BOMBSHELL REPORT: IRS Targeted ‘Icky’ Conservative Groups

Cops don't do that. They pull people over because of their suspicious behavior. The idea that cops are out to persecute black people is simply absurd. A lot of cops are black people.

Yeah, I got a black friend who tells me he gets pulled over at least once a month. They even have a term for it. "DWB" Driving while Black.
You're lying. You don't have any friends.
Actually none of thayt is true.
Those groups existed long before CU. CU merely said that such groups could run political ads. The IRS already had regs in place for the different types of groups.

Most of these groups were new. Some of them tried to hide behind the 501C(4) exemption, but they weren't entitled to it.

So what are you fighting for here, exactly? Do you think it's a good thing that rich people can buy our political process?
Of all the scandals dogging the Obama Adminisration, this is the one that will kill it:

BOMBSHELL REPORT IRS Targeted Icky Conservative Groups The Daily Caller

Top IRS officials specifically targeted tea party groups and misled the public about its secret political targeting program led by ex-official Lois Lerner, according to a bombshell new congressional report.

The Daily Caller has obtained an advance copy of a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee report set to be released Tuesday morning that definitively proves malicious intent by the IRS to improperly block conservative groups that an IRS adviser deemed “icky.” (That’s right. “Icky.”)

“The Committee has identified eight senior leaders who were in a position to prevent or to stop the IRS’s targeting of conservative applicants,” the Oversight report states. “Each of these leaders could have and should have done more to prevent the IRS’s targeting of conservative tax-exempt applicants.”

Here are six major takeaways from the report:

1. The IRS admitted that the front office was “spinning” about the targeting rumors as early as 2012, after IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman denied the tea party targeting to Congress.
Hmmm, icky assholes. Doesn't really narrow the field of conservative groups down very much. Pretty much pegs all of them.
Actually none of thayt is true.
Those groups existed long before CU. CU merely said that such groups could run political ads. The IRS already had regs in place for the different types of groups.

Most of these groups were new. Some of them tried to hide behind the 501C(4) exemption, but they weren't entitled to it.

So what are you fighting for here, exactly? Do you think it's a good thing that rich people can buy our political process?
The groups themselves yes. But other similar ones were long in existence.
They were certainly entitled to those exemptions. No one, not even at the IRS, has made the claims you are making.
As for rich people, you obviously missed the entire meaning of Citizens United, which was that poorer citizens could unite to pool their money to counteract the effects of rich entities buying advertising.
So you are completely ignorant and ill informed and of course are pushing for the opposite of what you say you want. What a surprise.
As for rich people, you obviously missed the entire meaning of Citizens United, which was that poorer citizens could unite to pool their money to counteract the effects of rich entities buying advertising.
So you are completely ignorant and ill informed and of course are pushing for the opposite of what you say you want. What a surprise.

That's horseshit. What it did was allow guys like the Koch Brothers adn Soros to use straw groups to hide their involvement.

It screams why we need real campaign finance reform.
How convenient. So we can't apply the same standard now that was applied to them. It's OK if they broke the law since they weren't enforcing it then. Is that what you're saying?

I'm saying that before the batshit crazy that was the Citizen's United Decision, no one was going to try to do what the Teabaggers did after 2008.

Citizen's United opened the doors to creating these kinds of groups, and then left it up to the IRS to figure out which ones were really political groups and which ones were really social welfare agencies.

Well, you're wrong, because Media Matters was already one of those kinds of groups. It's overtly political and biased. The same goes for ThinkProgress and dozens of others.

The fact is that you don't give a rats ass about leftwing groups doing exactly what you attack rightwing groups for doing. You're a hypocrite the size of the Hindenburg.
Hmmm, no, they admitted they were targeting TEA party groups, which is against the law.

Actually, it was against the law for Tea Party groups to claim to be Social Welfare Agencies to hide their donors.

It's kind of like whining I didn't have a search warrant when I busted your meth lab!

If the cops don't have a warrant, then a judge throws the case out.

Which doesn't mean you weren't making Crystal Meth. That's my point.

It does mean the government has no authority to prosecute you. Likewise, it has no authority to deny TEA party groups their 501 status.

The initial wrong is the Teabaggers trying to defraud the IRS to hide their donors. The IRS instead of doing what they should have done, put on extra bodies and extra manhours to make the case stick that they were abusing the code, took shortcuts like if you put things like "Tea Party" or "Patriot" in your title, you were more likely to be one of these loons who is upset Obama Cut your taxes.

If the TEA Party groups are defrauding the IRS, then so are dozens of leftwing 501 groups, and you clearly stated that you don't give a rat's ass about them. We don't see you demanding that the IRS go after Media Matters. Until you do, your credibility is zero.
As for rich people, you obviously missed the entire meaning of Citizens United, which was that poorer citizens could unite to pool their money to counteract the effects of rich entities buying advertising.
So you are completely ignorant and ill informed and of course are pushing for the opposite of what you say you want. What a surprise.

That's horseshit. What it did was allow guys like the Koch Brothers adn Soros to use straw groups to hide their involvement.

Leftwing groups have been doing that for years. Ever heard of the Tides Foundation?

Your crocodile tears aren't fooling anyone.

It screams why we need real campaign finance reform.

No, it screams that we need real freedom of speech and to abolish the IRS.
Well, you're wrong, because Media Matters was already one of those kinds of groups. It's overtly political and biased. The same goes for ThinkProgress and dozens of others.

The fact is that you don't give a rats ass about leftwing groups doing exactly what you attack rightwing groups for doing. You're a hypocrite the size of the Hindenburg.

Media Matters doesn't advocate for candidates. It just points out the lies that regularly come out of Faux News and Hate Radio, which is pretty much a full time job.
Well, you're wrong, because Media Matters was already one of those kinds of groups. It's overtly political and biased. The same goes for ThinkProgress and dozens of others.

The fact is that you don't give a rats ass about leftwing groups doing exactly what you attack rightwing groups for doing. You're a hypocrite the size of the Hindenburg.

Media Matters doesn't advocate for candidates. It just points out the lies that regularly come out of Faux News and Hate Radio, which is pretty much a full time job.

It's just a coincidence that they attack only right-wing sources, right? Aside from the slant of the content, how is Media Matters any different than Americans for Prosperity?
No, it screams that we need real freedom of speech and to abolish the IRS.

Real freedom of speech means the poor should have as much access to the media as the rich.

They don't.

Hmmmm . . no, that might be called "equality of speech," but it couldn't rightly be called "freedom of speech." The later requires that government simply butt out when people are speaking, no matter who they are, how much money they are spending or the content of their speech.

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