seen a snowfall in three winters now. That's fucked up.
Luddly, I assume that's you in your avatar, and you look just like I expected.

Here's the deal. The average American does not trust a bunch of pinheaded scientists in New England and London to tell us what the climate is going to do, when we know damn well it is money in their pocket if they find problems to be dealt with...and no money for them if everything is cool.

See Al Gore. Why would any rational person trust Al Gore or any climate shyster he hires?

Fuck Al Gore and all the similar frauds who are trying make money off a climate scare. They are all liars, and one of the punishments a liar must endure, is not being believed even if he happens to tell the truth.

I'm confuserated. Is this thread about climate now?
Because it started out about weather.

Luddly, I assume that's you in your avatar, and you look just like I expected.

Here's the deal. The average American does not trust a bunch of pinheaded scientists in New England and London to tell us what the climate is going to do, when we know damn well it is money in their pocket if they find problems to be dealt with...and no money for them if everything is cool.

See Al Gore. Why would any rational person trust Al Gore or any climate shyster he hires?

Fuck Al Gore and all the similar frauds who are trying make money off a climate scare. They are all liars, and one of the punishments a liar must endure, is not being believed even if he happens to tell the truth.

I'm confuserated. Is this thread about climate now?
Because it started out about weather.


MACAULAY can't tell the difference between climate and weather any more than he can recognize the dunderhead, Mike (The Huckster) Huckabee in my avi, even though he would cheerfully vote for him.
Luddly, I assume that's you in your avatar, and you look just like I expected.

Here's the deal. The average American does not trust a bunch of pinheaded scientists in New England and London to tell us what the climate is going to do, when we know damn well it is money in their pocket if they find problems to be dealt with...and no money for them if everything is cool.

See Al Gore. Why would any rational person trust Al Gore or any climate shyster he hires?

Fuck Al Gore and all the similar frauds who are trying make money off a climate scare. They are all liars, and one of the punishments a liar must endure, is not being believed even if he happens to tell the truth.

Riiiight because the way to make money off climate is certainly not anything remotely resembling hiring tobacco deniers to spread rhetorical shit like this across the internets so you can continue spewing industrial shit into the environment.

I'm gonna go way out on a limb and guess you're not an economist. Amirite?

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