Border Patrol Agent Releases Stunning Photos of Illegals “Allowed to Fly on Domestic Airlines Without Proper ID”


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Traitor Joe©™ and his Junta at work.

Located in Laredo, Texas, Hector Garza was instrumental in getting the border under control during President Trump’s term. He met with President Trump as Border Patrol Union President.

Once again, Illegal Aliens Allowed to Fly on Domestic Airliners Without Proper ID – Hector Garza.

The aliens who are getting released on their own recognizance under Biden’s CATCH&RELEASE policies are being allowed to board and travel commercial airliners by simply showing their Notice to Appear forms.
The federal government is allowing them to travel commercially using the NOTICE TO APPEAR paperwork that could easily be reproduced or manipulated on any home computer.

The Notice to Appear form (see below) has no photo; anyone can make one and manipulate one. They do not have any security features, no watermark, nothing. They are simply printed on standard copy paper based on the information the illegal alien says is the truth.
The fact that TSA is accepting the I-862 (Notice to Appear) as a form of identification and allowing illegal aliens to travel commercially shows just how little regard the Biden administration has for our immigration laws and domestic flights.

The threat this poses from terrorists upon the American people is absolutely unacceptable. Central Americans are not the only people crossing our border and being released.


There is nothing we can do about it. NOTHING. All we CAN do is wait for those who wanted Biden in, to reap the non rewards that will soon affect THEM. Then nothing can still be done about it. The only thing that could, would be our military saying enough is enough and stand by their oaths no matter what their corrupt generals say. But they won't. So....all anyone can do is deal with it the best they can.

The USA is going down. Period.


No ID, positive for COVID? Come to American, Xiden will give you an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the United States
Rules and laws don't apply to illegals. They can simply walk up to a border crossing, claim to be someone, get a notice to appear in court and poof free Airfare to wherever and never to be heard from again.
Wait till the rest of America gets an eyeful of what that stuttering fuck has done on the border. These illegals cost we taxpayers billions each year. Most Americans want them all out of our country. Leave it to the idiot Dems to let them in.

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